Cuban MD who contracted Ebola returning home soon
| December 6, 2014 | 7:57 pm | Analysis, Ebola, International, Latin America | Comments closed
Source: Havana Times
The Cuban doctor who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone has recovered from the disease and will soon return to the island, according to a statement from the health authorities published today in Havana.
Those responsible for the University Hospital of Geneva where Dr. Felix Baez is being treated “confirmed that the testing has confirmed the disappearance of the virus in his body fluids,” stated the text of the Ministry of Health cited by Prensa Latina.
When discharged, the doctor will return to Cuba, added the text, without specifying dates. Baez is part of a contingent of 165 Cuban medical personnel who traveled to Sierra Leone in October to fight Ebola.
The doctor contracted the disease in mid-November and was taken days later to Geneva, under an agreement between Cuba and the World Health Organization (WHO) to treat Cuban collaborators who could become sick with Ebola in West Africa, noted dpa news.
Cuba has been at the forefront of the international fight against Ebola by sending a total of 256 doctors and other health workers to the three countries most affected by the epidemic, which has killed at least 6,187 people, according to the latest figures from the WHO.
In addition to the 165 aid workers in Sierra Leone, the government of Raul Castro sent another 91 to Liberia and Guinea in mid-October. WHO currently estimates the number of infections in the three countries at 17,517, in what is considered the worst outbreak of Ebola in history.
After the departure of the Cuban medical teams to Africa, WHO sources [?] on the island had specified that those who fell ill with Ebola would not be repatriated to Cuba. Baez is the first Latin American known to have contracted the virus.


Angela Davis on the racist state of America
| December 5, 2014 | 10:15 pm | Analysis, National | Comments closed

December Events and Hours – Center for Marxist Education, Cambridge, Mass.
| December 5, 2014 | 9:43 pm | Action | Comments closed

December Events and Hours

Center for Marxist Education | 550 Mass Ave, Cambridge | 2nd Floor



60’s Cafe

Songs of Resistance, Stories of Struggle: Marcia Deihl and Harvey Cox

Wednesday, December 3rd – 7pm


Marcia Deihl is a singer/songwriter who has been a cultural worker/performer in the Boston area for forty years.  She is known for her music in history workshops, bizarre song parties, originals, and parodies. A member of People‘s Music Network, she has a B.A. in Music History and Education from Boston University, an M.A. in Feminism and Folk Music from Cambridge-Goddard Sch…ool for Social Change, and a Certificate in Publishing and Communications from Harvard University.  Harvey Cox, Jr. is one of the preeminent theologians in the United States and served as Hollis Research Professor of Divinity at the Harvard Divinity School, until his retirement in October 2009. Cox’s research and teaching focus on theological developments in world Christianity, including liberation theology and the role of Christianity in Latin America. He worked alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the Sixties who sought to mobilize religious institutions and symbolism in the struggle for social justice.




Red History Lecture Series

Collapse of the Second International

Saturday, December 6th – 3pm

One hundred years ago in 1914, the socialist parties of the Second International supported their governments at the outbreak of the slaughter of the First World War, betraying the cause of international revolution. As part of the Red History Lecture Series, Nick Giannone and Doug Enaa Greene will discuss the reasons for the collapse and betrayal of the International and the lessons we can draw for today.




China Discussion Group

Misunderstanding China

Thursday, December 11th – 7pm

This 1972 documentary from the National Archives looks at how Chinese people have been depicted in American culture and film, both positive and negative stereotypes. From hardworking builders of railways and mines to the sneaky and perfidious after the Chinese Exclusion Act. Fu Manchu, Charlie Chan and Madame Chiang Kai Shek all appear, as do the evil brainwashers of the Korean War. Nixon visits China and meets Mao. Today US media continue to perpetuate stereotypes — this film gives excellent historical perspective and much to discuss.




Sunday Film & Discussion


Hosted by Sandy Eaton, RN

Sunday, December 14th – 6pm


¡Salud! is a timely examination of human values and the health issues that affect us all, it looks at the curious case of Cuba, a cash-strapped country with what the BBC calls ‘one of the world’s best health systems.’ From the shores of Africa to the Americas, !Salud! hits the road with some of the 28,000 Cuban health professionals serving in 68 countries, and explores the hearts and minds of international medical students in Cuba — now numbering 30,000, including nearly 100 from the USA. Their stories plus testimony from experts around the world bring home the competing agendas that mark the battle for global health—and the complex realities confronting the movement to make healthcare everyone’s birth right.


Seachange Bulletin (Sandy’s blog)




Red Poets Society

Friday, December 19th - 8pm

Join us as we continue to celebrate the power of art as a weapon.

An explicitly political open mic on the last Friday of every month hosted by the Center for Marxist Education. Bring your own poems, songs, and class consciousness!




Women & Marxism

Discussion of Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State by Frederick Engels

Tuesday, December 23rd 7-9pm

Join members of the Communist Party of Boston to discuss how capitalism impacts women directly and who some of the great women were who fought back. This group continue the discussion of Engels’s work Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State.




Sunday Film & Discus



Sunday, December 28th – 6pm


Detroit’s story has encapsulated the iconic narrative of America over the last century: the Great Migration of African Americans escaping Jim Crow; the rise of manufacturing and the middle class; the love affair with automobiles; the flowering of the American dream; and now . . . the collapse of the economy and the fading American mythos. With its vivid, painterly palette and haunting score, DETROPIA sculpts a dreamlike collage of a grand city teetering on the brink of dissolution. These soulful pragmatists and stalwart philosophers strive to make ends meet and make sense of it all, refusing to abandon hope or resistance. Their grit and pluck embody the spirit of the Motor City as it struggles to survive postindustrial America and begins to envision a radically different future. 91 min. (2003)


Center for Marxist Education Hours

In addition to our event times we are open the following evenings:

Monday – 4-8

Tuesday – 4-8

Wednesday – 4-8

Check our Facebook to see which other days we will be open this winter!

The Center has been made possible for over 4 decades by volunteer time and contributions from you. If you wish to help us keep the Center going and new books coming in, donations can be made by sending a check made out to Bookmarx

mailed to:

Center for Marxist Education

PO Box 390459

Cambridge, MA 02139

Please Support our Teamster Brothers and Sisters in the Bronx
| December 5, 2014 | 9:38 pm | Economy, Labor, National | Comments closed


By Angelo | – 2:11 PM | Economy

SOS: Teamsters At Castle Oil About To Lose Their Jobs — Help Save Them!

Teamster drivers and mechanics for many years kept New York warm delivering fuel from the Bronx for Castle Oil. Now, just before Christmas, they’re about to be thrown out into the cold. Corporate giant Sprague Energy is buying Castle Oil, and 50 members of Teamsters Local 553 are losing their jobs in the process. They’ll be replaced by non-union, low-wage contract jobs.

You can help. Please take a minute to sign the petition, urging Sprague Energy’s CEO David Glendon to keep these good, middle-class jobs in New York.

Your support will be greatly appreciated by the 50 Teamsters at Castle Oil who fear a bleak Christmas.

Please sign the petition here.

Bernie Sanders offers a 12-point economic program
| December 5, 2014 | 9:31 pm | Action, Analysis, Bernie Sanders, Economy, National | Comments closed
Sen. Sanders said, “Are we prepared to take on the enormous economic and political power of the billionaire class or do we continue
to slide into economic and political oligarchy?…Today, millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages. In inflation-
adjusted dollars, the median male worker earned $783 less last year than he made 41 years ago. The median female worker made
$1,337 less last year than she earned in 2007. Since 1999, household income for the median middle-class family is less than it was a
quarter century ago. We once led the world in terms of the percentage of our people who graduated college, but we are now in 12th
place. Our infrastructure, once the envy of the world, is collapsing. Real unemployment today is not 5.8 percent, it is 11.5 percent if
we include those who have given up looking for work or who are working part time when they want to work full time. Youth
unemployment is 18.6 percent and African-American youth unemployment is 32.6 percent.”

  Sanders detailed a 12-point economic program to:
– Invest in our crumbling infrastructure with a major program to create jobs by rebuilding roads, bridges, water systems, waste water plants, airports, railroads and schools.
– Transform energy systems away from fossil fuels to create jobs while beginning to reverse global warming and make the planet habitable for future generations.
– Develop new economic models to support workers in the United States instead of giving tax breaks to corporations which ship jobs to low-wage countries overseas.
– Make it easier for workers to join unions and bargain for higher wages and benefits.
– Raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour so no one who works 40 hours a week will live in poverty.
– Provide equal pay for women workers who now make 78 percent of what male counterparts make.
– Reform trade policies that have shuttered more than 60,000 factories and cost more than 4.9 million decent-paying manufacturing jobs.
– Make college affordable and provide affordable child care to restore America’s competitive edge compared to other nations.
– Break up big banks. The six largest banks now have assets equivalent to 61 percent of our gross domestic product, over $9.8 trillion. They underwrite more than half the mortgages in the country and issue more than two-thirds of all credit cards.
– Join the rest of the industrialized world with a Medicare-for-all health care system that provides better care at less cost.
– Expand Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and nutrition programs.
– Reform the tax code based on wage earners’ ability to pay and eliminate loopholes that let profitable corporations stash profits overseas and pay no U.S. federal income taxes.
Bernie Sanders provided the Left and liberals with a powerful rallying cry in 2016.
The confederacy was about slavery, NOT states rights!
| December 4, 2014 | 9:47 pm | Analysis, National | Comments closed

Charles Barkley ripped by Olympic icon for Ferguson comments – NY Daily News
| December 4, 2014 | 9:46 pm | Analysis, National | Comments closed
I was very moved when I came across this story about John Carlos, and remember the black power salute he gave in Mexico City along with fellow team mate…He indeed paid a hell of a price for his convictions
I couldn’t not imagine going through what happen to his life after this country tried to destroy him physical-ly , mentally, financially, his wife left him and kill herself; the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr was 39 and because of the stress he had the heart of a 70 year old man; just think what Malcolm X was going through? This society, police state, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security will do anything to destroy you as a MAN…
Let not forget John Carlos, George Padmore, Langston Hughes, others known and not known; we got traitor all around us making statements that it was Michael Brown fault he got killed by police officer Darren Wilson, now Sir Charles Barkley sprewing his poison …
It’s a miracle this brother John Carlos is still alive, he’s still in the land of the living, but what a price to pay; and you know most black people would have renounce their own race and asked for forgiveness to keep a goddam job or superficial status…
John Carlos thank you for being a MAN…