As our National Convention gets closer, there is plenty of convention related material to read, view and act on. Visit our webpage to see all the written contributions.

If you didn’t see the March 30 video presentation on peace and international issues by People’s World co-editor Sue Webb, it is an outstanding presentation you won’t want to miss.

Still another video presentation was an historic first for our Party. Juan Lopez, chair of the Northern California region of our Party, spoke in Spanish on our main discussion documents. Be sure to forward it to your Spanish speaking friends.

Save the date: The next video presentation will be on Tuesday April 27 at 8:00 pm Eastern. Scott Marshall, the Communist Party Labor Secretary will discuss the work being done to build the movement for jobs. We want you to call in with your questions and experiences in building this all important movement.

New this week are two special reports to the National Board of the Communist Party that add to the pre-convention discussion by analyzing key racially and nationally oppressed communities in our country. Jarvis Tyner contributed a document on African American Equality and Rosalio Muñoz contributed a presentation on Mexican American Equality. Both or worthy of reading and discussing locally.