April 1, 2015
Source: AVN
Caracas, 01 Abr. AVN.- The campaign Venezuela is no a threat, we are hope, promoted by the Venezuelan people, has exceeded 6,200,000 signatures collected until Tuesday to require the US government to repeal the decree, which considers the homeland of Bolivar a “unusual threat” to national security, said Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, from Falcon state.
During the broadcast of his weekly show In Touch with Maduro, President announced that this figure is approaching 10 million signatures. The government expects to gather them before April 10, to deliver them at the 7th Summit of the Americas, to be held in Panama on 10-11 April.
“We exceeded 6 million 200 thousand signatures, which are wills of men, women, youth, workers, peasants, farmers, singers, artists, sportsmen,” he said.
He also said that during Easter, organized communities will go to tourist sites to collect signatures, for all Venezuelans to have a chance to defend their homeland of imperial attacks.
Venezuelans can also sign their names through the web site wwww.obamaderogaeldecretoya.org.ve.
“I think the threat of Obama has awakened within people the greatest love for what we are doing for our country,” said the President, noting the massive participation of the Venezuelan people to defend their sovereignty and self-determination.
AVN 01/04/2015 10:31