Month: January, 2012
Book review: Post-Modern Imperialism by Eric Walberg
| January 18, 2012 | 9:25 pm | Action | Comments closed

I confess that I cringe when I see the word “post-modern.” This word has obscured more discussions, confused more gullible readers, and conned more writers than any word since “existential” and its “-ism.” For the most part, it has served as a kind of fashionable linguistic operator that signals something radical and profound will follow. Almost always, what follows disappoints.

Eric Walberg’s book, Post-Modern Imperialism (Clarity Press, 2011), doesn’t change my general opinion of the word, though what follows the title certainly doesn’t disappoint.

Walberg has offered a welcome taxonomy of imperialism from its nineteenth century genesis until today; he has given a plausible explanation of imperialism’s contours since the exit of the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialism from the world stage; and he has convincingly described Israel’s unique role in the continuing reshaping of imperialism’s grasp for world domination.

One of the disappointments of recent Marxist thought is a neglect of the theory of imperialism. It is not that imperialism is questioned by Marxists; it would be hard to find an advocate who denied its existence or historical significance. Indeed, few Marxists dispute (since the Lenin-Kautsky debate) the fundamental elements of imperialism as outlined by Lenin and presaged by Hobson; but its historical trajectory — deflected by wars (hot and cold), shifting balances of forces and alliances, and economic upheaval – has received only cursory attention. All acknowledge that the dominant imperial center of power has shifted from Britain before World War I to the USA after the Second World War. Outside of the bizarre pseudo-Marxism popularized in the post-Soviet period (Hardt and Negri’s Empire and theories of the decline of the nation-state and ascendancy of the trans-national corporation, for example), most left-of-center political thinkers would concede that imperialism – especially, as expressed by US imperialism — is alive and well today. Yet, Marxist studies have yet to provide a full, overarching account of the material forces that have shaped imperialism’s evolution over the last century and a half. We see this failing in the world-wide confusion and tepid resistance to NATO’s Balkan aggressions, the various contrived color “revolutions,” and the wars and interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia.

It is to Walberg’s credit that he attempts to provide this account. While expressing respectful homage to the Leninist tradition, Walberg writes in an eclectic style that expropriates the terms of the agents of imperialism, both old and new. Following Lord Curzon in 1898 and Z. Brzezinski today, imperialism becomes the Great Game, an exercise in aggressive national self-interest that engages economic coercion, political manipulation, subversion, alliances, and, of course, war. And behind the curtain of “national self-interest” proclaimed by the ideologues of imperialism lies the real interests of monopoly and finance capital.

In Walberg’s account of the classic era of imperialism – dubbed Great Game I (GGI) – European powers and the US competed for the economic and political domination of the world, its resources, and its people. In this competition, the British Empire stood triumphant. This small island, thanks to its industrial might, its dominant navy, and its highly developed colonial apparatus, imposed its will globally. Other powers sought to undermine this dominance, resulting in the tensions and conflicts that climaxed in the Great War, World War I.

The Great War, in turn, spawned an anti-imperialist movement centered in revolutionary Russia, nascent Communist Parties, and nationalist movements aroused and supported by the liberated Euro-Asian power, the USSR. For Walberg, this event – the Bolshevik revolution—became the central event determining the course of imperialism. The crisis of imperialism identified with the unprecedented slaughter of 1914-1918 unleashed a new era of counter-revolution – or counter-anti-imperialism – with the locus of anti-imperialism to be found in the USSR.

Walberg calls this new era “GGII: Empire Against Communism”.

It is this assessment, this correct analysis, which separates him from the conventional view popularized on the left, center and right. Walberg is emphatically correct on two crucial counts.

First, he identifies the imperialist project as targeting the role of the Soviet Union in inspiring, supporting and sustaining the anti-imperialist movement after World War I. Those honest enough to recognize the decline of the anti-imperialist movement since the demise of the Soviet Union surely must recognize this point. From China’s liberation to the independence of the former African Portuguese colonies, from Egypt’s national movement to the Vietnamese victory over US aggression, from Cuba’s revolution to the destruction of apartheid in South Africa, the Soviet Union had devoted generous material and moral support to anti-imperialism. Because of this support, anti-Communism became the ideological, political and military pillar of imperialism.

Second, he discounts the view advanced by imperialists and the ultra-left that the Soviet Union was itself an imperialist power. While he voices criticisms of the USSR, he stops far short of characterizing its policies as imperialistic, a conclusion that he argues persuasively.

Between the two World Wars, the imperialist countries were saddled with a profound economic crisis that challenged the very viability of capitalism and strengthened the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist movements. In many countries, this challenge generated a ferocious and violent movement, fascism, expressing a new, more virulent, and aggressive strain of anti-Communism. Both in Europe and Asia, the primary goal of these movements, when securing power, was to remove the obstacle of Communism and anti-imperial nationalism in furthering their imperialist goals. In all cases, the Communists and anti-imperial nationalists were the backbone of domestic resistance to these aggressions.

After the Second World War and the defeat of fascism, the US engaged its economic and military might to lead the imperialist powers. At the same time, it organized and launched a new, more sophisticated attack on the strengthened, world-wide Communist and anti-imperialist movement. The lengthy Cold War, while proclaimed as a struggle between democracy and tyranny, was simply a continuance of imperialism in a new context. At stake was the economic exploitation of the resources and people of the world outside of the imperial club.

Walberg does a thorough job of demonstrating the role of the US dollar nexus in cementing the anti-Communist alliance, as well as describing the international institutions enabling and enforcing this dollar domination of world economic activity. He equally exposes the political and military institutions and alliances, such as NATO, created to both maintain US imperial goals and confront Communism and anti-imperialism.

Walberg’s narrative masterfully exposes the imaginative, but unscrupulous tactics devised to further the imperial goals. From engineered coups to CIA-backed intellectuals, from surrogate insurgents to phony human rights campaigns, Walberg dissects the tactics and reveals the hypocrisy behind imperialist intrigues. Most impressively, Walberg knits together the long standing, but seldom acknowledged, imperialist tactic of exploiting purist Islamic movements — with its latent hostility to secular leftism and nationalism — to oppose, divert, and even exterminate socialist and anti-imperialist movements in the Middle East and Asia. Of course this is not a new tactic; imperialism similarly used Christianity, especially Catholicism, to disable trade union movements and left parties in Europe and the US. But, Walberg brings much detail and historical continuity to the story of religious manipulation in the Islamic world. And he reveals Israel as a key player in this maneuver.

With the departure of the Soviet Union, a new phase of imperialism emerged, dubbed “Great Game III” by Walberg. The consequent triumphalism of the US and other imperialist powers was disguised as the promise of a global paradise based on economic fundamentalism, free trade, “democratic” governance and human rights. But in truth, this disguise masked a commitment to economic aggression, imperial intervention, and unfettered domination. A massive array of new or transformed institutions – the UN, NAFTA, countless NGOs, etc—eagerly aided the imperial program. And after September 11, 2001, imperialism found its alien scapegoat in Islam, the excuse to vigorously and openly mount military adventures, especially in Asia, the Middle East and Northern Africa.

To Walberg’s praise, his deep understanding of the shifting currents of imperial aggression along with its historical continuities allows him to identify the anti-imperialist actors in each phase of imperialism’s development. He clearly understands that resistance to imperialism, regardless of its religious, ideological or political underpinnings, is objectively anti-imperialist. This is in sharp contrast to many on the left in Europe and the US who sided with imperialism or demonized the Islamic fighters who met the US on the battlefield. Blinded by their cultural distaste for what they saw as obscurantism, social backwardness, and intolerance, they betray anti-imperialist unity and objectively take the side of imperialism. Like previous supporters, seduced by Britain’s “civilizing mission,” they accede to apologists who portray the resistance as “Islamo-fascists.” This shallow understanding of imperialism accounts for the failure of many to recognize and reject the recent Libyan regime change and the current foreign interventions in Syria and Iran as imperialist actions. Leftist “purists” prefer standing on the sidelines to siding with the “tainted” Islamists who now militantly oppose imperial power.

Walberg places much emphasis on Israel’s role in the imperial project. His position as a Middle East-based writer for Cairo’s Al Ahram newspaper, coupled with his obvious prodigious research, gives him a privileged vantage point for commenting on this area. Readers will be impressed with his account of the history and ideology of Zionism. He brings great detail to the overt and covert activities of Israel both on behalf of US interests (as a policemen in the region) and in its own behalf (as a neo-colonial aggressor). His exposure of the role of US Zionists and their political partners in shaping US policies towards Israel (and the Middle East) is boldly and starkly presented, with little of the usual forbearance or timidity.

On the other hand, I believe his privileged position also brings a measure of myopia to his analysis. Throughout the book, he asserts a persistent importance of the Middle East and Central Asia that might unwittingly minimize the importance of other regions in imperialism’s grand designs. Certainly his demonstrated sensitivity to the shifting forces, policies and foci of imperialism would suggest that there is not one materially critical area of imperialist design. For example, through the first thirty years of the postwar period, imperialism was mostly directed to the Far East, with massive, brutal wars launched in Korea and Vietnam. And today, the staunch anti-imperialist advances in Central and South America cause deep concern and intense activity in the imperialist centers, especially the US. This area gets little coverage in Walberg’s fine book. Imperialism is indeed a scheme for complete global domination, wherever there are resources and people to exploit.

Also, I think that Walberg overstates the role of Israel in the imperialist order. Despite his excellent exposition of the “tail wagging the dog” behavior of Israel, it remains a junior partner in the imperialist picture. Israel still needs and expects the US to pull its chestnuts out of the fire.

In the same vein, it is an exaggeration to portray Islam (or any other religion) as inherently anti-imperialist: in his words, “The unyielding anti-imperialist nature of Islam, its rejection of the fundamental principles of capitalism concerning money, its refusal to be sidelined from economic and hence political life…” Surely, Walberg’s own account challenges this claim; Islamic movements in the Middle East have and continue to shift sides frequently in both the struggles between imperial powers, in support of imperialist powers, and its current leading role in resisting imperialism in the Middle East. I would suggest, rather, that religion adjusts (as with Catholic Liberation Theology) to the material, historical plight of its believers. In the case of the Middle East, half a century of Palestinian oppression is the wellspring of contemporary Islamic anti-imperialism.

“GGIII: Many Players, Many Games”—Walberg’s final chapter – is an immensely useful overview of how things stand at the moment in the Middle East-Central Asia “Great Game.” One will not find a better concise account of the forces, alliances and institutions at play in this contest, a contest best understood as between imperialism and its foes.

One final quibble: throughout Post-Modern Imperialism, Walberg insists on the division between pre-modern, modern, and post-modern states (hence, the title), a distinction he adopts from the influential work of Robert Cooper. Distinctions are neither true nor false; rather they are helpful, misleading or irrelevant. Despite its currency, Cooper’s distinction blurs instead of clarifying Walberg’s excellent account of imperialism.

That said, I can enthusiastically recommend Post-Modern Imperialism – the book is a serious contribution to our critical understanding of imperialism, its history, and, particularly, its expression in our era. By reading this study, both Marxist and non-Marxist activists will be better armed to confront the beast.

Zoltan Zigedy

Posted By zoltan zigedy to ZZ’s blog at 1/16/2012 04:40:00 PM

Halt the slide to war with Iran!
| January 16, 2012 | 10:17 pm | Action | Comments closed

16th January 2012
Press release
For immediate use

Solidarity organisation calls for a halt to the slide to war

The ongoing killing of Iranian scientists has been condemned as a provocation to war by a leading solidarity organisation campaigning for peace in the Middle East. The Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights (CODIR) last week pointed out that the assassination of 32 year old chemist, Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan, was the fifth time a scientist associated with Iran’s nuclear programme had been killed in the past two years.

CODIR claims that if such actions had taken place on US or British soil they would have been seen as tantamount to a declaration of war. CODIR has warned that there are elements within the Iranian regime which will see these actions in the same way and may foolishly and disastrously respond accordingly.

CODIR is calling for peace activists in the United States, the UK and across Europe and the Middle East in particular to put pressure upon their governments not to press for conflict with Iran but to keep the door open for dialogue. The solidarity organisation believes that the Iranian people should not be made to pay for the provocative positions taken by the Iranian government or the belligerence of the United States and its allies.

“The interests of the people of Iran are not served by war,” said CODIR Assistant General Secretary, Jamshid Ahmadi, today. “It is only the leaders of the theocratic regime in Tehran, who see war as a distraction from their serious internal problems, and the United States, which sees it as a further chance to consolidate their influence in the region, who would regard war as an option.” He continued, “The Iranian people, through their progressive intellectuals, peace activists, progressive forces and labour organisations have made it clear that they have no interest in conflict.”

While the US has been keen to distance itself from the assassinations, the Israelis, in the person of the Israeli military spokesman, Brigadier General Yoay Mordechai, have expressed the view that they are “definitely not shedding a tear.” Experts in the intelligence community suggest that the killings have all the hallmarks of an Israeli operation.

The possibility of an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear installations, making it one step removed from a direct US intervention, has long been considered a tactical option and CODIR insists that the assassination campaign and its consequences could make such an attack more likely.

“We will continue to do all we can to support the people of Iran”, said Mr Ahmadi, “and we are looking to the peace movements across the globe to do everything they can to avert a conflict. The ordinary people of Iran would certainly be the first victims of a war but many others would follow. We call for peace and respect for international law at all times.”

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Further information for Editors

CODIR is the Committee for the Defence of the Iranian People’s Rights. It has been established since 1981 and has consistently campaigned to expose human rights abuses in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

CODIR has worked closely with the trades union movement in the UK, the peace movement, all major political parties and Amnesty International to press the case for an end to torture in Iran’s prisons.

CODIR has published Iran Today, its quarterly journal, since 1981, explaining the latest developments in Iran and the most effective way that the British public opinion could demonstrate its solidarity with the people of Iran.

In recent years CODIR has worked closely with Stop the War Coalition and has been vocal against any form of foreign intervention in the internal affairs of the nation.

Amongst CODIR’s supporters are Tony Benn, Rodney Bickerstaff (former General Secretary of UNISON), Ken Cameron (former General Secretary of FBU) and Louise Richards (former Chair of the International Section of UNISON).

Freedom riders art exhibit in Houston
| January 16, 2012 | 10:06 pm | Action | Comments closed

Check out this article about the Freedom Riders art exhibit in Houston

Martin Luther King, Jr. day celebration in Houston 1/16/12
| January 16, 2012 | 8:43 pm | Action | Comments closed

Check out the Houston Peace Council’s photos and article from the Martin Luther King, Jr. day parade in Houston today:

Federal union members under attack
| January 16, 2012 | 7:23 pm | Action | Comments closed

By Federal Worker in Houston

Even for federal government employees work seems to be getting worse. No wage increases for three years. No hiring of new employees for three years. The workload is increasing tremendously.

Previously, workers at my level would retire and come back regularly to visit friends at work, at lunch or even have retirement parties. Now, no one is allowed to talk much, producing good stats is the central goal, as opposed to the quality of the service to the public. Old workers who can afford to retire do so immediately, they don’t have retirement parties and they don’t come back to visit.

Often I read someone criticizing pampered, unionized federal workers. These critics demand that government act more like private industry. They frame the question in a way that punishes all workers. As a union member and a federal worker I want better for all workers in the public and private sector. Improving the work lives of all people improves my future.

New York in Baghdad
| January 13, 2012 | 9:30 pm | Action | Comments closed

Check out this website:

Appeal for solidarity with the Greek steelworkers
| January 13, 2012 | 9:07 pm | Action | Comments closed




WFTU appeal for the expression of solidarity in the struggle of the Greek Steelworkers of the Steel-industry “Helleniki Halivourgia”

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) appeals on all the trade union organizations in the world to express their solidarity to the militant, firm and hard struggle of the 400 workers in the Greek Steel-Industry “Helleniki Halivourgia” who are on strike for 70 continuous days now, despite the blackmails and the lay-offs of the owner capitalist.

The struggle of those Greek steelworkers is not only a struggle for their own labour rights and for the sake of their own family; their struggle is not only for the benefit of the 750 workers who work under the same company in other industries; it is a struggle in the name of all the Greek working class against the new barbaric antilabor attack which started by this company in the name of all the bourgeois class and wants the workers to work a 5-hour job for 500 euros per month, a salary of starvation for a greek worker.

The 400 steelworks have been conducting a unanimous struggle which started on the 31st October when the owner of the industry demanded with 18 lay-offs that the workers would accept the new payment regulation and working hours or instead a total of 180 workers would be fired.
From the first minute that this attack started the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) was on the side of the workers in the industry and organized the very wide and unprecedented expression of moral and practical solidarity by the trade union organizations, the peasant’s, women, youth and student organizations, the working people and the other popular strata with solidarity strikes, demonstrations and other initiatives.

The World Federation of Trade Unions demands the end of this brutal antilabor attack and the immediate satisfaction of the steelworkers rights:
– The reuptake of the 50 until today redundant workers
– The 8-hours work per day – no to part time work – no to flexicurity
– To stop any attempt to reduce the salaries.

We appeal to the trade union organizations worldwide to organize mobilizations outside the Greek Embassies and Consulates in solidarity with the struggle of the workers of “Helleniki Halivourgia”.

Solidarity and protest messages to be addressed to the following e-mails:

Greek Ministry of Labor:


Tel. +302109214417, +302109236700, Fax +30210 9214517 E-mails: ,

نداء عاجل من اتحاد النقابات العالمي

اليونان – أثينا 6/1/2012

نداء اتحاد النقابات العالمي للتعبير عن التضامن لكفاح عمال الصلب اليونانيين في شركة صناعة الصلب ” هيلينكى هاليفورجيا”

ينادى اتحاد النقابات العالمي جميع المنظمات النقابية في العالم للتعبير عن تضامنهم للنضال القوى والصامد ل 400 عامل مناضل بشركة هيلينكى لصناعة الصلب باليونان الذين هم في إضراب على مدى سبعون يوما متواصلا حتى الآن , بالرغم من الابتزازات والإقصاءات من جانب المالك الرأسمالي.

إن كفاح هؤلاء العمال اليونانيون ليس فقط كفاحا من أجل حقوقهم العمالية وأسرهم ومصالح 750 عامل يعملون بهذه الشركة في صناعات أخرى. فإنه كفاح كل الطبقة العاملة في اليونان ضد الهجوم البربري المناهض للعمل والذي بدء بهذه الشركة باسم الطبقة الوسطى البرجوازية ويريدون للعمال أن تعمل خمس ساعات مقابل 500 يورو بالشهر, وهو مرتب لجوع العامل اليوناني.

تولى ال400 عامل كفاحا متواصلا بدء في 31 أكتوبر 2011 عندما طالب صاحب العمل بتسريح 18 عامل حتى يقبل العمال لائحة الأجور وساعات العمل الجديدة بدلا من احتمال فصل 180 عامل.

ومن اللحظة الأولى لبدء هذا الهجوم كانت جبهة كل العمال المناضلون(بامى) في جانب العمال في هذه الصناعة ونظمت نضالا معنويا وعمليا غير مسبوق عن طريق المنظمات النقابية ومنظمات النساء القرويات والشباب والطلبة. والناس العاملون والطبقات الشعبية الأخرى للتضامن مع الإضراب والمظاهرات والمبادرات الأخرى.

يطالب اتحاد النقابات العالمي بنهاية هذا الهجوم القاسي المناهض للعمل والإرضاء الفوري لحقوق عمال الصلب.
استيعاب ال 50 حتى اليوم للعمالة الفائضة.
عدد 8 ساعات عمل في اليوم.
لا للعمل المؤقت.
وقف أي محاولة لخفض المرتبات.

وننادى كل المنظمات النقابية حول العالم لتنظيم حشود خارج السفارات والقنصليات اليونانية للتضامن مع كفاح عمال ” هيلينكى هاليفورجيا”

يتم توجيه رسائل التضامن والاحتجاجات إلى العناوين التالية :

اتحاد النقابات العالمي :
وزارة العمل اليونانية :

الأمانة العامة




La FSM hace un llamamiento urgente a la solidaridad en la lucha de los trabajadores griegos de la industria del acero “Helleniki Halivourgia”

La Federación Sindical Mundial (WFTU en inglés) hace un llamamiento a todas las organizaciones sindicales del mundo para expresar su solidaridad militante con la dura y firme lucha de los 400 trabajadores griegos de la industria del acero “Helleniki Halivourgia”, que permanecen en huelga desde hace 70 días, a pesar de los chantajes y despidos de los propietarios capitalistas.

La lucha de estos trabajadores del acero griegos no es sólo una lucha por sus derechos laborales y por el bien de sus familias; su lucha no es sólo por el bien de los 750 obreros que trabajan en la misma empresa. Es una lucha de toda la clase obrera griega contra una nueva barbarie producida por el ataque antiobrero que comenzó en esta compañía, en nombre de toda la burguesía, y que pretende imponer a los trabajadores una jornada laboral de 5 horas con un sueldo de 500 € al mes, un sueldo de hambre para un trabajador griego.

Los 400 trabajadores del acero han llevado a cabo una unánime lucha que comenzó el 31 de Octubre, cuando el propietario de la empresa exigió, bajo la amenaza de 18 despidos, la aceptación de los nuevos salarios y horas de trabajo, o bien el despido de 180 trabajadores.

Desde el momento en el que comenzó este ataque, el Frente Militante de todos los Trabajadores (PAME) estuvo junto a los obreros y organizó una amplia red de solidaridad sin precedentes llevada a cabo por organizaciones sindicales, de campesinos, de mujeres, de organizaciones juveniles y de estudiantes, de trabajadores y de otros sectores populares con huelgas solidarias, manifestaciones y otro tipo de iniciativas.

La Federación Sindical Mundial (WFTU en inglés) exige el fin de este brutal ataque antiobrero y el inmediato cumplimiento de los derechos de los trabajadores del metal:

– La admisión de los 50 trabajadores que han sido despedidos hasta el día de hoy
– Jornada laboral de 8 horas al día, sin jornada partida, sin flexiseguridad.
– Parar cualquier intento de reducción de salarios.

Hacemos un llamamiento a todas las organizaciones sindicales del mundo para que organicen movilizaciones frente a las embajadas y consulados griegos, en solidaridad con la lucha de los trabajadores de “Helleniki Halivourgia”.

Los mensajes de solidaridad y protesta pueden ser enviados a las siguientes direcciones:

Ministerio griego de trabajo: