Category: National
Angela Davis on the racist state of America
| December 5, 2014 | 10:15 pm | Analysis, National | Comments closed

Please Support our Teamster Brothers and Sisters in the Bronx
| December 5, 2014 | 9:38 pm | Economy, Labor, National | Comments closed


By Angelo | – 2:11 PM | Economy

SOS: Teamsters At Castle Oil About To Lose Their Jobs — Help Save Them!

Teamster drivers and mechanics for many years kept New York warm delivering fuel from the Bronx for Castle Oil. Now, just before Christmas, they’re about to be thrown out into the cold. Corporate giant Sprague Energy is buying Castle Oil, and 50 members of Teamsters Local 553 are losing their jobs in the process. They’ll be replaced by non-union, low-wage contract jobs.

You can help. Please take a minute to sign the petition, urging Sprague Energy’s CEO David Glendon to keep these good, middle-class jobs in New York.

Your support will be greatly appreciated by the 50 Teamsters at Castle Oil who fear a bleak Christmas.

Please sign the petition here.

Bernie Sanders offers a 12-point economic program
| December 5, 2014 | 9:31 pm | Action, Analysis, Bernie Sanders, Economy, National | Comments closed
Sen. Sanders said, “Are we prepared to take on the enormous economic and political power of the billionaire class or do we continue
to slide into economic and political oligarchy?…Today, millions of Americans are working longer hours for lower wages. In inflation-
adjusted dollars, the median male worker earned $783 less last year than he made 41 years ago. The median female worker made
$1,337 less last year than she earned in 2007. Since 1999, household income for the median middle-class family is less than it was a
quarter century ago. We once led the world in terms of the percentage of our people who graduated college, but we are now in 12th
place. Our infrastructure, once the envy of the world, is collapsing. Real unemployment today is not 5.8 percent, it is 11.5 percent if
we include those who have given up looking for work or who are working part time when they want to work full time. Youth
unemployment is 18.6 percent and African-American youth unemployment is 32.6 percent.”

  Sanders detailed a 12-point economic program to:
– Invest in our crumbling infrastructure with a major program to create jobs by rebuilding roads, bridges, water systems, waste water plants, airports, railroads and schools.
– Transform energy systems away from fossil fuels to create jobs while beginning to reverse global warming and make the planet habitable for future generations.
– Develop new economic models to support workers in the United States instead of giving tax breaks to corporations which ship jobs to low-wage countries overseas.
– Make it easier for workers to join unions and bargain for higher wages and benefits.
– Raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour so no one who works 40 hours a week will live in poverty.
– Provide equal pay for women workers who now make 78 percent of what male counterparts make.
– Reform trade policies that have shuttered more than 60,000 factories and cost more than 4.9 million decent-paying manufacturing jobs.
– Make college affordable and provide affordable child care to restore America’s competitive edge compared to other nations.
– Break up big banks. The six largest banks now have assets equivalent to 61 percent of our gross domestic product, over $9.8 trillion. They underwrite more than half the mortgages in the country and issue more than two-thirds of all credit cards.
– Join the rest of the industrialized world with a Medicare-for-all health care system that provides better care at less cost.
– Expand Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and nutrition programs.
– Reform the tax code based on wage earners’ ability to pay and eliminate loopholes that let profitable corporations stash profits overseas and pay no U.S. federal income taxes.
Bernie Sanders provided the Left and liberals with a powerful rallying cry in 2016.
The confederacy was about slavery, NOT states rights!
| December 4, 2014 | 9:47 pm | Analysis, National | Comments closed

Charles Barkley ripped by Olympic icon for Ferguson comments – NY Daily News
| December 4, 2014 | 9:46 pm | Analysis, National | Comments closed
I was very moved when I came across this story about John Carlos, and remember the black power salute he gave in Mexico City along with fellow team mate…He indeed paid a hell of a price for his convictions
I couldn’t not imagine going through what happen to his life after this country tried to destroy him physical-ly , mentally, financially, his wife left him and kill herself; the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr was 39 and because of the stress he had the heart of a 70 year old man; just think what Malcolm X was going through? This society, police state, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security will do anything to destroy you as a MAN…
Let not forget John Carlos, George Padmore, Langston Hughes, others known and not known; we got traitor all around us making statements that it was Michael Brown fault he got killed by police officer Darren Wilson, now Sir Charles Barkley sprewing his poison …
It’s a miracle this brother John Carlos is still alive, he’s still in the land of the living, but what a price to pay; and you know most black people would have renounce their own race and asked for forgiveness to keep a goddam job or superficial status…
John Carlos thank you for being a MAN…

Against police terrorism!
| December 3, 2014 | 8:52 pm | Analysis, Local/State, National, police terrorism | Comments closed

zzz-antiracismby  James Thompson


People of conscience in the United States and around the world have recently been disgusted by the brutal murders of African-American males in the United States. What’s worse is that the terrorist police officers have so far escaped prosecution. Of course, I am referring to the cases of Michael Brown in Missouri and Eric Garner in New York.


Many people have commented on the militarization of the US police force. There is a long history of police terrorism in this country. Local police have consistently been used by the upper-class to enforce racism and protect the property rights of the wealthy. In the US, the police are clearly unarmed of the state and their mission is to terrorize working people, particularly working people of color.


In Houston, many of us remember the famous photograph of a person in KKK regalia exiting a Houston Police Department patrol car in the 1970s. We also remember the brutal slaying of civil rights leader Carl Hampton and, more recently, the racist execution of James Byrd by white supremacists.


Very recently, anti-immigrant racists in Texas and elsewhere have formed unlawful militias to terrorize immigrants.


The legacy of terrorism, brutality and racism is long in nature and national in scope.


However, the recent events are particularly despicable. The court decisions create the impression that racism is okay even when it leads to murder.


The first African-American president of the United States, Barack Obama, has called for peaceful protests as a reaction to the failure of the courts to put the murderous police officers on trial even though there are videos documenting their murders. This should give people of conscience pause to consider the efficacy of protests in redressing social grievances.


Peaceful protests as a first step in reaction to police brutality are always a good idea. However, a serious movement to oppose police brutality is needed. A serious movement would include political activity as part of the struggle against police brutality.


People of conscience should work together in a united effort to elect people to public office who will fight for the interests of working people and particularly working people of color.


One place to start would be to enact legislation that would harshly punish racist terrorist action by both private and public law enforcement organizations.


One model for new legislation in the United States would be the “Constitution (Fundamental Law) of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” There has been a great deal of negative propaganda against the USSR produced by the US government and the largest corporations since 1917. However, the reality is that the USSR had a long history of supporting civil rights internationally. Many black leaders in the United States received a great deal of support from the USSR. Most notable was Paul Robeson, but there were many others, including Angela Davis.


Article 36 of the USSR Constitution (p. 38) reads (Citizens of the USSR of different races and nationalities have equal rights.


Exercise of these rights is insured by a policy of all round development and drawing together of all the nations and nationalities of the USSR, by educating citizens in the spirit of Soviet patriotism and Soviet internationalism, and by the possibility to use their native language in the languages of other peoples of the USSR.


Any direct or indirect limitation of the rights of citizens or other establishment of direct or indirect privileges on grounds of race or nationality, or any advocacy of racial or national exclusiveness, hostility or contempt, are punishable by law.”


There is no longer a USSR to stand up for and advocate for the rights of African-Americans in the United States. It is up to the people of the United States to take on this role and demand that our citizens not be brutalized by the vicious, paid, stooges of the bourgeoisie. Until working people fight for political power, the brutality will continue and expand.


Wake up, people of the United States! What Gus Hall used to call a “whiff of fascism” has expanded into a stench of fascism. A unified movement of working people can turn this around!

| December 2, 2014 | 7:57 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, National | Comments closed

by A. Shaw

“What I think really happened is about 64 percent of the American people rejected the two-party system,” Bernie Sanders, US senator and possible presidential candidate, said recently on Comedy Central’s “Colbert Report.”

When Bernie says 64% of the people rejected the two-party system in the 2014 mid-term elections, what does this mean?
It means only one-third of the people accepts this system that 64% rejects. It means the reactionary and swine-like third of the people — a minority of the people — now dominate the political arena. It means the political arena is now a pigsty.
What is this two-party system that Bernie mentions?
In a 1959 article Work In the Two-Party System, William Z. Foster said the two-party system is “two old bourgeois parties.”
Hence, the two-party system is nothing but bourgeois rule or bourgeois power over the people.
So, 64% of the people reject  bourgeois rule or power.
To win, Bernie has to show the people that he is not a gluttonous hog who solely and exclusively represents the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie even in the regime’s touted democratic form.
Two-thirds of the people are fed-up with those “two old bourgeois parties.”
Clearly, 64% will not pick a candidate solely on party label. To the 64%, the labels DP and GOP are worthless.
Most likely, 64% will pick despite the presence of worthless and rejected labels.
64% may look for the candidate that represents chiefly the working and middle classes, despite his or her odious label.
Bernie has a big head start over all of his rivals.