Dear Friends,

Be sure to attend and mobilize for the rally against Bill C-51, the misnamed ‘anti-terror’ law:

Winnipeg City Hall, 510 Main St.
Saturday, March 14, 1 pm
Event page:

Anti-C-51 rallies will take place in more than 50 towns and cities across Canada this weekend.

The Conservative government is cracking down on the popular resistance to its reactionary policies with this law. Just in time for the next economic crisis.

The bill will vastly expand the powers of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to commit illegal acts against vaguely-defined threats to Canada’s security and “economic stability,” which could easily include strikes.

Like last year’s “Fair Elections Act” which disenfranchised about half a million mainly non-Conservative people and surveillance of the entire population, C-51 is another serious attack on democracy.

More seriously, the Conservatives are fear mongering against Muslims, Aboriginal people and environmentalists to stampede people from a ‘spy” state to a ‘police’ state.

It is very positive to see the great response so far to this reactionary Tory plan.

As the organizers point out, absolute unity and action will defeat this reactionary bill, even if it becomes law.

The roster of speakers includes a broad range of groups from the Aboriginal, Muslim, civil rights, student, environmental and other communities, plus three political parties opposed to the bill (NDP, Green and Communist ).

Against Bill C-51,
Darrell Rankin
Manitoba office, Communist Party of Canada