Category: Bernie Sanders
How should we think? How do we understand the Sanders movement?—Part 7
| May 11, 2016 | 7:54 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, class struggle, Donald Trump, political struggle | Comments closed

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

How should we think? How do we understand the Sanders movement?—Part 7

We are winding this series down on thinking and thought processes, but we’re not quite done. In the first post in this series we made an argument for critical thinking and critical thinking skills and then we tried to show why critical thinking, by itself, only takes us so far. We tried to make a case for thinking as an art and as a science; something we do and improve upon constantly because it enriches our lives and helps us change reality. We then shifted gears and focused on dialectical materialism and on the work of Alexander Spirkin and some other philosophers because Spirkin and the others are most accessible to modern readers in a hurry.

I want to avoid anything here that sounds transactional—the idea that thinking and correct ideas are only there to accomplish pragmatic ends and that if one can only “think right” then only good will follow. Two lines from Mao come to mind here. In A Letter To The Red Guards Of Tsinghua University Middle School (1966) Mao said, “Marx said: the proletariat must emancipate not only itself but all mankind. If it cannot emancipate all mankind, then the proletariat itself will not be able to achieve final emancipation.” and Mao is said to have said in this period that “Marxism comprises many principles, but in the final analysis they can all be brought back to a single sentence: it is right to rebel.” Gil Scott-Heron took it further and said, “You see, revolution sounds like something that happens, like turning on the light switch, but actually it’s moving a large obstacle, and a lot of folks’ efforts to push it in one direction or the other have to combine.” Our point here is that the projects of change, revolution and liberation are imperfect and that correct thinking or correct actions, taken by themselves, don’t guarantee outcomes since human beings are involved at every step of the way. We can’t somehow design and redesign reality in order to satisfy our desires. Instead, we take Marx at his word when he wrote “Man must prove the truth — i.e. the reality and power, the this-sidedness of his thinking in practice…The materialist doctrine concerning the changing of circumstances and upbringing forgets that circumstances are changed by men and that it is essential to educate the educator himself…The coincidence of the changing of circumstances and of human activity or self-changing can be conceived and rationally understood only as revolutionary practice…All social life is essentially practical…The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society; the standpoint of the new is human society, or social humanity.”

So today I’m going to focus on why the processes and logic that I have tried to spell out in the last 6 posts on this topic take us to a point of supporting the Sanders movement. The point here is to apply our method and logic, however imperfectly, and get us to a point where we can see how dialectical materialism is used in taking up a current political question. This is not an easy matter to take up on the left these days and I want to reach back to a post going into some detail about these matters which frames some of what we’re talking about here.

I’m going to take Mao’s On Practice as a point of departure. Mao says, “Above all, Marxists regard man’s activity in production as the most fundamental practical activity, the determinant of all his other activities. Man’s knowledge depends mainly on his activity in material production, through which he comes gradually to understand the phenomena, the properties and the laws of nature, and the relations between himself and nature; and through his activity in production he also gradually comes to understand, in varying degrees, certain relations that exist between man and man. None of this knowledge can be acquired apart from activity in production…Man’s social practice is not confined to activity in production, but takes many other forms–class struggle, political life, scientific and artistic pursuits; in short, as a social being, man participates in all spheres of the practical life of society. Thus man, in varying degrees, comes to know the different relations between man and man, not only through his material life but also through his political and cultural life (both of which are intimately bound up with material life). Of these other types of social practice, class struggle in particular, in all its various forms, exerts a profound influence on the development of man’s knowledge. In class society everyone lives as a member of a particular class, and every kind of thinking, without exception, is stamped with the brand of a class.” This obligates us to look at the class make-up of the Sanders movement and the other political campaigns underway.

Evidence seems to indicate that the Sanders movement draws primarily from the working-class and what is referred to as “the lower middle-class” and the youth. We know that the dominant concerns among these classes and groups are precariousness, education and debt and the fabric of democracy. We also know that precariousness is less a matter of being in a particular social class, a “precariat,” and more a matter of working class life. And we know that the working class, the “lower middle-class” and the youth are some of the core social forces in the US, the people best situated to make change and reconstruct society.
The Clinton campaign draws on a different class base. The appeal here is to the so-called “middle-classes,” certain industries and economic institutions and the bureaucracies which manage social crises—the non-governmental organizations, the Democratic party establishment, the union leaderships, the public-private partnerships and sections of academia. These are wavering social forces; they can fall in any direction, but they do not represent or actualize the most reactionary social forces. Clinton’s political base in the Democratic party necessarily forces her to respond to the core social forces who remain in the Democratic party—women, people of color, union leaderships—and to be a mediating force between those core forces and the capitalist forces also present in her party. When someone says that Clinton “can get things done” they are describing this mediating role. One peculiarity of US politics is that people at the grassroots are often forced to ally with people at the top in order to win reforms through coalitions, almost guaranteeing a conservative movement at the base for periods of time. On the other hand, we are talking about discreet periods of time which hold in them all of the contradictions present in capitalist society.

We need to be careful to distinguish here between the forces at work and do this in a way which is consistent with the logic we laid out in our previous 6 posts. The tensions we are describing here reflect shifting forces and balances of power, attempts to find equilibrium while some part of the core forces are also trying to make a spontaneous break or leap, relations between existing forces. The Sanders movement represents working-class and “lower-middle-class” interests based on real fears and a democratic hope, while the Clinton campaign represents a particular wing of capitalism and has within it a contradictory relationship between core social forces and these capitalist institutions. The two forces, the Sanders movement and the Clinton campaign, exist is relationship to one another because the economic forces underlying them exist in relationship to one another. These relationships have deep and contradictory aspects to them. For instance, another peculiarity of our politics is that the shift in economic and political relations in the US has meant a shift in the role of the military-industrial complex so that Clinton can correctly position herself as a hawk and a leading figure in the military can speak openly about the military opposing Trump. The quantitative and qualitative features of bourgeois (capitalist) rule are also shifting in relation to one another and in relation to peoples’ struggles.

Beyond the matter of the economic forces at work stand matters of race, class and gender which increasingly appear as antagonistic contradictions among the peoples’ forces. Our take-away point here is that Clinton’s capitalist backers do not represent the most reactionary segments of capital, they do not come from the monopolies and trusts which are now threatened by crisis and by imperialist crises. This will certainly change, but for now Clinton represents other interests.

Not so for Trump. We can say that Trump draws from a “middle-class” who feel that they are in sharp decline and that he represents the most reactionary segments of capitalism—the trusts, the monopolies, the forces negatively affected by imperialist crises, finance capital. We can also say and demonstrate that these are the forces which most benefit from racism and sexism and most easily glom onto the reactionary religious values as an ideology. These forces are “reactionary” in the full sense of the word: they are reacting to the historic values of the Enlightenment and science, but they are also reacting to the peoples’ struggles as expressed in Occupy, the trade unions and the fight for higher minimum wages, anti-racism and Black Lives Matter, the fight for immigrant rights, the fight for LGBTQIA+ rights and so on. It is not only that the Trump forces oppose us on these specific political questions, but also that they represent economic forces which are directly threatened by these forces. In the context of the elections, the Trump campaign is the opposite of the Sanders movement in theory, practice and structure because they each represent contending forces. The Clinton campaign represents a middling force because it represents economic and political forces in crisis who are both scared of social change and who are presently excluded from the ranks of the most reactionary capitalist forces.
If the forces represented by Trump are truly ascendant that our job is to change the balance of forces and the relationship between these forces. We do this by changing the quantitative aspects of the forces at work—bringing more people from the working-class and “lower-middle-class” into the struggle, for instance—-and then by changing the qualitative nature of the struggle by agitating, educating and taking the dare to struggle and win. I think of this as a kind of planetary map, but one in which we get to move the planets around and affect the pull of gravity in each one. If Sanders loses the nomination or loses the election we will need a different order of “planets” in place and different pulls of gravity—a united front, if you will, against the black hole that is Trump’s incipient fascism or the “dark flow” of a Clinton administration vacillating and then sucking the life out of the momentum we are building on the left with the Sanders movement. And if he is somehow elected, we need to consolidate forces immediately and be able to push for a people-before-profits social and political agenda. In any case, we are forced to confront and try to change reality. “If you want knowledge, you must take part in the practice of changing reality. If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. If you want to know the structure and properties of the atom, you must make physical and chemical experiments to change the state of the atom. If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience,” says Mao.

This united front, this change in the order of “planets” and “gravity,”cannot logically be based on a “Sanders-only” approach to the elections. Neither can it be based on a surrender to conservative forces or, for that matter, to spontaneity. We are talking here about a principled or scientific change in relations between contradictory class forces in order to “negate a negation.” In this case it may be a matter of us (workers) joining forces with others to “negate” or oppose Trump’s incipient fascism and the most “negative” or reactionary sections of the capitalist ruling class and the means of production, distribution and administration which they own and control. Or it may mean a temporary class alliance driven by necessity and the need to elect and then push a President Clinton on every key issue. In either case, we are talking about negation and continuity, not progress. Spirkin says, “Development is not a straight line and not motion in a circle, but a spiral with an infinite series of turns. Forward motion is thus intricately combined with circular motion. If all processes in the world developed only successively, without repeating themselves, such things as life, animal and human behaviour, and the life of society could never have arisen; mental activity, consciousness, material and spiritual culture could never have come into being. The process of development also involves a kind of return to previous stages, when certain features of obsolete and replaced forms are repeated in new forms. The process of cognition on a new basis often repeats cycles that have already taken place.”

We take this position with our main concern being with moving from negation to progress, and with some anger at those forces on the left who blocked the left from consolidating and protesting under the Obama administration and those who want to dissolve socialist organizations. This failure to consolidate, organize and fight under Obama is not something to repeat.

In the past, and in other countries, the kind of social-democratic forces represented by Sanders were given some ability to manage social crises when there was an economic downturn. They could ally with the trade union leaderships and enforce austerity in limited ways and as junior partners. Prior to that the social democrats derived much of their power from functioning as a bulwark against the USSR and the committed left. Now there is no USSR, the US organized left is especially weak, the trade union leaderships in the US do not represent more than 12 per cent of the workers and the economy is temporarily in relatively good shape. So it is that we now have a different set of circumstances than we have had in the past and, as a result, new possibilities emerge.

In line with this thought we will wrap up this post with a summarizing quote from Mao. He said, “It often happens, however, that thinking lags behind reality; this is because man’s cognition is limited by numerous social conditions. We are opposed to die-herds in the revolutionary ranks whose thinking fails to advance with changing objective circumstances and has manifested itself historically as Right opportunism. These people fail to see that the struggle of opposites has already pushed the objective process forward while their knowledge has stopped at the old stage. This is characteristic of the thinking of all die-herds. Their thinking is divorced from social practice, and they cannot march ahead to guide the chariot of society; they simply trail behind, grumbling that it goes too fast and trying to drag it back or turn it in the opposite direction…We are also opposed to ‘Left’ phrase-mongering. The thinking of ‘Leftists’ outstrips a given stage of development of the objective process; some regard their fantasies as truth, while others strain to realize in the present an ideal which can only be realized in the future. They alienate themselves from the current practice of the majority of the people and from the realities of the day, and show themselves adventurist in their actions.”

They are wrong
| May 5, 2016 | 8:30 pm | Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed
The Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over,
They are wrong.
Maybe it’s over for the insiders and the party establishment, but the voters in Indiana had a different idea. The campaign wasn’t over for them. It isn’t over for the voters in West Virginia. It isn’t over for Democrats in Oregon, New Jersey and Kentucky. It isn’t over for voters in California and all the other states with contests still to come.
I understand we have an uphill climb to victory, but we have been fighting uphill from the first day of this campaign. I am in this campaign until the last vote is cast, and that’s why I have to ask:
Last night Donald Trump became the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. Poll after poll shows we are the best campaign to take him on, and by a wide margin. There is nothing more I would like than to take on defeat Donald Trump, someone who can never become president of this country. And that is why we must continue to fight for the values we share, and to win this primary.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders
The upcoming 2016 presidential political debacle
| March 30, 2016 | 10:05 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, China, class struggle, political struggle, Russia | Comments closed

Has the US embarked on a path of self-destruction?

By James Thompson

As we observe the perverse insanity of the 2016 presidential election cycle, it is important to take at least a momentary hiatus from the titillating debauchery which never ceases to capture the public attention and try to make some sense of the spectacle.


We are bombarded by the mainstream media’s coverage of every minuscule twist and turn of the revolting campaign of the number one Shaman/showman, Donald Trump. He seems to have hypnotized the American public by his continuous spew of filth, physical violence, and verbal violence against anyone he disagrees with, particularly women, Muslims, Latinos, people with disabilities, and a variety of other major sectors of the US population. Although he is reprehensible, sadly, he appears to have set himself up as a leader of the most disgusting people in the United States today. Someone once told me that in order to be a leader, you must first identify a crowd and then position yourself in front of them. Trump has followed this edict to the letter and it has paid off for him in terms of political support and votes. His campaign and ideology remind me of the nihilism espoused by the Nazi party and more recently expressed by a US rock ‘n roll band called “the Doors”. “The Doors” were followers of the German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, who was the darling of the German Nazi party. Here is a song which embodies the Trump ideology and mystique which has caught on like wildfire and seems to have unified the most degenerate among the US people:


Jim Morrison 1968

We could be so good together

Ya, so good together

We could be so good together

Ya, we could, I know we could

Tell you lies

I tell you wicked lies

Tell you lies

Tell you wicked lies

Tell you ’bout the world that we’ll invent

Wanton world without lament

Enterprise, expedition

Invitation and invention

Ya, so good together

Ah, so good together

We could be so good together

Ya, we could, know we could


Do da do do do do do bup bup de day

We could be so good together

Ya, so good together

We could be so good together

Ya, we could, know we could

Tell you lies

Tell you wicked lies

Tell you lies

Tell you wicked lies

The time you wait subtracts the joy

Beheads the angels you destroy

Angels fight, angels cry

Angels dance and angels die

Ya, so good together

Ah, but so good together

We could be so good together

Ya, we could, know we could”

Although Trump has distinguished himself as a front runner among the decadent Republican mongrels running for president, he has rivals which actually make him look good.

Ted Cruz from Texas is the darling of the Tea Party. He and Trump agree when they both demonize immigrants and Muslims in the most chauvinistic display of racism since the advocates of slavery in the deep South.

More recently, these two pathetic clowns have clashed by debasing each other’s anatomical parts followed by a vicious attack on each other’s wives. Although US politics could never be described as civil and democratic, the current displays reach a level never seen before in bourgeois political campaigns.

Ted Cruz is an unapologetic advocate for the wealthy elite. He makes no bones in calling for the persecution of immigrants and he is no opponent of world war. His election would represent an unprecedented lurch towards world conflagration and the ultimate destruction of the United States.


The childish verbal aggression which has become mainstream politics in the Republican Party struggle for the nomination for president of the United States must serve a useful purpose for the bourgeois Masters of the electoral process in the USA. One possibility is that this grand theater serves as a smokescreen and distraction from real democratic political struggle. As long as workers are focused on the hand size and size of other anatomical parts of the candidates, it is less likely that they will notice that these vicious reactionaries advocate military aggression and disdain world peace. Indeed, no candidate for the office of the president of the United States advocates world peace. They all vary slightly in terms of the degree with which they endorse military aggression on foreign, sovereign nations.

One candidate, John Kasich, has openly advocated funding and supporting the US imposed fascist regime in the Ukraine. This deplorable, fascist government in Kiev calls for the persecution of Russian-speaking people in the Ukraine and certain elements call for the extermination of Russians. These vicious snakes are the front line of the US backed military assault on Russia. No candidate in any credible way argues with this position.

Most candidates call for the confrontation of China and support the US military aggression in the South China Sea. The US military continuously challenges and provokes the Chinese government and denies their right to their sovereign territories.

The circus in the US political arena obfuscates US military aggression around the world. US provocations in the Middle East, and against Russia and China are the most dangerous and could lead to nuclear war. No one in the US seems to be aware that nuclear war could pave a clear path to the total destruction of the human race as well as many other species which inhabit the world. Indeed, the US, China and Russia could turn each other into cockroach food in a matter of hours. “We can all be cremated equally.”


Hopefully the US has not reached the point of no return in spite of the blatant madness of the political candidates and mainstream media. Only working people can lead the struggle out of the ideological mire in which we find ourselves. Let us stop wallowing in the mire.

It is clear that the current candidates for the president of the United States do not advocate a path away from the self-destructive attitudes of the most degenerate sector of the population. We must ask ourselves as people of conscience if there is anything to be done to oppose the destructiveness of the anarchic, nihilistic collective consciousness of the people in the US. Bernie Sanders advocates a “political revolution”. It is not clear what he means by this but it is clear that we need a mass movement to propel our backward nation forward towards world peace, healthcare for all, education for all, full employment, housing for all and an end to mass incarceration. We need a new political system to meet the needs of working people and preserve progressive political gains. US working people of conscience need to unite in the struggle for peace and against the aims of the reactionaries. Education is needed to help working people see through the obfuscation of the neofascists. Without the opposition of working people, it is clear that the mass media and their bourgeois Masters will do everything they can to propel neofascist reactionaries into positions of political power wherever possible.

It is important to remember that support for neoliberals does not equate to opposition to fascism. Indeed, some neoliberals are the most effective champions of fascism which have ever raised their ugly heads. Both liberal and conservative voices supporting fascism must be fought. Fascism equates to self-destruction and the most notable examples are German Naziism and Italian fascism. We all know what happened to the supporters of Hitler and Mussolini. Do US people want to meet the same fate as the followers of Hitler and Mussolini?

A mass movement needs to be organized starting now which has the power to oppose the anti-working people policies of whatever candidate is elected to the office of president. What is done before the election appears to be irrelevant. What matters is what will happen after the election.

Too many riff-raff, who abhor political struggle, infest Left organizations
| March 26, 2016 | 6:25 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, political struggle | Comments closed
By A. Shaw
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders fights to win the nomination, as critics ask him why doesn’t he quit and endorse Hillary Clinton.
There are a number of reasons why Sanders doesn’t quit and endorse her.
(1) The race for the DP nomination isn’t over. Clinton hasn’t clinched.
(2) Sanders aims to build a mass movement that parallels his campaign for the Democratic Party (DP) nomination.
(3) The mass movement is different from the Sanders campaign.
Whether Clinton wins or loses the DP race, the outcome of the DP race will not determine anything that belongs to the mass movement.
From the 2015 beginning of the mass movement and campaign, Sanders emphasized that the mass movement, not the Sanders campaign, will continue its operations after the November 2016 general election.
Sanders has never said that the mass movement that parallels his campaign is a part of the DP, like his campaign.
The mass movement is an independent political force outside the DP and campaign is an independent political force within the DP.
Some critics question whether Sanders campaign is independent within  the DP.
Before an opponent clinches the DP nomination, Sanders can either endorse or not endorse the DP opponent. In practice, most losing candidates don’t endorse their opponents.
After an opponent clinches, Sanders can either endorse or not endorse the victorious DPÂ opponent. In practice, most defeated candidates don’t endorse their opponents.
The political independence lies in the right of the candidate to choose whether to endorse or not endorse his or her opponent.
If a candidate chooses to endorse, his choice doesn’t show dependency or lack of independence.
Party rules, especially the rules of bourgeois and left opportunist parties, often forbid its candidates from endorsing candidates who represent OTHER parties.
Some people have difficulty with the difference between “a party” and “another party.”
The function of the Sanders campaign is to win a slice of state power, like for instance the office of USA president.
The function of the mass movement is to train liberal and leftist operatives how to win slices of state power or, in other words, how to win elections.
The training that the mass movement supplies to receptive revolutionaries and other political operatives entails training in both political theory and political practice.
There are a number of elements within both the campaign and mass movement that are at least attempting to perform these complex tasks.
Clinton may or may not win the DP nomination.
If she wins, her campaign for the general election Clinton will then offer splendid opportunities for revolutionaries and other operatives, affiliated with the mass movement, to get additional practical political training, regardless of theoretical differences between revolutionaries and Clinton.
In the Manifesto, Marx and Engels warned the proletariat that the bourgeoisie may prove to be a better source for the type of “weapons” necessary to wage practical politics. Marx and Engels pointed out that sectors of the bourgeoisie may first have to “drag” the proletariat into the political arena where “weapons” of practical politics are commonly used.
Surely, Clinton now represents a sector of the bourgeoisie and, surely, the youth now campaigning as well as fighting in the mass movement for Sanders represent the best of the liberal working and middle classes.
Here are Marx and Engels’ own words on this question of the source of the tools of practical political training:
“In all these battles, it [the bourgeoisie] sees itself compelled
to appeal to the proletariat, to ask for help, and thus, to drag
it into the political arena. The bourgeoisie itself, therefore, supplies
the proletariat with its own elements of political and general
education, in other words, it furnishes the proletariat with weapons
for fighting the bourgeoisie.”
Marx and Engels evidently drew the conclusion that too many riff-raff, who abhor political struggle with an insane passion, infest Left organizations, preventing such organizations from supplying the proletariat with “weapons” necessary for struggle in the political arena
Too many tragedies
| March 7, 2016 | 8:07 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed

Trump calls Sanders a communist. What does this mean?
| February 21, 2016 | 7:20 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed

By James Thompson

Donald Trump is the epitome of what people used to call “The ugly American.” He slanders everybody and seems to believe that any non-Trump entity must be a “loser.” He is famous for the words “You’re Fired!” He defines himself as a successful entrepreneur. He is one definition of entrepreneur:


noun: entrepreneur; plural noun: entrepreneurs

  1. a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.
synonyms: businessman/businesswoman, enterpriser, speculator, tycoon, magnate, mogul;

He is proud of the fact that he is a billionaire. He is a candidate for POTUS and is clearly of, by and for the 1%.

He has repeatedly called Bernie Sanders a communist, which is but one of his many outrageous lies. However, let’s assume he is right and Sen. Sanders is a communist. What does that mean?

Historically, members of the Communist Party have fought for working people, the oppressed and the underprivileged. In other words, the 99%.

Mr. Trump says that given the choice between an entrepreneur and a communist, he will choose the entrepreneur. Of course he would, since his interests lie squarely with a 1% and he is opposed to the interests of the 99%.

Mr. Sanders repeatedly says that he will fight for the interests of the 99%. It is crystal clear that Mr. Trump will fight for the interests of the 1%.

It is clear that people in the 1% should vote for Mr. Trump. It’s just as clear that people in the 99% should vote for Mr. Sanders.

We will see soon if working people fight for their own interests or shoot themselves in the foot once again.

An Inside Look at Covering a Presidential Campaign
| February 9, 2016 | 7:45 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed