Editor’s note: “Some people will rob you with a six-gun and others with a fountain pen.” – Woody Guthrie

Press Release
Alfred Molison III

“I think there are two types of bankers: One kind are crooks and the other kind are criminals.”*
Alfred Molison Jr.
Candidate for Texas State Representative District 131
November 6, 2012

My father, Alfred Molison Jr., candidate for Texas State Representative District 131, again wishes to publicly thank the members of the Houston Communist Party for their endorsement. This is the first time he’s run for public office and his mere presence on the ballot struck fear into the heart of the Democratic establishment.

We hope that in the future, not only will members and allies of the Communist Party work with Greens but Communist Party members will also run candidates on the Green Party ballot. There’s no demand on our part for anyone to give up Communist values or the clear differences of our parties. The people of Texas need multiple options and multiple parties on the ballot. The unfair state ballot access laws deny the Communist Party and many others the opportunity to run candidates on their own ballot line. Greens support the elimination of these unjust laws that deny voters genuine options and genuine competition in all elections. We support more parties on the ballot and non-partisan and/or multi-partisan election rule development and management. Thus, we asked for candidates from the Communist Party and endorsements by the Communist Party..

For the 2012 election the Democrats actually woke up. For the first time in years, they actively recruited candidates in this race and many others around the state of Texas, whether they could win or not. Statewide and locally, where they couldn’t find a Democrat to run then they recruited a Libertarian. In the District 131 race the Democrats recruited someone to run on the Libertarian ticket with the same first name as my father and even a similar last name.

A first time candidate, with no campaign budget, usually gets around 1% of the vote. My father got 2.11% of the vote. I attribute part of his better showing than most to the support and endorsement of the Communist Party.

There are many people, usually members of the top Democratic Party leadership, who say, well they can’t win, so they shouldn’t be voted for or supported in any way. Greens should run at the lower, non-partisan level, (and then the Democratic leadership opposes Greens there, too).

Our ideas about honest elections, genuine democracy, and candidates who work for people’s needs instead of the desires of the wealthy and big corporations are too idealistic and naive. We call for an end to all the foreign military interventions of the U.S. military. The Democratic leadership says that’s nice. You’re so cute. Now, leave the serious political activity to us professionals, us realists, us adults.

Those dismissive views belong to people who don’t believe in much of anything. Those are the views of people who believe in rule by an aristocracy, rule by the best. Those are the views of people who invest nothing, save nothing, change nothing, grow nothing and ultimately take away from all of us. They have a pirate mentality, a bully mentality, an exploiters mentality.

Where do we begin overthrowing a system of corruption and planetary destruction? We begin here, with the Green Party and the Communist Party. Speak your mind. Demonstrate and organize to do right. Run for public office and demand accountability from those in office. Make demands and influence officeholders between elections, not just during elections.

We look forward to working with our friends and allies in the Houston Communist Party and the Communist Party of the United States.

I’m reminded of a quote from Ghandi, “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”

Alfred Molison III
Campaign Manager

*Dad wants reform of the banking system. Centrally, nationalize the banks. They’re already being paid for and bailed out by the U.S. government. It’s not that big a step to nationalizing them. The profits can go to benefit the majority of human beings by eliminating all mortgage debt, all student loan debt and all credit card debt. Do you think that we, the taxpayer, can’t afford that? Look at how much non-tax revenue based money was suddenly made to appear when private banks and financial companies started to run into trouble. Total those three social debts we demand forgiveness for and you’ll find that the big banks have been bailed out for that amount and far, far more. The ultra-wealthy are fat and happy while the majority of people are suffering. The big banks and wealthy people own our government and have instituted socialist bailouts and tax funded rewards for the elites. Their government gives the 99% of us human beings capitalist losses, exported jobs and stagnant wages as punishment. Alternatively, take a look at a website called A New Way Forward, which prescribes many excellent financial reforms, including the reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act which separated commercial speculation from government guaranteed individual savings. Right now the government is guaranteeing no losses for big, commercial speculators. The more trouble they get in the more they get bailed out.