Category: WFTU
A song for the Workers by Keyanna Celina
| November 15, 2017 | 8:07 pm | WFTU | Comments closed

| June 24, 2017 | 2:39 pm | class struggle, Greece, Imperialism, PAME, political struggle, WFTU | Comments closed

| June 24, 2017 | 2:36 pm | Greece, Imperialism, PAME, political struggle, WFTU | Comments closed

The USA role and the bombings in Syria
| April 9, 2017 | 2:26 pm | Analysis, Donald Trump, political struggle, WFTU | Comments closed

It is known all over the world that the USA, the European Union, Turkey and the Gulf monarchies have founded, financed and armed the ISIS. Their goal was dismembering Syria and founding new puppet states in order to steal the region’s wealth.

Today, with the USA bombings against Syria, the government of Trump continues the policy of the previous Presidents. Through these bombings, it supports the ISIS. It makes the situation even more dangerous for a generalized war.

The class-oriented trade union movement demands:

The foreign troops to leave the Region

To stop the imperialist intervention against Syria and the whole Middle East

The wealth-producing resources of Syria belong to its people.

The peoples of the Region are the only ones who have the right to decide freely and democratically on their present and future.

to stop chemical weapons use by everybody

The Secretariat

WFTU supports the Roofers Union
| December 28, 2016 | 9:53 pm | Labor, WFTU | Comments closed

The World Federation of Trade Unions representing more than 92 million affiliated workers, in every corner of the world expresses its solidarity to the Roofers trade Union and its Head Cliff Smith for his unfair prosecution and arrest.

We salute the militant stance of comrade Cliff Smith who is struggling for the benefits of the workers in their workplaces and their communities. We strongly condemn his arrest for his trade union activity. His prosecution is proving that the capitalists laws are made to guard their profitability and can turn against the militant workers when they’re fighting for their rights.

The WFTU calls all its affiliated organisations to show their solidarity to the WFTU cadre, Cliff Smith and demands from the USA court to drop all the unfair charges against his trade union activity.

The Secretariat

17th World Trade Union Congress: WFTU Video Report
| November 13, 2016 | 8:30 pm | Analysis, class struggle, Imperialism, Labor, political struggle, WFTU | Comments closed

WFTU Report in Numbers 2011-2016
| July 4, 2016 | 9:18 pm | WFTU | Comments closed