By James Thompson


Led by lame-duck Texas Governor and buffoon-in-chief Rick Perry, the Republican clowns are running amok in their effort to win the hearts and minds (and campaign contributions) of the 1% while alienating the rest of us. The Republican candidate for Texas Governor is Greg Abbott. It is hard to imagine a sector of the population besides the wealthiest of the wealthy that he has not attacked viciously. Most of his campaign contributors are listed among Forbes magazine’s list of billionaires.


Abbott and the rest of the Texas Republican gang have railed against immigrants. Nut case rocker Ted Nugent indicated in one interview that he favored shooting people as they crossed the US border. Ted Nugent is a major fundraiser for Greg Abbott. Abbott has not yet repudiated his ugly, vile hateful rhetoric. Nut case candidate for Lt. Gov., Dan Patrick, has made his major campaign theme “securing the Texas border.” The ugliest of the ugly Republicans have even alleged that immigrants “could” bring the Ebola virus to Texas. The word “could” is fairly loose and, of course, a similar case could be made that billionaires “could” bring the Ebola virus to Texas. Interestingly, Texas Republicans don’t go there. Instead, they fight to make Texas safe for hysteria.


Ted Nugent also has a long history of hatred towards women. Abbott has fought hard to roll back the clock on women’s reproductive rights.


Ted Nugent once referred to our current president as a “subhuman mongrel” and was called out because this is a phrase that was frequently used by the Nazis to characterize sectors of the population they persecuted. Most people understand that this is not a coincidence that Nugent used this phrase.


According to the Wendy Davis (Democratic party candidate for Governor of Texas) campaign, Mr. Abbott has distinguished himself in the field of hypocrisy by seeking all possible benefits of his disabled status while fighting hard to deny any benefits for other people who are disabled.


Mr. Abbott has fought hard for a Texas Voter ID law which will make it more difficult for working people, African-Americans, Latinos, and the aged to cast a ballot.


Texas Republicans have opposed healthcare for the poor and current Gov. Rick Perry has waived off federal Medicaid money.


Gov. Perry has distinguished himself in the past by making veiled references to Texas seceding from the union. Most people understand that these references relate to dreams of restoring the Confederacy and the right to own slaves.


So, if Texans want their state government to be run by racist, sexist, bigoted nuts who will fight for liberty and justice for the 1%, they will vote Republican. If not, they will vote for candidates from other parties.