Category: National
Bernie Sanders: “Alaska is Melting”
| March 8, 2015 | 6:27 pm | Bernie Sanders, Climate Change, National, Native Americans, political struggle | Comments closed

Wake Up America!
| March 7, 2015 | 10:04 pm | Analysis, Economy, National | Comments closed

The Real Unemployment Rate: In 20% Of American Families, Everyone Is Unemployed

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Michael Snyder of The American Dream blog, According to shocking new numbers that were just released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 20 percent of American families do not have a single person that is working.  So when someone tries to tell you that the unemployment rate in the United States is about 7 percent, you should just laugh.  One-fifth of the families in the entire country do not have a single member with a job.  That is absolutely astonishing.  How can a family survive if nobody is making any money?  Well, the answer to that question is actually quite easy.  There is a reason why government dependence has reached epidemic levels in the United States.  Without enough jobs, tens of millions of additional Americans have been forced to reach out to the government for help.  At this point, if you can believe it, the number of Americans getting money or benefits from the federal government each month exceeds the number of full-time workers in the private sector by more than 60 million. When I was growing up, it seemed like anyone that was willing to work hard could find a good paying job.  But now that has all changed.  At this point, 20 percent of all the families in the entire country do not have a single member that has a job.  That includes fathers, mothers and children.  The following is how broke down the numbers… A family, as defined by the BLS, is a group of two or more people who live together and who are related by birth, adoption or marriage. In 2013, there were 80,445,000 families in the United States and in 16,127,000—or 20 percent–no one had a job. To be honest, these really are Great Depression-type numbers.  But over the years “unemployment” has been redefined so many times that it doesn’t mean the same thing that it once did.  The government tells us that the official unemployment rate is about 7 percent, but that number is almost meaningless at this point. A number that I find much more useful is the employment-population ratio.  According to the employment-population ratio, the percentage of working age Americans that actually have a job has been below 59 percent for more than four years in a row… Employment Population Ratio 2014 That means that more than 41 percent of all working age Americans do not have a job. When people can’t take care of themselves, it becomes necessary for the government to take care of them.  And what we have seen in recent years is government dependence soar to unprecedented levels.  In fact, welfare spending and entitlement payments now make up 69 percent of the entire federal budget.  For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “18 Stats That Prove That Government Dependence Has Reached Epidemic Levels“. And what is even more frightening is that more families are falling out of the middle class every single day.  As a recent CNN article explained, approximately one-third of all U.S. households are living “hand-to-mouth”.  In other words, they are constantly living on the edge of financial disaster… About one-third of American households live “hand-to-mouth,” meaning that they spend all their paychecks. But what surprised the study authors is that 66% of these families are middle class, with a median income of $41,000. While they don’t have liquid assets, such as savings accounts or mutual fund holdings, they do have homes and retirement accounts, with a median net worth of $41,000. “We don’t expect them to be living paycheck to paycheck,” said Greg Kaplan, study co-author and assistant professor of economics at Princeton University. The American Dream is rapidly becoming an American nightmare. When I was growing up, I lived in a pretty typical middle class neighborhood.  Everyone had a nice home, a couple of cars and could go on vacation during the summer.  I don’t remember ever hearing of anyone using food stamps or going to a food bank.  In fact, I can’t even remember anyone having a parent that was unemployed.  If someone did leave a job, it was usually quite easy to find another one. But today, the middle class is being ripped to shreds and according to one new report there are 49 million Americans that are dealing with food insecurity in 2014. How can anyone not see what is happening to us?  America is in the midst of a long-term economic decline, but the mainstream media and most of our politicians seem to think that things are better than ever.  They continue to try to convince us that “business as usual” is the right path to take. But one-fifth of the families in the entire nation are already totally unemployed. At what point will we finally admit that what we are doing right now is simply not working? 30 percent of all families unemployed? 40 percent? 50 percent? If we stay on the road that we are on now, things are going to continue to get worse.  Millions more jobs will be shipped overseas, millions more jobs will be replaced by technology and crippling government regulations will kill millions more jobs.  The middle class will continue to shrink and government dependence will continue to rise. Most people just want to work hard, put food on the table, pay their mortgages and provide a nice life for their families. But the percentage of Americans that are successfully able to do that just keeps getting smaller. Wake up America.
PCUSA salutes international working women’s day: March 8, 2015
| March 7, 2015 | 9:30 pm | National, political struggle, Women's rights | Comments closed

Party of Communists USA Salutes International Working Women’s Day: March 8, 2015

  The PCUSA honors the contributions working women have made internationally to our society; not just as white or blue collar workers, but also as agricultural workers, homemakers and mothers. We use this day to affirm our commitment to fighting capitalist exploitation. From the dawn of the industrial revolution, women were forced to work longer hours for less pay just because they were women. In many cases, locked inside the factories they worked in with little to no safety regulations. In fact, March 25th commemorates the deadly Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911, where 146 garment workers, nearly all women died because they were locked inside the building, which was then common. As early as 1857, women in the garment industry were demanding shorter work hours, equal pay, and safer and better work conditions. Today in 2015, little has changed. Women still are not paid equally for equal work and many women around the world still work in factories with little or no safety regulations. For example, the 2012 on the sweatshop fire in Dhaka, Bangladesh, over 111 female garment workers died from being locked in an unsafe factory. AFL-CIO_comp_time_bill Although many important and crucial gains were made during the late 1960’s and 1970’s in the US because of the militancy of the women’s rights movement, such as the right to enter the workforce, the rights of women to control their bodies and reproduction; the movement did not completely liberate women. Everyone has heard the expression: “A woman’s work is never done”. This statement is true in the US now more than ever. Whereas before women had one job, now they were saddled with two. One paid outside the home and the other unpaid inside the home after and before work; taking care of housework, the children, and often also their elderly parents.

Many American households consist of single women with children who receive no child support, so issues of low pay, long hours, chronic under and unemployment and lack of social services, such as child care are especially critical. To this day, women only earn 77 cents for every $1 a man makes. Although children are tomorrow’s wage slaves in a capitalist society, Capitalism does everything possible to make the labor behind childcare and housework invisible in order to get this labor for free. It does the same when it extracts labor from workers when they take care of sick relatives and parents, which should be a burden to the government. Women, rather than being respected and assisted, are heavily penalized in our society. They generally are delegated to what are considered “women’s work”: jobs in such fields as domestic work, home healthcare, as cashiers, store clerks, etc. These jobs usually pay little more than minimum wage.

Even when they do work in jobs that are not considered “women’s jobs”, they earn less than men for the same work and therefore receive less social security when they retire because they earned less. They are also doubly exploited because, unlike most men, women tend to be the primary caregivers in our society. If they did not work, because they were tending to sick children or parents, they are disqualified from receiving social security. If they did work, they receive less social security, because of the time they may have taken time off working on these unpaid jobs. Women also tend to be discriminated against by the lack of legislation requiring paid sick days in order to take care of sick children or relatives. Women should not be penalized for being mothers or caregivers. Moreover, there should be nothing more dignified in any society than being a caregiver or helping others. This has always been a primordial instinct in man. There is no reason why being a home healthcare aide should be a woman’s job, except that women are paid less than men, so women are hired instead of men for these jobs. There is also no reason why men should not take paternity leave or sick days to take care of children, except that they will be fired later for doing so. There is also no reason why war is glorified rather than taking care of your sick neighbor, except that capitalism profits from war, but not from taking of the elderly or disabled. We need to fight not only for equal pay for equal work; but most importantly for Socialism. Only under Socialism will everyone be entitled to a job, equal pay, and most importantly be respected for taking care of the family as a social function.

Colombian Government Asks United States to Consider Repatriating Ricardo Palmera/Simon Trinidad
| March 5, 2015 | 8:18 pm | Action, International, Latin America, National, political struggle | Comments closed


Alliance for Global Justice

Colombian Government Asks United States to Consider Repatriating Ricardo Palmera / Simon Trinidad

An Opportunity for Peace–Please Take Action!

The news that the Colombian government has asked the United States to consider returning Simón Trinidad aka Ricardo Palmera to his home country is a major step forward for the likelihood of securing a lasting accord to end five decades of war. All peace loving persons must urge the US government to do what is necessary so that Trinidad / Palmera can take his place at the negotiating table.

Trinidad / Palmera is one of the primary negotiators for the Revolutionary Armed Forces in Colombia (FARC). The FARC have made clear that Trinidad must be consulted before a peace accord can be finalized. Trinidad is held in solitary confinement in the Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, having been extradited to the United States in a process that undermines Colombian sovereignty and that is motivated by political considerations. By repatriating Trinidad, the US government can show a commitment to peace in Colombia that is based on actual deeds and not just words.

TWO Actions you can take:

1)  Call the Colombia Desk of the State Department and urge that the US government repatriate Ricardo Palmera (Simón Trinidad) in accordance with the request of the Colombian government. Calls are more effective than emails, so please take this step if you can! Use the sample email/script below as a guide. THE PHONE NUMBER IS: (202) 647-3142

2) CLICK HERE to send the following email to the White House and State Department. The form is editable, so if you have time, please feel free to add your own words.


The United States has the opportunity to take action in a real and meaningful way to help bring peace to Colombia and end more than five decades of war. The Colombian government has requested that the US consider repatriating Ricardo Palmera aka Simon Trinidad to Colombia. Palmera is one of the primary negotiators for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and is currently being held in solitary confinement at the Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado. The FARC have made clear that Palmera’s presence is required for any final peace accord to be achieved. The Colombian government’s request underscores how important is his participation. I urge the White House and State Department to take whatever actions are necessary to repatriate Palmera and assure that a meaningful and durable peace agreement can be reached. I also urge the US to end the tactic of requesting the extraditions of both insurgents and paramilitary members. This practice undermines Colombia’s own sovereignty as well as the peace process and investigations into paramilitary ties to Colombian politicians and government officials.

Click HERE to take a stand for peac in Colombia! And if you can, be sure and call the State Department Colombia desk to ask that the US government repatriate Ricardo Palmera to Colombia. The phone number is: (202) 647-3142

Background Information:

The imprisonment of Simon Trinidad, aka Ricardo Palmera, in the United States is a very particular obstacle to the negotiations. Trinidad was a university professor and belonged to a Leftist teachers’ organization. All but two of its members were murdered for their activities. One survivor, Imelda Daza Cotes, went into exile in Sweden. The other survivor, Trinidad, joined the FARC in 1987.

The CIA seized Trinidad in Ecuador, while he was traveling under terms of “safe passage”. Trinidad was on his way to meet an aide to UN chief Kofi Annan so they could discuss terms of a prisoner release by the FARC. Trinidad was extradited from Colombia to the US on Dec. 31, 2004 to face terrorism, hostage-taking and drug charges. The terrorism and hostage-taking charges stemmed from a Feb. 13, 2003 incident in which three US mercenaries were taken prisoner after their plane crashed inside FARC-controlled territory. Trinidad himself had nothing to do with this and was charged entirely on the basis of his membership in the FARC. In fact, the prosecutor at one point identified 20,000 FARC members as co-conspirators, later reducing it to 50 FARC officers. Trinidad was convicted on one count of hostage-taking and sentenced to 60 years. Prosecutors were unable to get convictions on the other counts.

According to journalist Hernán Camacho, writing for the Colombian newspaper Voz, “Simón Trinidad was chosen as an envoy and negotiator of this guerrilla army in the peace dialogues in Havana, Cuba because of his profound knowledge of the regional and national economy, his political capacity and boldness, in addition to his experience as a negotiator in the Caguán peace process [1999 – 2002]. Today Simón Trinidad passes his hours in the federal prison of Florence, Colorado (United States), with only one hour of sunlight per day. He is a political prisoner held in unjust captivity.”

The rightful place of Simón Trinidad is not in solitary confinement in the Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado, but at the negotiating table in Havana.

For more information:

Free Ricardo Palmera!

Could Ricardo Palmera be Released to Participate in Colombia’s Peace Negotiations?


Send an email in support of peace in Colombia!

Response to “New poll: Emanuel, Garcia in ‘dead heat’ in mayoral runoff”
| March 4, 2015 | 8:27 pm | Analysis, National, political struggle | Comments closed
By A. Shaw
In Chicago, we have Jesus Garcia, a liberal county commissioner, trying to unseat Rahm Emmanuel, a reactionary mayor seeking reelection.
Both Garcia and Emmanuel are DPs, members of one of the big bourgeois parties.
Garcia is Mexican-American and Emanuel is Jewish-American.
Obama endorses and campaigns for reactionary Emanuel, but the mass of the African-Americans, in Chicago, supports Garcia. The schism between the African Americans and Obama chiefly grows out of Emanuel’s decision to close 50 public schools that were predominantly black and transfer most of the money from the closed schools to private schools that are predominatly white. The closing of public schools and the re-segregation of all education are important planks in the Koch brothers platform.
Garcia is member of the middle class. Emanuel, a multi-millionaire, belongs to the bourgeoisie, like Obama who has a net worth of five million.
Garcia runs on a base composed chiefly of Mexican-Americans, African-Americans, Puerto Ricans, white liberals and other Latin American citizens.
Emanuel runs on a base of reationary Jewish-Americans, reactionary Polish-Americans, the billionaire Koch brothers and their front organizations, and crack-pot Cuban-Americans .
What role, if any, does the hard Left play in this race?
DSA and related news outlet “In These Times” have done good, solid work on the organizational, individual, and propaganda level for Garcia.
The CPUSA and its related outlet  “People’s World” (PW) seem to be following a more or less minimalist policy toward any participation on either side of the race.  Two days after the Feb. 24 election in which the mayor failed to win a majority, PW published an article that mildly favored Garcia. Members of the CPUSA seem to be working in both the Garcia and Emanuel campaigns in their individual capacities. The run-off election is on April  7.
In line with its bizarre ideology, the SWP appears to be completely out of it, except for a few Latino SWP members working for Garcia in their individual capacities.
About a half dozen anarchist groups agitate in Chicago for abstention by African American and Latin American voters, using the old argument “There isn’t a dime worth of difference between Garcia and Emanuel. So, why vote for either them?”
There are maybe 50 leftist spin-offs in Chicago that do nothing but engage in “discussion” about political matters. From all reports, the “discussions” so far have been intense.
Most of the Left in Chicago consists of about 100,000 individuals who don’t belong to any group. Some of these individuals so far have provided important support for Garcia in voter contact, fundraising, and volunteers.
Can liberal Garcia win over more if these “unorganized” leftist individuals?
Most recent polling:
Poll source Date(s)
Margin of
Ogden & Fry February 28, 2015 1058 ± 3.07% 42.7% 38.7%
New poll: Emanuel, Garcia in ‘dead heat’ in mayoral runoff
| March 4, 2015 | 8:22 pm | Analysis, National, political struggle | Comments closed

Posted: 03/01/2015, 10:09pm |
Mayor Rahm Emanuel (left) and challenger Jesus “Chuy” Garcia are in a “dead heat” in the mayoral runoff, according to a new poll. | Al Podgorski/Sun-Times file photo

A Chicago polling firm is calling the city’s runoff campaign between Mayor Rahm Emanuel and challenger Jesus “Chuy” Garcia a “dead heat.”

New numbers from Ogden & Fry show Garcia, a member of the Cook County board of commissioners, within reach of the one-term Emanuel. And the firm warned that the Hispanic population under-polls, meaning that population is underrepresented in the data.

“They’re likely dead even,” pollster Tom Swiss said Sunday night.

Ogden & Fry conducted two one-question polls for The Illinois Observer on Wednesday and Saturday. Emanuel had 42.7 percent support in the earlier poll of 1,058 likely voters one day after voters denied Emanuel a second term outright. Garcia had 38.7 percent support in that poll. The margin of error was +/- 3.07 percent.

In the Saturday poll of 979 likely voters, Emanuel had 42.9 percent support to Garcia’s 38.5 percent. The margin of error was +/- 3.2 percent.

Both polls show 18.6 percent of respondents were undecided.

Garcia campaign manager Andrew Sharp said in a statement that the challenger’s camp was not surprised by the results.

“We continue to believe that as the city learns more about Jesus ‘Chuy’ Garcia’s agenda for change, his support will continue to grow. We have seen a lot of polls over the last few months and we saw the results of the election last Tuesday. One fact remains constant — a majority of Chicagoans do not want four more years under Mayor Emanuel.”

Steve Mayberry, Emanuel’s campaign manager, said in an email: “Chicago voters face a clear choice between Rahm, who has a clear record and plan to create good jobs, and Chuy Garcia, who has failed to get much of anything done in nearly 20 years on the big issues facing the city, but who is all of a sudden making pie-in-the-sky promises and writing checks Chicago can’t cash.”

Benghazi may be Hillary Clinton’s Waterloo
| March 3, 2015 | 9:24 pm | Africa, Analysis, Benghazi, Imperialism, International, National, political struggle | Comments closed

Connecting the dots


By James Thompson


As government officials pour over former Secretary of State Clinton’s private emails, some of us may want to look at the bigger picture. Certainly, Ms. Clinton’s judgment (or lack thereof) in conducting the business of the US government on her private email channels may send a chill down many people’s spines. However, this may just be the tip of the iceberg.


Although Ms. Clinton has not formally announced her candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination for president in the 2016 elections, most pundits maintain that she is the clear frontrunner just as they say Jeb Bush is the front runner for the GOP.


There has been a lot of controversy over the attack on Benghazi and Ms. Clinton went on record accepting the blame for what happened.


Let us put the attack on Benghazi into perspective. It occurred on September 11, 2012 and it was a horrible tragedy. However, it is important to remember that just one year prior, in 2011, the US engaged in a vicious attack on Libya with the aim of destabilizing the government there. At the urging of the Secretary of State, Ms. Clinton, NATO embarked on a US-led massive bombing campaign against Libya. Up until that time, Libya had one of the best infrastructures in that part of the world. The US and NATO were hugely successful in smashing that nation and deposing its leader.


Many people in the US were surprised at what happened next. However, what happened next was not surprising.


Whenever you suddenly destroy a nation, as George W. Bush destroyed Iraq, that nation will always descend into chaos and anarchy. If you destroy the infrastructure and government of a sovereign nation, you must expect there will be blowback.


Many buffoons on the right bray about the breach of security at Benghazi which resulted in the unnecessary deaths of US officials and personnel. However, it was not just the breach of security which led to the tragedy. It was the imperialist policy of the US government which sought to bring about “regime change” that resulted in the attack on Benghazi.


The anarchy and chaos created by the 2011 attack on Libya produced fertile grounds for right-wing terrorist organizations like ISIS/ISIL which led to the 2012 attack on Benghazi.


Just as George W. Bush has blood on his hands, Hillary Clinton has blood on her hands.


Voters should consider these facts when they read mainstream media reports that a Bush-Clinton race for the presidency of the United States is inevitable. If they do, it will be inevitable that other candidates will capture the US people’s attention. If the DP and GOP persist in nominating Bush and Clinton, the US people will inevitably turn to new parties since the US people will not want to elect either of the two candidates that have blood on their hands.