The annual IWD march begins at 1:00 pm at Portage Place mall, near the escalators, and ends at the Union Centre.
Event page:

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Dear Friends and Comrades,

On International Women’s Day, the Communist Party sends greetings and solidarity to all women in their struggles for equality and a fair society. Started by working class, socialist women in 1911, IWD has become a national holiday in many countries – a paid, statutory holiday, but not in Canada and the United States.

It was a utopian socialist, Charles Fourier, who was the “first to declare that in any given society the degree of woman’s emancipation is the natural measure of the general emancipation” (Engels).

The position of women here helps explain why North America is the bulwark of reaction and militarism in global politics, as much as our governments try to portray our countries as brimming over with human rights.

In Solidarity,
Darrell Rankin
Manitoba office, Communist Party of Canada