The secretary of the communist party of Lviv tortured by the fascists in Ukraine
| March 10, 2014 | 10:23 pm | Action | Comments closed


1) Rostislav Vasilko, the secretary of the Communist Party in Lviv tortured by the fascists in Ukraine.  (en Français)  (in Greek)  (en Español)  (in Turkish)  (in English)  (in Greek)  (en Français)  (en Français)  (en Français)  (en Français)

2) An old lady bringing flowers to Lenin statue beaten by some fascists in Ukraine.  (en Français)
3) A Rock singer beaten on stage by two fascists in Lviv :
Ukrainian fascists in the city of Lviv beat the frontman of a rock-group.
4 ) Ukrainian fascists destroying an office of the Communist Party:

Solidarity Statement with Ukraine (The Working Group meeting of the IMCWP)
| March 10, 2014 | 10:15 pm | Action | 1 Comment


Given that the escalation of the political conflict in Ukraine is the result of the struggle of oligarchic groups for the post of President of Ukraine, which is for the general world and Ukrainian public is given for “the desire of Ukrainians to European values”.

Paying attention to the facts brazen interference of foreign countries, especially the EU and U.S. in the internal affairs of an independent and sovereign Ukraine, which were, in fact, instigators in the escalation of social conflict, the clearest example of the realization of which is the realization of technology policy “color revolutions”, the implementation of which we are seeing in recent years in Yugoslavia , Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, countries in the Arab world – to achieve their geopolitical goals, but certainly not to protect the interests of the absolute majority of the peoples of these countries.

Stressing that the citizens of Ukraine are on different sides of the conflict are not able today to fully observe and evaluate their class interests in opposition, and, in fact, protect the squares and “maidans” the interests of big capital.

Expressing grave concern that under the conditions of severe political and economic crisis in Ukraine, clearly raises his head fascism, which is a direct descendant of bourgeois Ukrainian integral nationalism, xenophobia, Russo phobia national intolerance that have a direct result of government pandering to these phenomena and contradictions.

Parties which are members of Working Group for preparation for the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties:

1. Condemn foreign interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine, which leads to an escalation of social and political confrontation.

2. Consider all citizens of Ukraine and sober social and political forces in Ukraine to prevent further spread of xenophobia, fascism, militant nationalism.

3. Recognize that the responsibility for violent behavior equally rests on the political forces representing major oligarchic capital – the ruling party and the leaders of the so-called “opposition”, as well as American and European politicians, inflammatory activity which led to casualties.

4. Support the initiative of the Communist Party of Ukraine, for the referendum, which could enable the people of Ukraine to exercise their legal right to choice of the vector foreign policy and economic integration.

5. Stop the crimes against the people and communists of Ukraine

Today in Kiev, a despicable act of vandalism was carried out by fascists and the ultra-nationalists. According to reports the headquarters of the Communist Party of Ukraine was burnt downed and totally destroyed in an act of vandalism.

We hold the European Union (EU), US and the fascists elements responsible for this despicable act of anti-communism and downright lumpiness.

We hereby reaffirm our steadfast solidarity with the people and communists of Ukraine.

Beirut, 22d of February 2014

Communist party of Cuba

Communist party of Bohemia and Moravia

Communist party of Brazil

Lebanese Communist party

Portuguese Communist party

Communist party of the Russian Federation

South African Communist party

Communist Workers` party of Russia

Syrian communist party

Syrian communist party (unified)

Palestinian communist party

Communist party of Ecuador

Communist party of Turkey

Communist party of Ukraine

CPB on Ukraine
| March 10, 2014 | 9:34 pm | Action | Comments closed

CPB on Ukraine


The Communist Party of Britain expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine in its struggle to defend the sovereignty of their country and its democratic institutions. The Communist Party of Britain condemns the attacks on the offices and homes of members of the Communist Party of Ukraine and violence against individuals. It also condemns the motion currently before the rump Rada in Kiev that would ban the Party.

The failure of EU leaders to uphold the 21 February Agreement on early elections has given sanction to a coup d’etat against a democratically elected government that threatens to destabilise the country and sets dangerous precedents for the future. The open involvement of US, EU and NATO leaders in the build up to the coup exposes it as part of the drive to change the geo-political balance in Europe in ways that threaten security and peace in Europe and the World.

The Left in Britain needs to be fully aware that the two main parties that now dominate the rump Rada, Fatherland and Sloboda, fought the last elections in an electoral alliance and that both pay tribute to Stepan Bandera who led collaboration with the Nazis and who played an active part in the destruction of Ukraine’s Jewish population in the last war. The support accorded to the interim government by the EU leaders will give encouragement to right-wing and fascist forces across Europe.

The Communist Party of the Ukraine has sought to defend the interests of the working people of Ukraine in face of the mass privatisation of the Ukrainean economy and its pillage by oligarch clans. It has consistently opposed oligarch bids to seek membership of the EU including that in 2013 by Yanukovych. The Communist Party of Britain pledges its support to the Communist Party of Ukraine in its resistance to fascism, predatory capitalism and imperialism.

Posted by Alter P at Saturday, March 01, 2014

Hitler’s Fascism Is Reincarnated In Ukraine
| March 10, 2014 | 9:22 pm | Action | Comments closed

February 26, 2014

Republic News Agency (South Ossetia)
February 26, 2014

Hitler’s Fascism Is Reincarnated In Ukraine
Statement of the South Ossetian political party “Justice Labor Development”

In November 2013 Ukrainian authorities postponed the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU. This was the beginning of civil protest actions staged by the European-oriented part of the population. The result of this process was the overthrow and exile in mid-February 2014 (and soon can be expected the arrest) of the incumbent president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, whose anti-national and anti-state ruling is beyond any doubt.

However, despite the apparent disability of Yanukovych and his entourage during the ruling in Ukraine, the international community has witnessed in the bowels of the civil protests a military-political reincarnation of Hitler’s fascism. Slogans and theses on the surface of these processes, today turned into the Legislative Assembly draft laws of Ukraine, the need to create in Ukraine a mono-national environment, a ban on all other languages except Ukrainian, a ban on other sources of information are the full proof of that and lead us to the inevitability of the specified perception and without in-depth study of the covered processes.

Moreover, we cannot ignore the fact that the above-mentioned postulates of reincarnation of Hitler’s fascism are in complete contradiction with the whole set of fundamental articles of the Ukrainian Constitution (Basic Law), namely : Article 1, Article 3, Article 5, Article 10, Article 11, p. 15, Article 21, Article 22, p. 24.

The international community should not also be blind to discrediting the institutions of the statehood in Ukraine.

Here is the quote from the speech of one of the organizers of the protests, uttered a few days ago at a rally in Kiev on the occasion of the success of the protesters against the Ukrainian authorities: “We should be more organized and continue the fight to rid the country of the internal occupation! “

Fascism is an ideology that mankind has already experienced in the mid-20th century during World War II and its content and consequences are well known. The world community, especially the countries of the so-called post-Soviet space, which suffered the greatest damage from fascism, should have a special moral obligation and high mission, ensuring the non-occurrence of a similar ideology both at the present historical stage and in the future.

In this sense, we state a significant omission of the fact that at the moment fascism is not equated with international terrorism as a threat to international security and stability.

The Republic of South Ossetia, as the country repeatedly subjected to attacks of the Georgian fascism, including in the modern era, is well aware of all the consequences of triumph of such an ideology. Speaking about the need to recognize fascism as a factor of threat to international security, the political party “Justice Labor Development” also proceeds from the fact that at the end of XX – the beginning of XXI centuries could have been avoided the tragic trajectory of developments in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, if the international community had developed a responsible attitude to all forms of manifestation of fascism, since the end of World War II.

Based on the above, recognizing the high moral and responsible mission against fascism in post-Soviet countries, the political party “Justice Labor Development” considers it necessary to:

a) Recognize fascism as one of the key threats to international security, along with international terrorism;

b) The political party “Justice Labor Development” recognizes competent a uncompromising attitude to all forms of manifestation of fascism by the leading countries of post-Soviet space, proclaiming them as a threat to national security, with appropriate actions against them, wherever they take place.

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BBC explores the fascist elements in the Ukraine
| March 10, 2014 | 8:54 pm | Action | Comments closed

Check out this link to a BBC story about fascists in the Ukraine

Communist Party USA says hands off Ukraine
| March 9, 2014 | 9:38 pm | Action, International | Comments closed

by: Communist Party USA
February 27 2014


The Communist Party USA expresses its alarm at the fast moving developments in the Ukraine, and calls upon the people of the United States to insist that our government back off from a pattern of interference that does not serve the interests of either the Ukrainian or the U.S. people.

Since last fall, there have been demonstrations in Kiev and other cities against the Ukrainian government’s decision to back away from a trade deal with the European Union and instead explore new trade and aid relationships with Russia. Other grievances have also been raised.

Early on, some right wing extremist elements began to play an increasingly active role in the protests. These have included the “Svoboda” (“Freedom”) Party and other nationalists and fascists. They are not merely anti-communist and anti-Russian, but also anti-Semitic and anti-Polish. Some of them are the political descendants of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army of Stepan Bandera, an extreme right wing nationalist who, during and immediately after the Second World War, fought against the Red Army on the side of Germany, and carried out pogroms against Jews, Poles and others.

Unfortunately, some U.S. politicians and officials have seen fit to go to Kiev to be photographed alongside some of these extremist elements, including Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok, whose anti-Semitic declarations are particularly vicious.

These fascist elements took over the town of Lviv, in Western Ukraine, and equipped themselves with weapons from the local armory. Immediately afterward came a sharp escalation of violence with deaths on both sides. Now the Ukrainian parliament (Rada), in a rigged vote, has illegally deposed President Victor Yanukovych and is ramming through right wing legislation, including a law which strips official recognition from the Russian language spoken by nearly half the population of the country. More right-wing nationalist measures, including one banning the Communist Party, are in the pipeline.

Attacks against Jews have led a prominent Rabbi to recommend that Jews now leave Kiev and perhaps the whole Ukraine. Attacks on the Communist Party of the Ukraine and its leadership have been escalating, including the seizing of the property of the party and its leaders.

There is strong opposition to these developments in the Eastern and Southern Ukraine, including the major cities of Kharkov and Odessa, and in the Crimean Peninsula. The Crimea contains, by agreement between Ukraine and Russia, the major Russian naval base at Sevastopol. So there is a danger that a civil war could break out in the Ukraine and draw in Russia and perhaps others. Inevitably, moves toward a conflict situation and a possible partition of the Ukraine would further sour relations between the United States and Russia.Unfortunately, statements of Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and other U.S. officials and politicians strongly indicate an agenda on the part of some in the Obama administration of “regime change” in the Ukraine.

The Communist Party USA demands that:

The United States government refrain from words and actions that infringe on the national sovereignty of the Ukrainian people.

The United States government, and individual U.S. politicians and officials, cease to associate themselves with fascists and anti-Semites in the Ukraine, or anywhere. Rather, they should denounce them and their works.

The United States cease to carry out policies that could well lead to a dangerous confrontation in the Black Sea area, and not give aid or comfort to politicians who wish to create trouble between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples.

Furthermore, the CPUSA expresses its total solidarity with the Communist Party of the Ukraine, with the Ukrainian Jewish community and with all others who are endangered by the fascist upsurge.

Kucinich accuses U.S. of provoking Ukrainian crisis
| March 9, 2014 | 9:28 pm | Action | Comments closed

Check out this link to an article about Dennis Kucinich’s position on the crisis in the Ukraine .