By A. Shaw
“Banks are too big to fail, their CEOs are too big to jail ” exemplifies Bernie’s political genius.
Philistines will never see anything other than the ordinary, but there it is. Right there before your eyes.
If banks can’t fail, then CEOs can’t fail, no matter how much CEOs steal from their banks.
If the CEOs can’t fail, then CEOs are “entitled” to live off of taxpaying suckers forever.
Bernie tells it like it is, not like it was in the good old days.
What is – now – is taxpaying suckers are being robbed by the entitled rich, not by the poor.
How can the rich fail, when the patience of taxpaying suckers is endless.
So far, the Bernie’s genius is confined to the pages of the petty bourgeois and proletarian media. The big bourgeois press – or, more correctly, the lying cappie press –  ignores Bernie’s grand slams.
But the electorate craves at least one live candidate for the White House, not these dead souls that parade before the voter, cadavers marching into the inferno.