Tagged: Dennis Kucinich
Kucinich says “No to war with Russia!”
| December 7, 2014 | 7:47 pm | Action, International, National | Comments closed

Dear Friends:

Please sign the petition initiated by Dennis Kucinich opposing war with Russia
Peace & solidarity to all our friends
Dennis Kucinich speaks in Houston
| November 10, 2013 | 8:40 pm | Action | 1 Comment

HOUSTON – Dennis Kucinich received the 11th annual Peacemaker Award from the Houston Peace and Justice Center on 11/9/2013. He also delivered the keynote address which you can watch on http://youtu.be/o4rGCKFzn9k  . The event program states the reason he received this award: “For courage, inspiration and tenacity; for the hope your life has given to all who care deeply about shifting from a system based on greed to one of generosity; for caring enough to highlight important topics in political debates thereby giving voice to issues that affect most Americans, including standing up against banks as early as the 1970s; for consistently elevating peace and justice issues throughout your life of service; for truly representing the best interests of the American people and the world, and for energizing others to join you.”

Dennis Kucinich is a former U.S. House of Representatives Congressperson from Cleveland, Ohio. He led the opposition to the invasion of Iraq and co-authored landmarkDSC00011

Dennis Kucinich speaks in Houston on 11/9/13.

Dennis Kucinich speaks in Houston on 11/9/13.

legislation on Universal Health Care. Watch the video linked above and hear him discuss these and other timely issues.
