Remembering John “Juancho” Stanford
| February 15, 2014 | 7:52 pm | Action | 1 Comment

By Val

John Stanford

John Stanford

Since I moved to San Antonio in 1993, I have seen John “Juancho” Stanford at nearly every meeting, march, trial or activity for peace and justice issues (and although I do not attend all of these, I know he did attend nearly all of them.) But after 9/11 I came to know him better. Along with other activists, we met at the Esperanza Peace and Justice Center to brainstorm ways of responding to the 9/11 attacks and to call for a response to the attacks that emphasized international justice processes and other peaceful techniques. This was in the week following the attacks. We started a peace vigil outside the San Fernando Cathedral on Sept 24, two weeks after the attacks. (The weekly vigils were later moved to Thursdays, and after the streets around Main Plaza were closed, to the corner of S. Flores and Commerce.)

Many people came and went to the vigils, but John was the mainstay, out in all sorts of weather, and every week almost without fail—including on Thanksgiving and other holidays that happened to fall on vigil days. Because my work takes me away from San Antonio, I wasn’t nearly as faithful as he was. I’d estimate that our pictures were taken by hundreds of people (mostly tourists, I suppose—and perhaps police or other agents) and we received many “Honks for Peace”, more and more as time went by. John was often pleased by the response, and said we were getting more positive reactions each week. He was always full of news and comments about local and national peace and justice events, always had a smile for everyone, even hecklers, although he would, if given a chance, explain why peace is the only solution to violence.

I also remember his accounts of his work on the Martin Luther King Jr. March Commission. Not only did he always march but he worked hard with folks on the East side to have Dr. King’s legacy of nonviolence and opposition to war remembered in the events. On the year the Commission decided to invite the Air Force to flyover the event, he tried to influence it not to “honor” Dr. King in this way. While some members of the Commission agreed with him, he did not prevail. That was one of the years when we wore tee-shirts with a drawing of Dr. King standing in front of a photo of Gandhi, with the quote, “The choice today is not between violence and nonviolence, but between nonviolence and non-existence.”

I wrote this last year from Latin America (Barranquilla, Colombia) where I work with peacebuilding programs in four countries. He was a great model, active to the last, unflinching, and through it all gentle and kind. I’ll miss him a lot.

Getting Serious about Inequality
| February 11, 2014 | 7:50 pm | Action | Comments closed

– from Zoltan Zigedy is available at:

“The tenacity of the Yankees… is a result of their theoretical backwardness and their Anglo-Saxon contempt for all theory. They are punished for this by a superstitious belief in every philosophical and economic absurdity, by religious sectarianism, and by idiotic economic experiments, out of which, however, certain bourgeois cliques profit.” Frederich Engels, letter to Sorge, London, January 6, 1892. Translation by Leonard E. Mins (1938)

One hundred and twenty-two years later, the Yankees remain bereft of theory while clinging to every outlandish scheme promising to curtail the appetite of an insatiable capitalist system. Churning on without interruption, capitalism generates greater and greater wealth for its masters while devouring everyone else in its wake. From regulatory reform to alternative life styles, from tax policies to cooperative endeavors, self-proclaimed opponents of this rapacious economic behemoth have announced newly contrived exits from its destructive path. While “…people [in the US] must become conscious of their own social interests by making blunder upon blunder…” as Engels put it in another letter to his US friend Frederich Sorge, the contented capitalists merrily continue profiting.

Engels’ brutal indictment of the North American allergy to theory and the affinity for unfocussed activism was tempered by an optimism based more upon hope than reality: “The movement itself will go through many and disagreeable phases, disagreeable particularly for those who live in the country and have to suffer them. But I am firmly convinced that things are now going ahead over there… notwithstanding the fact that the Americans will learn almost exclusively in practice for the time being, and not so much from theory.”

That conviction may well seem misplaced today as many of those who claim opposition to capitalism continue to decry theory and invest instead in utopian schemes and isolate burning issues from a general critique of capitalism and its social policies.

Nothing illustrates the Engels’ diagnosis more than the current public discussion of inequality and poverty. It is tempting to call the new-found interest a fad or fashion, since it seems to spring from nothing more than a sitting President’s alarm. But the present-day rage to address economic inequality is far more cynical. With interim national elections on the horizon and a competitive Presidential race on its heels, Democratic Party leaders served notice on the lame-duck President that it is time again to rouse the Party base, the labor unions, the progressive single-issue organizations, internet lefties, and the deep-pockets social liberals. Hence, despite the fact that inequality and poverty are neither newly discovered nor newly arrived, the alarm goes up: inequality is with us! Poverty is on the rise!

It is true, of course. Only a few outliers would deny that income and wealth growth for most people in the US have been stagnant or declining since some time in the 1970s (Even right-wing ideologue, Representative Paul Ryan, concedes that there are 47 million US citizens living in poverty). Health care has been in crisis, with millions left without any significant health options and untold numbers dying prematurely. The education system, like the physical infrastructure, is underfunded and crumbling….

To read the rest of the article, please visit:

Additional number to reach the Houston Communist Party
| February 10, 2014 | 9:33 pm | Action | Comments closed

In addition to the club number (832)390-7661, there is a temporary number that you can call for information about the Houston Communist Party. The new temporary number is (713)380-5172. Give us a call if you have questions or would like more information. Or you can send an e-mail to .

WFTU representative in the constitutive Congress of TUI of Pensioners and retired workers
| February 6, 2014 | 8:15 pm | Action | 1 Comment

5 February 2014

Feb. 5-6, 2014, Barcelona, Espana

Feb. 5-6, 2014, Barcelona, Espana

Dear Friends

The idea of gathering pensioner and retiree workers in an International Trade Union is no longer a dream, it is a purpose that has come true with the will of all of you, the WFTU and all the trade unions who supported this initiative, On behalf of WFTU secretariat we thank the support of the trade union organizations in Barcelona, especially CSU, which facilitate the conditions to celebrate this event.

Today, more than ever, unity is very necessary, the struggle against austerity measures, neoliberal policies, against capitalism and imperialism becomes stronger, the millions of people who suffer because of these measures and policies are increasing, and only a minority is benefited by them.

The world population is getting old rapidly and the workers arriving at retirement age, added to the retirees already, are a very important part in society today.

Given the current crisis, the measures being taken by capitalist governments in many countries are affecting dramatically retirees and pensioners and they are losing their rights, rights won through struggles, which many of you were protagonists, so the WFTU has committed to organize and unite you to defend together what you have earned during hard battles and will enjoy decent pensions and conditions to live properly.

The World Federation of Trade Unions was founded in 1945 in Paris after World War II because of the need to unite the workers after the defeat of fascism. Despite some opposition pressures WFTU imposed its condition as class oriented, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist, anti-colonialist, unitary and democratic organization, principles that it has remained until today, fighting alongside the working class.

Many of you witnessed the glory days of the working class in the socialist stage, especially in Europe, the international trade union movement was strengthened with the strength and struggle of the WFTU and many victories and rights were achieved by workers worldwide.

After the collapsed of the socialist bloc the FSM was weakened, many of their European organizations chose to join the former ICFTU, now ITUC, and others decided to remain independent, but all the ones who remained loyal to their principles sustained the commitment and continued fighting side by side with the workers.

Today we can say that, facing the dramatic global economic situation, the attacks to the class oriented trade union movement, the anti trade union and anti workers measures applied by many capitalist governments, WFTU has increased its actions, after the XV Congress in Havana in 2006, the WFTU began a new stage of recovery, leadership and strengthening, results demonstrated in the XVI Congress in Athens 2011 and in every action made till today.

Currently we have 86 million members in 120 countries around the world, and you will expand that number, we are proud to count with your force, your experience and your irrevocable desire to continue the defense of your rights as retirees, this strengthen WFTU even more.

WFTU has 9 Brach International Trade Unions: Food, Hotel and Tourism, Metal and Mining, Public Administration, Education, Banking, Construction and Transportation and this TUI of Pensioners and Jubilees would be the 10th.

The WFTU work is getting stronger with the actions that develop the 6 regional offices in Latin America, Europe, Asia, Francophone Africa, Anglophone Africa, the Middle East and with the Sub regional Offices in North America, Middle East, Africa and Asia and it has consultative status at the UN, ILO, UNESCO and FAO.

In these more than 60 years it has accompanied the workers, migrants, unemployed, youths, women, retirees and landless in the struggle for full employment, for living wages, against racism, xenophobia, for gender equality, for the right of freedom of association, for the right to strike, for decent pensions and for living as human beings.

We condemn the aggression and imperialist wars that destroy our countries and people with the loss of innocent lives, threatening to turn the world into a holocaust caused by a nuclear war, we are at the side of Syrian workers and the Palestinian people in their just struggle, with the people of Venezuela and its revolutionary process, we fight together with the Cuban people for lifting of the unjust U.S. blockade imposed to Cuba for more than 50 years ago and for the release of the 5 Cuban prisoners in U.S. prisons for fighting against terrorism, we fight together with the African people, we are at the side of all oppressed people and workers of the world.

We accompany you, who have given much of your lives to work and have faced great battles for your rights as workers, leaving a proud legacy to new and future generations, so we must continue this struggle, your effort has not been in vain, this conference is the continuation of that effort and we are here to defend our achievements.

Retirees are already part of the WFTU family, we are sure you will play a very active role within the TUI, you multiply the actions from your positions and will maintain the TUI functioning permanently, we cannot constitute this UIS and that everything stays at a conference, we should be able to keep it alive and very active.

Retirees are starting a new phase of their life, which they should live it fully, without gaps, without injustice, without harassment.

The austerity measures, the neoliberal policies, capitalist governments and multinationals have endeavored to shed their obligations to you, to recover themselves from the crisis -created by themselves-, at the expense of pensions cuts, eviction of houses, raising prices of medicines, food, water and services such as electricity, gas and transport, How it is possible to cover all those needs with miserable pensions? How it is possible to live a healthy life without having access to the most elementary basic needs, without social security?

Especially in Europe workers and retirees’ future is very uncertain, countries like Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Portugal, France, among others, suffer the constant cuts in pensions, protests by many retirees and pensioners in these countries prove it.

The constitution of this TUI is an expression of the continuity of our struggle, it is an expression of the support of the WFTU and all its affiliated workers to retirees, it is an expression of the strength of our organization against capitalism, imperialism and all those policies that are aimed to exterminate the rich and glorious history of the class oriented trade union movement, of the workers who have built with their effort our society and that, at the end of their working life deserve the recognition for their contribution to the economic development of our countries.

This TUI will become the bastion of the struggle of retirees in the world, accompanied in every action by the WFTU, by the workers and class oriented trade unions, never the militant and solidarity support of each one of us will be missing with the certainty that with this unit we will achieve the victory.

The WFTU calls for unity in the struggle, only then we can defeat capitalism and start the path to regain socialism, only system that defends and respects the real rights of humans.

I wish, on behalf of WFTU, success in this historic event, in the rich discussions that will take place in these two days of meetings and in the actions and agreements emanating from this conference, with the confidence that we always be at your side, supporting you in the struggles that at the end will become in or victories.

Thank you very much.

WFTU in solidarity with the London underground workers
| February 5, 2014 | 9:40 pm | Action | Comments closed

Check out this link:

West Virginia CLC Endorses HR 676 and Sponsors Health Care Theatre
| February 5, 2014 | 9:07 pm | Action | Comments closed

“The Eastern Panhandle Central Labor Council is proud to support HR 676,”
said Ken Collinson, President. “We believe that health care is a right,
not a privilege, and we do everything that we can to support single payer.
We are close to DC so we go to rallies whenever they are called.”

The Eastern Panhandle CLC represents workers in the seven counties in
eastern West Virginia and is headquartered in Martinsburg. Collinson is
also the President of United Auto Workers Local 1590.

The Eastern Panhandle CLC is the 610th labor organization to endorse HR
676, Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, sponsored by Congressman John
Conyers. At the end of January, Representative Gloria Negrete McLeod
(CA-35) signed on to HR 676, bringing the total of cosponsors in the
House, including Conyers, to 55.

“When people do not have health care, it is unimaginable. An injury to
one is an injury to all—this is what we feel in our hearts,” said

The labor council is taking further action to promote public support for
single payer by joining with the Eastern Panhandle chapters of Physicians
for a National Health Program and Healthcare-NOW! and the Jefferson County
NAACP Branch, the League of Women Voters of Jefferson County, and Shepherd
University Lifelong Learning Program to bring a one hour, one man play
featuring actor Michael Milligan to six West Virginia cities.

The play is Mercy Killers and admission is free. The schedule is below:

Friday, March 28, 7:00 PM, Ice House, 138 Independence St. Berkeley Springs

Saturday, March 29, 1:30 PM, Fisherman’s Hall, 312 South West St. Charles

Sunday, March 30, 2:00 PM, Opera House, 131 W. German St. Shepherdstown

Monday, March 31, 7:00 PM, Calvary Church, 220 W. Burke St. Martinsburg

Tuesday, April 1, 7:00 PM, Baha’i Regional Center, 308 S. Buchannan St.

Wednesday, April 2, 12:30 PM, Erma Ora Byrd Nursing Hall Auditorium,
Shepherd University Shepherdstown

More information & venue directions:
or contact

HR 676 would institute a single payer health care system by expanding a
greatly improved Medicare to everyone residing in the U. S.

HR 676 would cover every person for all necessary medical care including
prescription drugs, hospital, surgical, outpatient services, primary and
preventive care, emergency services, dental (including oral surgery,
periodontics, endodontics), mental health, home health, physical therapy,
rehabilitation (including for substance abuse), vision care and
correction, hearing services including hearing aids, chiropractic, durable
medical equipment, palliative care, podiatric care, and long term care.

HR 676 ends deductibles and co-payments. HR 676 would save hundreds of
billions annually by eliminating the high overhead and profits of the
private health insurance industry and HMOs.

In the current Congress, HR 676 has 54 co-sponsors including Congressman

HR 676 has been endorsed by 610 union organizations including 147 Central
Labor Councils/Area Labor Federations and 44 state AFL-CIO’s (KY, PA, CT,
MA, RI, NH, ID & NM).

For further information, a list of union endorsers, or a sample
endorsement resolution, contact:

Kay Tillow
All Unions Committee for Single Payer Health Care–HR 676
c/o Nurses Professional Organization (NPO)
1169 Eastern Parkway, Suite 2218
Louisville, KY 40217
(502) 636 1551



Letter from Ho Chi Minh to the Indochinese Communist Party
| January 28, 2014 | 8:27 pm | Action | Comments closed
Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh

Kwelin, May 10, 1939

Dear comrades: In the past, in my opinion and that of a good number of comrades, Trotskyism has seemed a matter of struggle between the trends within the Chinese Communist Party. So they almost were not paying attention. But shortly before the outbreak of the war, more precisely since the end of 1936, and especially during the war, the criminal Trotskyist propaganda has opened our eyes. Then we started to study the problem. And our study has led us to the following conclusions:

1 – The problem of Trotskyism is not a struggle between the trends within the Chinese Communist Party. Because between Communists and Trotskyists there is no tie, absolutely no tie. It is a matter that concerns the whole people: the fight against the country.

2 – The fascist Japanese and foreign fascists know. So, looking to try to create disagreements, to mislead public opinion and undermine the popularity of the Communists, making people believe they are communists and Trotskyists in the same field.

3 – The Chinese Trotskyists (like the Trotskyists in other countries) do not represent a group, much less a political party. They are nothing more then a criminal gang, the hounds of Japanese fascism (and of international fascism).

4 – In all countries, the Trotskyists gave good nicknames to mask their dirty work of bandits. For example, in Spain, their names are Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification (POUM). Did you know that it is they who are the nests of spies in Madrid, Barcelona and elsewhere in the service of Franco? It is they who organized the famous “fifth column,” agency of the army intelligence of the fascist Italians and Germans. In Japan, they are called Marx-Engels-Lenin League (MEL). The Japanese Trotskyists attract young people to their league, then reported them to the police. They seek to penetrate the Japanese Communist Party in order to destroy it from within. In my opinion, the French Trotskyists, now organized around the Proletarian Revolution Group (1) set a goal to sabotage the Popular Front. On this subject, I think you are better informed than I am. In our country of China [referring to Indochina, N. E.], Trotskyists are grouped into formations like La Lutte, War against the Japanese, Culture and Red Flag.

5 – The Trotskyists are not only enemies of communism, but also enemies of democracy and progress. They are the most infamous traitors and spies. Maybe you have read the indictments of the processes in the Soviet Union against the Trotskyists. If you have not read them, I advise you to do so and to read them to your friends. It is a very useful reading. It will help them see the true disgusting face of Trotskyism and Trotskyists. Here, allow me to extract some passages relating directly to China. The true repugnant face of Trotskyism.

Before the court, the Trotskyist Rakovsky (2) confessed that in 1934 when he was in Tokyo (as representative of the Soviet Red Cross) a high character of the Japanese government had told him: “We have the right to expect from the Trotskyists a change in strategy. I will not go into details. I only wanted to say that we expect from the Trotskyists, actions that favor our intervention in the affairs of China.” Responding to the Japanese, Rakovsky said: “I will write to Trotsky about this.” In December 1935, Trotsky sent to his supporters in China, instructions that repeatedly emphasized that phrase: “Do not create obstacles to the Japanese invasion of China.” And how have Trotskyists in China acted? They are in a hurry to know, is it not true? But, beloved comrades, I can not respond more in my next letter. Do not you recommend me to write short letters? Hope to see you soon.

1939: About Trotskyism (Letter to the Communist Party of Indochina)


(1) Revolución Proletaria: Newspaper published by a group of French revolutionary syndicalists.

(2) Revolutionary leader in the Balkans before the First World War, Ukrainian Prime Minister from 1919 to 1923, was then Soviet ambassador in Paris and one of the founders of the Left Opposition. Expelled from the CPSU in 1927 continued his work to capitulate in 1934