Category: Ukraine
| April 30, 2017 | 3:50 pm | class struggle, Imperialism, PAME, Russia, Syria, Ukraine | Comments closed

Sunday, April 30, 2017

With the workers of all countries, for a world without exploitation, wars, and refugees.
This 1st of May we are in the eye of the imperialist storm. The outbreaks of armed conflicts are spreading through from Ukraine to the Black Sea, the Balkans, the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa.
Powerful forces are involved in the competitions, such as the United States, the EU, Russia with the active participations of the governments of our countries in for the control of oil, natural gas, the roads of energy transfer, markets, in the interest of the monopoly groups.
The war in Syria, which has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and turned millions of others into refugees, is the result of intra-imperialist competitions, a multiform imperialist intervention. It shows how capitalism, which increases the wealth for a “handful” of exploiters, at the same time, it creates crisis, social problems, war, refugees, with devastating consequences for millions of workers.
The imperialists divide the world with the blood of the people; they create nationalist rivalries among the peoples.
The Balkans have experienced the bloody and destructive dissolution of countries by imperialist war, the change of borders.
NATO army and fleet spread over from the Baltic to the Balkans, the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean, defending the interests of this “alliance of wolves”, the interests of its monopolies in the area against their competitors.
The all-out attack which condemns the working classes in every country in unemployment, poverty and misery, is the one side of the coin of class policy.
The other side is the unfair imperialist war, which they wage in the interests of large monopoly groups.
Faced with the possibility of a widespread military conflict in our region, we build a wall of protection for the working class of our countries, for our people, in joint action and solidarity between the peoples and with the Trade Unions in the first line of this fight.
We fight for all of our rights, demanding the satisfaction of the contemporary needs of working-class families. We are fighting against exploitation and against our exploiters.
This fight is inextricably connected with the fight against any participation of our countries in the war prepared by our exploiters with their power, their governments and their alliances with USA – NATO – EU, against the workers in other countries.
The bourgeoisie promotes their class interest for profits as “national interest” both in times of “peace” and war.
We will not bleed for their profits; we will not become meat in their cannons.
There is nothing to divide among the working classes of other countries, among other people. On the contrary, we are united by the common interest of fighting for a life without riches and poverty, without bosses, this is the life that belongs to us.
That is why we are fighting for:
  • No involvement in the imperialist interventions and wars outside the borders. No involvement in the slaughterhouses of NATO and the EU.
  • Closure of all foreign military bases. NATO Out from the Aegean Sea and the Balkans.
  • No involvement in any capitalist political-military alliance.
  • Against the change of borders and the change of treaties that guarantee them.
  • Against the abolition of trade unions rights and other freedoms.
  • We say no to war expenditure for military action outside the borders, we demand funding to satisfy the needs of the working class, of workers’ families.
  • Against nationalism, racism, chauvinism.
  • Solidarity with refugees, migrants, solidarity to all people.
We Do Not Stand Behind The Foreign And Hostile To Us Flag Of The Capitalists And Their Allies. We Raise The Flag Of The Interests Of The Working Class.
We Are Fighting Against The Unjust Wars, To Eliminate What Causes Them.
Solidarity Is The Weapon Of Peoples.
Currently signed by:
PAME- Greece
Nakliyat Is – Turkey
Sosyal Is – Turkey
Birlesik Metal Is – Turkey
Autonomous Trade Union of Employees in Agriculture, Food, Tobacco Industry – Serbia 
SLOGA – Serbia
GFTU –Syria
WUCP – Palestine
Left Bloc – Austria
Cyprus – KTOEOS
USB – Italy
SGB – Italy
Party of Communists, USA: Statement of the PCUSA Peace and Solidarity Commission on Global War

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Party of Communists, USA: Statement of the PCUSA Peace and Solidarity Commission on Global War
Statement of the PCUSA Peace and Solidarity Commission on Global War.
US imperialist aggression and military preparations throughout the world are solely menacing an imminent outbreak of WWIII. All its desperate confrontational maneuvers in every embroiled theatre, whether through a growing number of European states to threaten the Russian Federation, or in Syria, Iraq or Yemen, on the Korean Peninsula or in the South China Sea threatening China, are toward that unified (rationally unthinkable) strategic objective.
US provocative actions globally are one in purpose; they are not at all comprehensible as interventions in separate conflicts. US disturbance in other countries is posed conjunction with its major front, NATO, through US inspired neo-Nazi movements in several European countries (notably the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Romania); with its highly reactionary regional vassal states in Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Persian Gulf principalities), with its subordinates in Asia (Japan, South Korea, and Australia); by its promotion of civil unrest in Latin America (prominently in Venezuela at the moment); and by its rapidly increasing militarization of the Artic in conjunction with its servant Canada.
US military and political involvement raising protracted regional tensions has instigated violent crises in several countries in both hemispheres, whether by wars of indirect or direct aggression or subterfuge. Intervention is simply an empty pretext: it is not predicated on independent or pre-existing civil conflicts in other countries or propagandistically imagined threats to the peace of the world by other states. Neo-Nazi movements in Europe would not exist without US organization and funding for previously suppressed and dispersed criminal elements in those societies. There is no civil war in Syria, inherently a stable, secular society and republic, not divided ethnically or religiously. The war there is one of indirect aggression on the part of the US since 2011 through brutally barbaric foreign mercenary terrorists, not Syrian rebels, from over 80 countries, ostensibly seeking to impose a theocratic autocracy but serving as a purely invented rationale for intended US-Saudi-Turkish partition of Syria. Indirect aggression and the pursuit of pretext for intervention leads of false flag operations, such as the sarin gas attack in Syria in 2013 and the currently alleged sarin gas attack in that country, when the known supplies for sarin gas to US-backed terrorist elements in Syria is coming from NATO through Turkey. The struggle in Yemen is not one of an Iran allied Houthi minority posing a threat against a US ally, the Absolute Monarchy of Saudi Arabia, but the opposite: a national resistance struggle of all popular democratic forces in Yemen against US-Saudi imperialist aggression. Oppositional elements in Venezuela are being directly organized and funded by the US, which would otherwise have no power to disturb the political order of that popular Bolivarian state. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, seeking only to defend itself from constant US threats for its destruction throughout its existence after an artificially US imposed partition empowering Japanese collaborationists among Korean capitalists and landlords against the unified Korean anti-imperialist resistance, is being demonized absurdly as if a representing a threat of global aggression. All conflicts threatening the peace of the world today have been instigated or contrived by US imperialism, which are being resisted at national levels by popular and progressive forces in the different forms confronted.
The political style of US aggression, whether conducted at the sole initiative of the presidency or with the consent of the Congress (by either declarations of war or authorizations for the use of force), is not the issue: US imperialist designs now threatening WWIII are. The constitutional question is a serious misdirection of the US peace movement. From 1812, the Congress of the United States has overwhelming supported all US wars, whether apparently defensive or aggressive. The US Congress today is fully behind all current US wars of indirect aggression and of military strike build-up throughout the world. Formal declarations of war or stronger resolutions of authorization will only give the appearance of popular support for continued and intensified aggression that does not exist and provide a pretext for treating opposition as treasonous, as is already occurring within the government under the anti-Russia hysteria generated during and since the 2016 US presidential elections.
What needs urgently to be done as a first step to stop US imperialist aggression in the world is the illegalization by the General Assembly of the United Nations of all wars of indirect aggression, as the Soviet representative to the League of Nations, Maxim Litvinov, appealed for prior to WWII but failed to achieve, and of any moves outside the UN framework to disarm other states. The Peace and Solidarity Commission of the Party of Communists, USA, calls on all domestic peace and anti-imperialist organizations to support the illegalization in international law of wars of indirect aggression and to support universal disarmament by negotiations under multilateral treaties (the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in particular), and the illegalization of any show of force by one state to compel other states to disarm.
Perpetual Wars: US Democracy Experiencing Deep Systemic Crisis
| October 5, 2016 | 8:35 pm | Analysis, Iran, Iraq, political struggle, Syria, Ukraine, war profiteering | Comments closed
21:11 05.10.2016(updated 21:13 05.10.2016)
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American democracy is experiencing a deep systemic crisis, Russian political analyst Anton Khashchenko noted, adding that Washington’s interventionist foreign policy has become an instrument for manipulating the American people. The recent developments, including the US’ “accidental” air strike against the Syrian Arab Army positions near Deir ez-Zor and Washington’s unilateral disruption of Russo-American cooperation on Syria, may have brought the world one step closer to a potential global conflict, Russian political analyst Anton Khashchenko assessed in his article for Izvestia newspaper. According to the political analyst, similarly, NATO’s ongoing military buildup along the perimeter of Russia’s borders has not only reflected the US military-industrial complex’s efforts to replenish its budget but could have been a preparation for a potential X-Day. “I believe that those who link toughening rhetoric [towards Russia] of Washington (as well as its governmental and non-governmental partners) to their struggle to increase their own budgets are right. It is obvious that every department is seeking to bite off a meatier piece while the country’s major fiscal document for 2017 is being discussed. The Pentagon needs to increase military expenditures, while curators of various non-commercial organizations and mass media [struggle to increase] the propaganda spending. In this context Russia as a major threat and Syria as a hotbed are excellent ‘horrors’ to scare the pants off congressmen and voters,” Khashchenko suggested. However, according to the political analyst, there is yet another reason for US decision-makers and their subservient think tanks and mass media sources to raise the alarm. Khashchenko argues that at the root of Washington’s expansionist foreign policy lie domestic economic, political and social problems, threatening to engulf the US. Citing research, the analyst pointed out that ordinary Americans do not seem satisfied with Washington’s domestic policies. For instance, almost 57 percent of US citizens believe that a third major US political party is needed, while only 37 percent say that the existing two parties do represent the American people. Remarkably, in 2008 and 2012, “less than half favored a third party,” Gallup reported. Meanwhile, Americans’ trust in political leaders is “at new lows.” “Americans’ trust in their political leaders and in the American people themselves to make political decisions continues to decline,” the report read stressing that the percentages of those trusting political leaders “are down roughly 20 percentage points since 2004.” The pollsters have signaled ahead of the November presidential election that “the economy, dissatisfaction with government and unemployment are the issues [Americans] see as most pressing for the country.” Furthermore, as a July study indicated, the majority of Americans believe that major donors and lobbyists have an overwhelming influence on how members of US Congress vote on legislation. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, according to Khashchenko. The Russian analyst underscored that the figures clearly indicate that the US’ political system is experiencing a deep systemic crisis. Predictably, US policymakers consider America’s expansionist foreign policy the only way to divert public attention from the burning domestic issues. “Therefore Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, Libya and other [US overseas campaigns]… are the survival precondition for the American democracy,” he believes. However, as US investigative journalist James Carden recently remarked in his op-ed for The Nation, a military solution is “not a way forward.” On October 2, 2016, an alert memorandum for President Obama signed by a group of ex-US intelligence officials was published on website. Former CIA and NSA officials warned the US president against escalating tensions with Russia over Syria. They quoted Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova who said, while speaking to a Russian broadcaster, that if Washington launches a direct aggression against Damascus, “it would cause a terrible, tectonic shift not only in the country, but in the entire region.” “The door to further negotiations remains ajar. In recent days, officials of the Russian foreign and defense ministries, as well as President Putin’s spokesman, have carefully avoided shutting that door… Therefore, we strongly recommend that you invite President Putin to meet with you in a mutually convenient place, in order to try to sort things out and prevent still worse for the people of Syria,” the former intelligence officials wrote. “In the wake of the carnage of World War II, Winston Churchill made an observation that is equally applicable to our 21st Century: ‘To jaw, jaw, jaw, is better than to war, war, war,'” they stressed.

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| May 24, 2016 | 8:40 pm | political struggle, Russia, Ukraine | Comments closed

The Events in the Donbass

The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette” appeals to the progressive public all over the world, especially to the proletariat and the Marxist-Leninist forces, to provide support to the oppressed masses of Donbass, who have organized themselves into an armed people’s militia on the territory of the proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic, in the fight against direct military aggression of the Ukrainian army and the Ukrainian nationalist gangs of the puppet Kiev regime, representing the interests of US imperialism and Western Europe, and at the same time help to expose the reactionary selfish class essence of the Russian imperialists and their puppets from among the bourgeois forces of Donbass, as well as “volunteers” from among Russian nationalists .

The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette” calls on the progressive public all over the world, especially the proletariat and the Marxist-Leninist forces, to use all available measures of public pressure on the United Nations and the governments of their respective countries in order to:

  1. Take decisive action to end the hostilities in Donbass and the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army beyond the administrative borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The agreed terms of the Minsk armistice agreements in the region are just temporary and unstable measures to end the bloodshed in the territory of Donbass. The next step in ensuring the transition from truce to peace, should be the withdrawal of the Ukrainian army and the expulsion of various “volunteer” armed gangs out of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
  2. Compel the instigators of the devastating war in the Donbass, US and Western European imperialists, the Russian imperialists and their puppets, the Ukrainian government and the bourgeoisie of Donbass, to unconditionally and fully restore the war-shattered industrial and agricultural facilities of Donbass, housing and communal structures, repair the damage caused by war, and compensate the families of the killed and injured citizens of Donbass and the like.

The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette” recommends that the population of Donbass re-elect the authorities under the control of the People’s Militia without any outside interference. We recommend, in these elections, to deprive all the volunteers and those residents who at the time of the elections are out of the territory of Donbass and do not live there permanently of the right to vote and be elected. We recommend conducting elections according to the proportional social and class principle, that is, the organs of power must include the workers’ militia, the intelligentsia, the petty bourgeoisie, officials and other segments of the population in proportion to their quantitative presence as that would constitute real democratization of power in the Donbas.

“The Militia constitutes military formations, created during the war, of the civilian population which is not in military service…”  TSB, 3rd ed. 1974, Vol. 18, pp. 430.

The Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette” recommends not to dissolve and disarm the people’s militia until a full and democratic resolution of the status of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic is achieved, and to form a people’s militia and other security forces on the basis of an armed people’s militia, as well as of fully armed troops for the protection of the borders of these People’s Republics.

The decision of the administrative and public affairs is an internal affair of the population and the newly elected government of Donbass.

Editorial Board of the “Proletarian Gazette”


Neo-Nazi thugs confronted by socialists
| March 20, 2016 | 7:08 pm | Discrimination against communists, political struggle, Ukraine | Comments closed

Focus on Ukraine – fascist militias, civil war & economic chaos

New wave of anti-communist hysteria in the Ukraine
| April 3, 2015 | 10:46 pm | Party Voices, political struggle, Ukraine | Comments closed

CP of Ukraine, New wave of anti-communist hysteria and repressions was initiated by the Ukrainian government, Thursday, 02 April 2015 13:48 Communist Party of Ukraine

The Communist Party of Ukraine informs that today, April 1, 2015, the Security Service of Ukraine initiated prosecution of the leader of Ukrainian communists Petro Symonenko on fabricated and false charges.

The Head of the Security Service Valentin Nalyvaychenko stated through media about the alleged involvement of members of the Communist Party in terrorist activities. Petro Symonenko was also accused of illegal[ly] obtaining of Russian citizenship, of involvement in the administration of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and of hiding in Russia.

The Communist Party of Ukraine states that all such charges are insinuations aimed to decapitate the leftist movement in Ukraine, to destroy its organizationally and transform it from the real opposition to the regime of junta into “pocket opposition”.

We understand that the forces are unequal and appeal to our colleagues in the leftist movement, to the communist and workers’ parties of Europe, to the members of the EU Parliament and PACE to support our struggle to stop the war in Ukraine and against the establishment of a fascist dictatorship.

We remind that the “brown plague” of fascism unleashed the carnage of World War II with the ban Communists.

If we don’t stop fascism in Ukraine today, fire of war breaks out in Europe tomorrow!

Communist Party of Ukraine

Central Committee

Department for the International Relations