Against police terrorism!
| December 3, 2014 | 8:52 pm | Analysis, Local/State, National, police terrorism | Comments closed

zzz-antiracismby  James Thompson


People of conscience in the United States and around the world have recently been disgusted by the brutal murders of African-American males in the United States. What’s worse is that the terrorist police officers have so far escaped prosecution. Of course, I am referring to the cases of Michael Brown in Missouri and Eric Garner in New York.


Many people have commented on the militarization of the US police force. There is a long history of police terrorism in this country. Local police have consistently been used by the upper-class to enforce racism and protect the property rights of the wealthy. In the US, the police are clearly unarmed of the state and their mission is to terrorize working people, particularly working people of color.


In Houston, many of us remember the famous photograph of a person in KKK regalia exiting a Houston Police Department patrol car in the 1970s. We also remember the brutal slaying of civil rights leader Carl Hampton and, more recently, the racist execution of James Byrd by white supremacists.


Very recently, anti-immigrant racists in Texas and elsewhere have formed unlawful militias to terrorize immigrants.


The legacy of terrorism, brutality and racism is long in nature and national in scope.


However, the recent events are particularly despicable. The court decisions create the impression that racism is okay even when it leads to murder.


The first African-American president of the United States, Barack Obama, has called for peaceful protests as a reaction to the failure of the courts to put the murderous police officers on trial even though there are videos documenting their murders. This should give people of conscience pause to consider the efficacy of protests in redressing social grievances.


Peaceful protests as a first step in reaction to police brutality are always a good idea. However, a serious movement to oppose police brutality is needed. A serious movement would include political activity as part of the struggle against police brutality.


People of conscience should work together in a united effort to elect people to public office who will fight for the interests of working people and particularly working people of color.


One place to start would be to enact legislation that would harshly punish racist terrorist action by both private and public law enforcement organizations.


One model for new legislation in the United States would be the “Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” There has been a great deal of negative propaganda against the USSR produced by the US government and the largest corporations since 1917. However, the reality is that the USSR had a long history of supporting civil rights internationally. Many black leaders in the United States received a great deal of support from the USSR. Most notable was Paul Robeson, but there were many others, including Angela Davis.


Article 36 of the USSR Constitution (p. 38) reads (Citizens of the USSR of different races and nationalities have equal rights.


Exercise of these rights is insured by a policy of all round development and drawing together of all the nations and nationalities of the USSR, by educating citizens in the spirit of Soviet patriotism and Soviet internationalism, and by the possibility to use their native language in the languages of other peoples of the USSR.


Any direct or indirect limitation of the rights of citizens or other establishment of direct or indirect privileges on grounds of race or nationality, or any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness, hostility or contempt, are punishable by law.”


There is no longer a USSR to stand up for and advocate for the rights of African-Americans in the United States. It is up to the people of the United States to take on this role and demand that our citizens not be brutalized by the vicious, paid, stooges of the bourgeoisie. Until working people fight for political power, the brutality will continue and expand.


Wake up, people of the United States! What Gus Hall used to call a “whiff of fascism” has expanded into a stench of fascism. A unified movement of working people can turn this around!

Gerald Horne discusses “Race to revolution”
| December 3, 2014 | 7:49 pm | Analysis | Comments closed

Is There Life After Social Democracy?
| December 2, 2014 | 8:13 pm | Analysis | Comments closed

“Labour’s problems aren’t very different from those of other Western social democratic parties… In this sense we are experiencing not merely a crisis of the British state but also a general crisis of social democracy” (Labour Vanishes, Ross McKibbin, London Review of Books, November 20, 2014).
McKibbin’s summary assessment of social democracy is both keen and cogent. Social democracy, the political expression of twentieth-century anti-Communist reformism, has arrived at a juncture that challenges its vision as well as its political vitality. In McKibbin’s words: “Over the last twenty or thirty years the great social democratic parties of Germany, Austria, Scandinavia, Australia and New Zealand (and now France) have bled support…” One could add, though in a less dramatic way, the ersatz US social democratic party, the Democratic Party.
In a real sense, social democracy drew its energy from its posture as an alternative to Communism. For various reasons– fear of change, anti-Communist demonology, ignorance, imagined self-interest– many of those disadvantaged by capitalism took refuge in the tame, gradualist, and militantly anti-Communist parties claiming space on the left. By advocating an easy parliamentary approach, charting a cautious, non-confrontational road, and enveloping the effort with civility, social democratic thinkers believe they can win popularity and smooth the sharp edges of capitalism.
After the founding of the Soviet Union and the birth of international Communist parties– many of them mass parties– the old Socialist International hewed to a reformist line that separated it from Communism while posing as advocates on the side of the workers and for socialism. Parliamentary successes followed from the adoption of moderation and the condemnation of Communism, a lesson learned only too well by practical leaders.
The model for social democracy after the Bolshevik revolution was undoubtedly the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). Assuming power after the abdication of the Kaiser, the SPD swiftly suppressed the revolutionary zeal of the masses and established a parliamentary regime. By suppressing Communism, the SPD sought to accommodate the hysterical fears of the bourgeoisie and the petty bourgeoisie, a tactic destined to permeate social democratic thinking to this day. Despite being the largest party bloc in the Reichstag until July of 1932, neither appeasement of the right nor “responsibly” overseeing a capitalist economy under great duress would rescue the SPD and Germany from the rise of Nazism. Social democrats are fond of blaming the SPD’s failure on the militant left or right-wing extremism, but they willfully ignore the blatant fact– equally true today– that people turn away from centrist parties when they fail to keep their promises. Ruling Germany became more the goal of the SPD than ruling it well and in the interest of Germany’s working people.
With Communists’ resistance to fascism earning the respect and trust of the people, as it did throughout most of Europe, social democracy fared poorly after the War. It is well established today that where European social democratic parties were prepared to distance themselves loudly and forcefully from collaborating with Communists, “friends” in the US were only too happy to give them covert and overt aid. The CIA and the host of other acronymic entities created by the US government to subvert anti-capitalist and pro-labor activities worldwide found willing collaborators in social democratic parties, especially among those who clearly identified Communist success with social democratic failure. It was not long before the opportunism of anti-Communism infected the entire social democratic movement: In 1951, the Socialist International formally dissociated itself from Communism, characterizing it as terrorist, bureaucratic, imperialistic, and freedom-destroying. Articles 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Frankfort Declaration excommunicate Communism, condemning it to the netherworld with all of the fervor of the Inquisition.
But opportunism begets opportunism. By 1959 any pretense of socialism was erased from the grandfather of social democratic parties, the SPD. With the Godesberg program, the SPD effectively renounced a commitment to socialism, replacing it with vague notions of social justice and allusions to democratic advances. German social democracy thus made its peace with capitalism, under the banner of anti-Communism, and would, henceforth, pledge to never stray from the path of reform.
Nearly all other socialist and social democratic parties followed suit. In place of socialism, the doctrine of social welfare emerged as a tepid surrogate for eliminating exploitation from social and economic relations. Social democracy created an artificial, divisive wall between marginally well-off working people– the so-called “middle class”– and their more destitute class brothers and sisters. Instead of expropriating the expropriators, social democracy insists that the burden of pacifying the poor should be borne socially, with much of that burden falling on working class families.
Class, like socialism, was relegated to the dustbin. In its place was the concept of civil society with markets determining social status, compensation, and the distribution of goods and services. Those who lacked the physical or mental assets to compete for the “opportunities” afforded by markets were supposed to be protected by a metaphorical societal “safety net,” a set of programs designed to guarantee a marginal life for those alleged to be lacking competitive skills or spirit. Thus, the cry of “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité,” so inspirational in the French Revolution, was diluted centuries later to the liberty of markets, the equality of the jungle, and the selfishness of individualism. The only vestige of eighteenth-century humanism remaining in social democratic theory is a shabby, porous net that guarantees that “losers” in the game of life will remain losers.
For decades, the supposed shining star in the social democratic firmament was Sweden. The myth of Swedish “socialism” sustained the few claims to social justice remaining intact with the soft left’s assumption of the role of capitalism’s handmaiden. Whatever credibility this view might have enjoyed was devastatingly punctured by an article written by Peter Cohen in the July-August 1994 issue of Monthly Review (Sweden: The Model that Never Was). Taking two Pollyanna articles from the previous year to task, Cohen, a long-time resident of Sweden, states emphatically: “Like all European Social Democratic Parties, the SAP [Social Democratic Workers Party] not only accepts capitalism but defends it against any attempt at change. The party has always argued that what is good for Swedish corporations is good for the Swedish working class.”
Cohen presages the fate of the US and European working classes when he explains that the SAP has always accepted that class collaboration “requires the working class to accept cutbacks– of all types– when corporate profits decline, and even when they don’t.” Cohen outlines the virulent anti-Communism in the SAP that led it to support internment of Communists in WWII and work hand-in-glove with US Cold Warriors, citing its support for Pinochet’s government and hostility to Portugal’s revolution.
The SAP instituted the so-called “solidarity wage policy,” a cynical leveling of workers’ wages within the total wage package. Cohen explains: “The “solidarity wage” does not affect the imbalance of income between workers and capitalists. It only redistributes wages between different groups of workers. It also makes the SAP look like a dedicated defender of the workers’ interests.”
Cohen documents the role of the SAP in introducing private schools into the Swedish education system, in pro-capitalist tax “reform,” and in weakening Swedish social insurance (the “safety net”).
He cites the SAP’s call (now ubiquitous in all capitalist countries) to retard workers’ compensation in the interests of “competitiveness.”
Cohen’s remarkable article is uncannily prescient of the evolution of social democracy over the two decades to follow his article, an evolution of closer and closer class collaboration. In his words: “The table manners shown by the strong in the course of their meal may be more attractive in countries with Social Democratic governments, but the digestive process is the same.”
It is tempting to see this development as a mutation of the social democratic ideal, as a departure.
It is not.
Instead, it is the trajectory of social democracy in a world where the specter of Communism has ebbed. Without pressure from the left, social democratic parties shed all pretense of representing the working class against capital and political power. Today, social democratic parties– like the US Democratic Party– function under the illusion that Europe and North America are classless societies, while acknowledging the problem of poverty plaguing the so-called “underclass.” Absent an aggressive commitment to resource redistribution, the 2007-2008 economic crisis has caught the moderate left in the vise of either imposing additional burdens on the majority to help the poor or ignoring their increasing desperation. To a great extent, they have chosen to ignore growing poverty while aiding capital in its effort to extract itself from the mire of global crisis. In essence, social democrats believe that capitalism can be steered out of the crisis without seriously modifying the existing relationship between capital and workers.
For workers seduced by social democracy, the romance has proven truly tragic. A partnership with capital combined with a commitment to buffering capital’s “excesses” proves to be an extravagant self-deception; capital accepts no such concession. Rather than delivering capitalism with a human face, the architects of anti-Communist reformism have delivered division, concession, austerity, hardship, and imperial aggression.
But even more tragically, the failure of the social democratic project drives far too many people, including disillusioned workers, toward the extreme right, fascism, and neo-Nazism. Throughout Europe and the US, working people thirsting for answers have been betrayed by reformism. Unfortunately, they far too often turn to the right, a turn that conjures eerie images of the rise of fascism between the Wars.
Workers deserve a better option.
Zoltan Zigedy
| December 2, 2014 | 7:57 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, National | Comments closed

by A. Shaw

“What I think really happened is about 64 percent of the American people rejected the two-party system,” Bernie Sanders, US senator and possible presidential candidate, said recently on Comedy Central’s “Colbert Report.”

When Bernie says 64% of the people rejected the two-party system in the 2014 mid-term elections, what does this mean?
It means only one-third of the people accepts this system that 64% rejects. It means the reactionary and swine-like third of the people — a minority of the people — now dominate the political arena. It means the political arena is now a pigsty.
What is this two-party system that Bernie mentions?
In a 1959 article Work In the Two-Party System, William Z. Foster said the two-party system is “two old bourgeois parties.”
Hence, the two-party system is nothing but bourgeois rule or bourgeois power over the people.
So, 64% of the people reject  bourgeois rule or power.
To win, Bernie has to show the people that he is not a gluttonous hog who solely and exclusively represents the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie even in the regime’s touted democratic form.
Two-thirds of the people are fed-up with those “two old bourgeois parties.”
Clearly, 64% will not pick a candidate solely on party label. To the 64%, the labels DP and GOP are worthless.
Most likely, 64% will pick despite the presence of worthless and rejected labels.
64% may look for the candidate that represents chiefly the working and middle classes, despite his or her odious label.
Bernie has a big head start over all of his rivals.
What is Bernie’s class?
| December 2, 2014 | 7:50 pm | Bernie Sanders, National | Comments closed
by A. Shaw
US Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) ranks 84th in the US Senate with an estimated net worth of $460,506 in 2012.
This net worth figure does not include the value of Sanders’ residence.
So, what is Sanders’ class identity.
By USA personal finance standards, Bernie Sanders belongs to what V. Lenin calls the “aristocracy of labor” or, in other words, the upper stratum of the working class.
So, it seems Bernie Sanders is a worker.
As a self-avowed socialist, Sanders is not only worker, he is also a class conscious worker.
Bernie Sanders Calls Congress’s Plan For Massive Tax Cut For Corporations Crazy
| November 26, 2014 | 7:56 pm | Bernie Sanders, Economy, National | Comments closed

Wednesday, November, 26th, 2014, 4:12 pm


Sen. Bernie Sanders called Congress’s $440 billion plan to cut taxes for the wealthy and corporations crazy, and urged President Obama to veto the bill.

The White House announced yesterday that President Obama would veto a tax plan being negotiated by House Republicans and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) that would make permanent hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations.

In a statement Sen. Bernie Sanders called the tax cut plan crazy, “This tax cut agreement does exactly the wrong things. At a time of massive wealth and income inequality, it extends huge tax cuts to the rich and large corporations while threatening programs that help low-income children. At a time when we need to reverse climate change and aggressively move to sustainable energy, this agreement fails to eliminate tax benefits for the fossil fuel industry but phases out tax credits for wind and solar. This is pretty crazy stuff. I strongly support the president’s decision to veto it.”

The tax cut plan that Reid and the Republicans have cooked up is heavily tilted towards the wealthy and corporations. Liberals in the Senate are opposed to the proposal, and there is considerable doubt that the plan could garner the votes that would be necessary to override a presidential veto.

Sen. Sanders told it like it is. The last thing this economy needs is more tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. It isn’t a coincidence that the economy has gone on a nearly unprecedented growth after taxes were raised on the wealthy.

The plan being pushed by Sen. Reid and House Republicans isn’t just crazy. It is also incredibly stupid. Republicans tried to tax cut their way to prosperity during the Bush years and ended up with the Great Recession. President Obama is going to play that game again, and a key member of the Senate liberal hell no caucus is standing right there with him.

Canada, Ukraine and the U.S. vote against combating the glorification of Nazism
| November 24, 2014 | 8:42 pm | Analysis, International | Comments closed
Communist Party of Canada – Manitoba
387 Selkirk Ave., Winnipeg MB R2W 2M3 – (204) 586-7824 –

For immediate release
November 24, 2014

Canada, Ukraine and the U.S. vote against combating the glorification of Nazism

On November 21, the Harper government displayed undying love for Hitler fascism in the United Nations, in full collaboration with Ukraine and international imperialism’s bulwark of reaction, the United States.

According to a UN news release (Nov. 21/ 14), “A draft text on combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices was… approved by a record vote of 115 in favour, 3 against (Canada, Ukraine, United States), with 55 abstentions.” (1)

The vote continues international imperialism’s policy of appeasing fascism in Ukraine, which bans holidays celebrating the defeat of fascism, allows the lawless destruction of memorials to Soviet soldiers who died fighting the Nazis, and celebrates the founding of Ukrainian fascist groups who murdered Jews, communists and anti-fascists.

European countries comprised 41 of the 55 abstaining countries. (2) Lithuania explained the EU’s decision to abstain, saying fascism has nothing to do with racism, an outright deception. (3) In fact, Lithuania has an active neo-Nazi movement, much like Ukraine. Too afraid of pubic opinion to show their fascist stripes, these countries are allied with the U.S. and Canada in their ideological support for fascism.

The vote is a major step of North American imperialism publicly to embrace fascism as an acceptable ideology in its foreign policy ambitions. The vote tramples on the very reason for drafting the UN Charter itself, the defeat of fascism.

It continues the policy of propping-up of Ukraine as an Eastern outpost of NATO imperialism, for use as a springboard of aggression against Russia and China. War would be the natural continuation of this policy by violent means.

Russia is imperialism’s new target and perhaps the most dangerous front of aggression, motivated by rivalries among capitalist countries. Imperialism’s most reactionary circles also view war as tool of class struggle against resistance to global capitalism.

Such a war against Russia would be the final argument of a capitalist system lurching into deeper crisis. Fascism and imperialism’s policy of appeasement, which caused the last world war, must not be allowed to take root again.

Such a war today would have a profoundly harmful impact on democratic rights and the conditions of the class struggle in Canada, similar to the other inter-imperialist wars of the last century. For example, the First World War ended in the banning of democratic, progressive and socialist groups and parties, all of whom were opposed to Canada’s participation.

Democratic and progressive groups in Manitoba who oppose a new war against Russia need to raise the demand for the return of Canada’s warplanes, soldiers and ships from Eastern Europe and the Black Sea, and for Canada’s departure from the NATO military alliance.

– Darrell Rankin, Leader, Communist Party of Canada – Manitoba
Information: (204) 792-3371

1. . The full text is at: