LaToya Ruby Frazier: WITNESS-A Study In Capitalist Degeneration
| October 6, 2013 | 9:34 pm | Action | Comments closed

By James Thompson

HOUSTON-LaToya Ruby Frazier’s current exhibition featured by the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston is visually stunning and serves to enlighten its viewers about the horrors of capitalist degeneration. It features photographs, videos, digital works and a photolithograph series which tells the story of the artist’s hometown of Braddock, Pennsylvania which was home to Andrew Carnegie’s first steel mill, the Edgar Thomson Steel Works which was established in 1872.

The exhibition communicates to its viewer the devastation rendered to a community by capitalist boom and bust. Braddock, a suburb of Pittsburgh, was once a thriving metropolitan area with more than 20,000 residents and has dropped to a population of 2500 people. Many of Braddock’s steel plants closed and or dramatically downsized between 1980 and 1985. The exhibition also illustrates the devastation of capitalist economic contortions on three generations of African-American women.

A pillar of the exhibition is a photographic study of the closing of Braddock’s community hospital, a facility affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The hospital opened in 1909 as the Braddock Hospital and became affiliated with the UPMC in the 1990s only to be closed in 2010. The reason given for the closing was that it was losing money. At the time of the closing, the hospital was the community’s largest employer. After the closing, a company was contracted to demolish the historic building. Interestingly, the same company was simultaneously contracted to build a new UPMC facility in an affluent suburb of Pittsburgh. The new facility is generally considered to be inaccessible to the low income residents of Braddock.

The photographs of the exhibition depict the deterioration of the community of Braddock and the consequent misery of its residents. All three generations of African-American women, including the artist herself, are afflicted with serious medical conditions. Of course, the heartless closing of the medical facility makes access to medical care extremely complicated, difficult and sometimes impossible for the poor people of the community. More than 100 years of the steel industry located in the community has released untold toxins causing widespread illness and disability among the residents. Houston, which has the largest number of industrial jobs in the United States currently, is also plagued by industrial toxins and its residents suffer untold misery from medical afflictions as a result.

In order to understand the cruel actions delivered to the community by the powerful, it is essential to understand the workings of capitalism. One must answer the question “Why would a capitalist build a healthcare facility in a working-class neighborhood?” It is important to understand that the most important motive for capitalists is to continually increase profits. Marx and Lenin showed that when a capitalist enterprise fails to increase profits, it is doomed to closure. When profits do not increase, the capitalist takes the capital to another business where profits will increase. Clearly, this is what happened in Braddock.

Marx also showed scientifically that the key to increasing profits under capitalism is increasing worker productivity while reducing worker’s wages. From the capitalist’s point of view, the only purpose for a hospital is to improve or maintain the health of its workers so that productivity and profits continue to increase. When there is no profit driven industry in a community or country, for that matter, there is no need for hospitals from the capitalist’s point of view. Similarly, from the capitalist’s point of view there is no need for infrastructure such as education, highways, law enforcement or any other community service which might serve to enhance working families’ existence.

Of course, when capitalist politicians conspire with their capitalist benefactors to shut down services, working people and the poor become outraged as their communities are devastated. Their outrage becomes the front line of the class struggle.

Another concept which this outstanding and compelling exhibition illustrates clearly is Lenin’s “Law of Uneven Development under Imperialism.” Leontiev, in his book “Political Economy” explains this on page 213 “In the capitalist system individual enterprises, individual branches of industry and individual countries develop unevenly and spasmodically. It is evident that with the anarchy of production prevailing under capitalism and the frenzied struggle among the capitalists for profits, it cannot be otherwise… This unevenness of development is manifested with particular acuteness in the epoch of imperialism, and becomes a decisive force, a decisive law.” The uneven development of individual branches of industry gets expressed in communities and this is being seen across the globe today with devastating effects to people.

When industries depart and jobs plummet, the remaining residents of a community must find a way to survive. Some may resort to extraordinary means such as crime. Others may seek compensation in other ways. The fabric of the community is consequently ripped to shreds in a variety of ways and this is the central theme of Ruby Frazier’s exhibition WITNESS. The exhibition will be at the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston until October 13. The exhibition will be on view at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston from November 12-March 2, 2014. If you are in either of these cities during these times, do yourself a favor and visit the exhibition. It will definitely open your eyes.

The clowns are at play in DC again
| October 5, 2013 | 10:51 pm | Action | Comments closed

By James Thompson

Occupy Houston supporters on 11/17/11

Occupy Houston supporters on 11/17/11

Once again, the USA is at the mercy of a small group of clowns in its capitol. The most reactionary sector of the governing bodies is holding the nation at hostage with the passive complicity of their centrist counterparts. What is their beef?

The reactionaries, led by the Congressional clown-in-chief, Ted Cruz, of Texas, are attempting to obstruct the implementation of Obamacare by failing to fund the federal government. Cruz, a Canadian by birth, campaigned for the office of US Senator from the state of Texas by claiming that his family fled “Castro’s Cuba” by coming north. In reality, his Cuban family left the island before the revolution, so that in fact they fled the Batista dictatorship.

Other clowns prance and engage in endless buffoonery to the shock and awe of a confused nation. Meanwhile, the USA has become the laughingstock of the rest of the world. Comedy unfolds into tragedy and no one knows where this ultimately will lead. One possibility would be that the chicanery of these few individuals will result in a loss of confidence on the world scale in US financial domination. Of course, this could lead to financial ruination for working people and the poor in this country and around the world.

Prominent among the prancing clowns are the Dixiecans (Southern Republicans who are the modern stand-ins for the Dixiecrats). This procession of clowns has been led by another Texan, Gov. Rick Perry. Gov. Perry and other reactionary governors have refused to accept federal funds for Medicaid. The aim and result of their tactics is to obstruct the implementation of healthcare for the poor and working people. Of course, hardest hit will be African-Americans and other oppressed groups. Whereas in the 50s and 60s Dixiecrats attempted to stop integration, particularly in the educational system, now the Dixiecans are attempting to deny healthcare to people of color. At the same time, the clowns are attempting to obstruct the right to vote for African-Americans and other oppressed people. Since Obamacare relies on Medicaid to cover low income people, their obstructionism is an assault on that health care plan.

As Lenin said, all reforms which have been won by working people under capitalism can and will be taken away by the bourgeoisie in times of economic crisis.

What can working people do? It turns out that there are many things that working people can do even under the repressive conditions in this country.

One thing that working people can do is to exercise their right to vote and organize politically. Since both Republicans and Democrats have revealed themselves to be friends of the wealthy and enemies of the people, it is high time for workers to organize their own political party and pursue their own political interests. It should be clear to all that this cannot be accomplished in either of the dominant political parties in the USA. In fact, Marx taught us that the interests of workers and the interests of the bourgeoisie are irreconcilable. Therefore, it is impossible for a bourgeois political party to adequately represent the interests of workers.

Another thing that the working class can do is to recognize the reality of the class struggle. It is clear that the bourgeoisie is engaging in class warfare well thought out and planned in an effort to extract all that is possible from workers and give them as little as possible in exchange. Until workers recognize the reality of what is happening, they cannot adequately respond to the onslaught on their meager gains by the wealthy.

In the current conditions, workers can also seek relief through progressive legislation. Of course, in order for this to be successful, working people must become much more powerful politically. If workers formed their own political party, and gain success at the polls, then they would have a reasonable chance of winning important victories including the implementation of socialism. Many changes are needed and were hoped for when Pres. Obama was elected. These hopes have been callously dashed as the current administration seeks to outdo the reactionary President Bush.

Working people have earned and recently lost universal suffrage. Working people have earned but not received universal healthcare. Working people have earned but not received universal access to education. Working people have earned but not received universal housing and freedom from extreme poverty. Working people have earned but not received universal access to free legal counsel. Working people have earned but not received freedom from racism, sexism and other forms of prejudicial discrimination. Working people have earned but not received the freedom from the threat of nuclear annihilation. Working people have earned but not received the freedom from the ravages of war and capitalist competition for global domination. Working people have earned but not received the freedom from unending capitalist crises.

Finally, workers can also seek relief through the criminal justice system. Although the behavior of the clowns running the government is laughable, it is also tragic and criminal. Shutting down the government is the highest form of treason and should be recognized as such. Denying the democratic rights of vast sectors of the population is also treasonous and should be recognized as such. Passive complicity with the treasonous actions of the right wing reactionaries by the centrists is also a form of treason.

The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) ruthlessly hounded innocent communists and imprisoned them for no reason. It is time for a new House Un-American Activities Committee to be convened to root out ruthlessly all treasonous people in the government (elected and nonelected) who have conspired to shut down the federal government, deny people healthcare and education and mounted a hateful assault on the democratic rights of workers and their families.

Communists participate in the May day march in Houston, 2012

Communists participate in the May day march in Houston, 2012

Letter to the editor about Obamacare
| October 3, 2013 | 9:19 pm | Action | Comments closed

Here is a letter sent to the editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal that was never published:

To the Editor:

Buried deep inside your Sunday article “Kentucky Gets Ready For Health Exchange” are some disturbing facts which you overlook in your haste to put the best spin on Obamacare.

A family of four, earning $70,000 yearly, could be obligated to pay $17,436.00 for the Bronze plan ($4,836 in premiums, and $12,600 in deductibles) while the insurance agent who sells them the plan will get a commission from the state and the insurance company will get, in addition to the $4,836 premium, almost $1,200 in a government subsidy.

The Bronze Plan is the cheapest plan and will pay only 60% of medical costs.

Thus, a family of four with a gross income of $70,000 could be obligated to pay 24.9 per cent of its gross income for medical care. If you do the same calculation for the same family based on their after tax disposable income, the percentage gets obscenely higher.

The figures you gave for a young single 22 year old with a $20,000 gross yearly income are even more alarming as the youngster could end up paying 34.56 per cent of gross income for medical expenses.

The figures you cite for the cheapest (read poor quality) insurance in the exchange will do nothing to change the fact that most people “getting insurance” under Obamacare will remain one serious illness or accident away from financial ruin and bankruptcy while insurance companies get richer.

Only a single payer system, like Medicare or the Veterans Administration, can provide all our citizens with the best medical care.

A healthcare system that is based on, and allows private for profit insurance companies, hospitals and other medical providers, to make huge profits from the illness, disease, death and misery of others is not only inhumane, it cannot work.

Walter Tillow
Louisville, 40203

Central Illinois Jobs with Justice Endorses HR 676
| October 2, 2013 | 9:44 pm | Action | Comments closed

On September 21, 2013, the Central Illinois Jobs with Justice Chapter officially endorsed HR 676, Expanded and Improved Medicare for All single payer legislation, reports David Johnson, a retired union carpenter and delegate to the chapter from the Illinois Single Payer Coalition.

“The delegates voted unanimously to support HR 676,” said Johnson, in spite of variations in their estimates of the Affordable Care Act. “Differences of opinion were centered around the question of whether or not the ACA is a step in the right direction,” but there was unity around HR 676 as the goal, said Johnson.

Founded in 2006, the chapter is made up of 27 unions, community and faith-based organizations in Champaign County and has worked in solidarity with unions on the University of Illinois campus, supported mineworkers in Vermillion County, mobilized in support of FlexNGate workers, participated in the effort to remove Coca Cola from the campus, and much more.

The organization has taken the name “The Mother Jones Chapter of Jobs with Justice” in honor of Mary Harris Jones the legendary mineworkers’ organizer who is buried in Mt. Olive, Illinois, alongside the miners killed in the strike-related Virden riot of 1898.

In other news, Representatives Chaka Fattah (PA-2) and Alan S. Lowenthal (CA-47) signed on as co-sponsors of HR 676, bringing the total to 51 counting chief sponsor John Conyers, Jr. (MI-13).

HR 676 would institute a single payer health care system by expanding a greatly improved Medicare to everyone residing in the U. S.

HR 676 would cover every person for all necessary medical care including prescription drugs, hospital, surgical, outpatient services, primary and preventive care, emergency services, dental (including oral surgery, periodontics, endodontics), mental health, home health, physical therapy,
rehabilitation (including for substance abuse), vision care and correction, hearing services including hearing aids, chiropractic, durable medical equipment, palliative care, podiatric care, and long term care.

HR 676 ends deductibles and co-payments. HR 676 would save hundreds of billions annually by eliminating the high overhead and profits of the private health insurance industry and HMOs.

In the current Congress, HR 676 has 50 co-sponsors in addition to Conyers.

HR 676 has been endorsed by 608 union organizations including 146 Central Labor Councils/Area Labor Federations and 43 state AFL-CIO’s (KY, PA, CT, OH, DE, ND, WA, SC, WY, VT, FL, WI, WV, SD, NC, MO, MN, ME, AR, MD-DC, TX, IA, AZ, TN, OR, GA, OK, KS, CO, IN, AL, CA, AK, MI, MT, NE, NJ, NY, NV, MA, RI, NH, & ID).

For further information, a list of union endorsers, or a sample endorsement resolution, contact:

Kay Tillow
All Unions Committee for Single Payer Health Care–HR 676
c/o Nurses Professional Organization (NPO)
1169 Eastern Parkway, Suite 2218
Louisville, KY 40217
(502) 636 1551



Save our NHS!
| October 2, 2013 | 8:29 pm | Action | Comments closed

Here is a link to a great video about the struggle to keep the NHS in Britain:

Trade unionists march in the UK at the Tolpuddle Martyrs' rally

Trade unionists march in the UK at the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ rally

Soviet TV
| October 2, 2013 | 7:16 pm | Action | Comments closed

Here are some links to videos of200px-Hammer_and_sickle_svg TV programs from the USSR. They are in Russian, but some contextual translation in English is provided.

Culture and Art in the Soviet Union
| October 1, 2013 | 7:11 pm | Action | Comments closed

Here are some links to some videos about culture and art in the Soviet Union.Worker and Collective Farm Woman