By James Thompson

Much has been made of the violation of human rights in other countries in the press of the USA. Usually such stories have centered on the former USSR and/or People’s Republic of China. Little mention is given to the racism and sexism which pervades the societal structure in the USA. Racism and sexism and discrimination in all its forms have been used to split and divide the working class in the USA. As long as working people view their co-workers who are of a different race and/or sex than them as inferior, it is easy for the bosses to lower our wages and benefits and working conditions. This has been done historically and it has worked quite well to bolster the profits of the capitalists. Unfortunately, it has been a catastrophe for working people who have seen their incomes, benefits and working conditions in the USA slide in a grotesque race for the bottom.

It is time that legislation should be introduced to make such practices illegal and punishable by law.

Here are some suggestions of basic statements which could be introduced as proposed legislation to address the persistent problems of racism and sexism and discriminatory labor practices:

Citizens of the USA are equal before the law, without distinction of origin, social or property status, race or nationality, sex, education, language, attitude to religion, type and nature of occupation, domicile, or other status.

The equal rights of citizens of the USA are guaranteed in all fields of economic, political, social, and cultural life.

Women and men have equal rights in the USA.

Exercise of these rights is ensured by according women equal access with men to education and vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration, and promotion, and in social and political, and cultural activity, and by special labor and health protection measures for women; by providing conditions enabling mothers to work; by legal protection, and material and moral support for mothers and children, including paid leaves and other benefits for expectant mothers and mothers, and gradual reduction of working time for mothers with small children.

Citizens of the USA of different races and nationalities have equal rights.

Exercise of these rights is ensured by a policy of all-round development and drawing together of all the nations and nationalities of the USSR, by educating citizens in the spirit of Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism, and by the possibility to use their native language and the languages of other peoples in the USA.

Any direct or indirect limitation of the rights of citizens or establishment of direct or indirect privileges on grounds of race or nationality, and any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness, hostility, or contempt, are punishable by law.

It should be pointed out that these items were taken directly from the Constitution of the former USSR. The only words changed were “USSR” which was changed to “USA.” Some people may ask, “Why is it that in the former USSR people were granted equal rights in the constitution of that country, but in the USA, we can’t even seem to pass an Equal Rights Amendment.

By ending the practices of racism and sexism in the USA, working class power would be greatly increased since these tactics are two of the main tools the capitalists use to oppress the working class.