By A. Shaw
U.S. reactionaries and lunatics, congregating in the GOP as well as the DP, are indeed “itching” to commit aggression against some country that U.S. imperialists hasn’t attacked recently.
These disgusting crackpots don’t care whether the next victim of US aggression is Iran in the Middle East or Russia in Europe or Venezuela in Latin America or China in the Far East or some other country.
Their itch vociferously demands a scratch.
But at the moment, these reactionary US rats, the personification of inhumanity on earth, seem to mildly prefer a huge genocide against the Iranian people who are falsely accused by these rats of making or trying to make an atom bomb.
These reactionaries, the conservative scum of the US people who constitute about a third of US population, suffer from extreme bloodthirstiness. Thus, these blood fiends cannot go for long without killing millions of people as the scum has recently done in Iraq.
These bloodthirsty lunatics  –   most are GOPs —  extol the mass murder of innocent people as their highest and finest virtue, their supreme good. The slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people in a brief moment excites a feeling of “shock and awe” in these savages. This feeling of shock and awe is a kind of rapture peculiar to these animals.
Next to mass murder, telling lies is their most cherished virtue. They hold up as the world’s greatest masterpiece in telling lies, the false story about “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. After US reactionaries under the leadership of George W. Bush attacked, occupied, and produced over a million war-related Iraqi fatalities between March 2003 and September 2007, the lying reactionary US president G.W. Bush confessed “We can’t find no weapons of mass destruction here in Iraq. We’ve looked but we can’t find any. Maybe, just maybe, we erred or something.”
Degenerate U.S. reactionaries love to combine a shameless confession of their crimes and, at the same time, a utterly vain boast about their crimes.
Again, today, the degenerate liars that infest the rightwing of U.S. politics are shouting “Listen here, Iran has an atomic bomb or is trying to get one. Let’s get Iran before Iran gets one.”
Both the executive and legislative branches of the bourgeois democratic regime in Washington, D.C., know conclusively that Iran doesn’t have and isn’t trying to get an atom bomb.
But it’s impossible for the perverse to resist a lie as big and as juicy as this lie, repeated daily by the bourgeois media against Iran.
No doubt, after U.S. blood fiends slaughter at least a million Iranians, the fiends will confess “We can’t find no atom bomb or evidence that Iran was trying to make one. Maybe we erred again or something. We’re sorry about that.”
Now, the State of Israel is pushing the slimy U.S. conservatives toward war with Iran and these slimy U.S. conservatives are pushing Obama toward war with Iran. So, Israel pushes Obama toward war with Iran.
But Obama doesn’t like to be pushed around by either Israelis or U.S. reactionaries.
The question is: Can Obama resist this pushing like a U.S. patriot until his term expires in January 2016
Obama knows he’s asking U.S. conservatives, both their leaders and their base, to go a very long time without enjoying a holocaust.
Sniffing blood, most U.S. conservatives are already scratching themselves like monkeys.