HOUSTON – For the first time a Communist Party in the United States has formally endorsed two Green Party members for public office. The Houston Communist Party (www.houstoncommunistparty.com ) formally endorsed and will support Alfred Molison, Jr., for Texas State House of Representatives District 131, and G.C. Molison, for Texas Board of Education District 6, as Green Party candidates. Both candidates will face Libertarian, Democratic, and Republican opponents on the ballot November 6, 2012.
The endorsement was unanimously supported by the club membership at a meeting held on July 4, 2012 to celebrate the independence of the USA from British imperialism.
“I was surprised and very happy, upon hearing the news of their endorsement by the Houston Communist Party. Usually, the CPUSA (www.cpusa.org ) mandates that members support and work for Democrats for public office. As far as I can tell this is the first and only endorsement by a Communist Party club of any Green Party candidates in the entire United States,” said Alfred Molison, III, manager of his parent’s election campaigns.
“I want to publicly thank the members and leadership of the Houston Communist Party for endorsing Alfred Molison, Jr. for Texas State Representative District 131 and G.C. Molison for Texas Board of Education District 6. We look forward to working together to improve the lives of working class people, better educate all the children of Texas and maintain and improve the entire environment for everyone,” said Alfred Molison, III, a former Co-Chair of the Harris County Green Party and former Co-Chair of the Green Party of Texas.
“We are happy to support and endorse these candidates for public office who will fight for social justice to include economic justice for the working people of their districtsâ€, said James Thompson, Chair of the Houston Communist Party. “This will serve as a good example of cooperation between Reds and Greens in an effort to fight for the interests of working peopleâ€, he said.
“I have to admit to having had some prejudice against communists. However, when I went to meetings with the Houston Communist Party, I was surprised to find a tremendous amount of genuine freedom of speech, democracy and differences of opinion and procedure. It wasn’t divided. It was respectful and broad. I think most people would enjoy meetings of the Houston Communist Party. They aren’t fighting the doctrine and theology of Marxism. They’re working together to figure out how to help people and the world. Just like the Greens and the Green Party, they haven’t been bought out by the wealthy and the big corporations,” said Alfred.