Category: Bernie Sanders
Chomsky on electing the President of an empire
| November 1, 2015 | 6:11 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed

Bernie Sanders Video on Jesse Jackson’s 1988 Presidential Campaign
| July 14, 2015 | 9:13 pm | Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed

I’m not sure where we’re going, but we’re going somewhere for sure
| June 28, 2015 | 9:31 pm | Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed

Response to “What is fascism?”

By James Thompson

I wrote the article “What is fascism?” in 2010 in an effort to clarify the concept of “fascism.” It occurs to me that this is an appropriate time to revisit the article and update it.

We have been through a remarkable period following the election of the first African-American President of the United States, Barack Obama. Following his election, some on the left called it a “sea change” and a “qualitative change” in the political direction of this country. Nothing could have been further from the truth.

Although it must be conceded that several important issues have been resolved in a favorable direction, the political movement in the USA over the last seven years has been mostly backward. Many of us are happy that US- Cuba relations appear to be improving and that the Cuban 5 were returned home. Many of us are happy that same-sex marriage is now permissible. Many of us are happy that marijuana is now legal in some states. Many of us are happy that more people have health insurance.

However, it appears that the nation has taken two steps forward and three steps backward. Although US-Cuba relations appear to be improving, the US government is spending massive amounts of US taxpayer money to destabilize the Cuban government. Although more people have health insurance, the quality of their health coverage is generally poor. Universal health coverage is not being discussed.

One rallying cry of the Obama campaign in 2008, The Employee Free Choice Act, was immediately taken off the table as soon as Obama assumed office. The union movement in the USA continues to crumble and deteriorate.

However, the most frightening development under Obama has been the continuation of the development of an openly terroristic government highly influenced by finance capital. As the US government terrorizes the world by bombing, the use of drones, the use of US military troops in foreign countries, it terrorizes its own people at home. Recently, it has become the new normal for African-Americans to be beaten, shot and otherwise murdered by the most visible agents of the state, the local police. It has become the new normal for immigrant workers to be detained and deported. Openly fascist politicians, through the emergence of the Tea Party, are being elected to political office and this is part of the new normal.

Almost all US politicians, left and right, demonize Russia and fully support the fascist regime installed by the US government in the Ukraine through a coup d’ etat. No one blinks an eye at the fact that NATO is now surrounding the Western border of Russia. No one addresses the fact that the Obama administration is spending vast amounts of taxpayer money to terrorize the people of Russia, the people of the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and China.

Some on the left opine that fascism cannot develop if there is no credible threat from the left. For this reason, they argue “It can’t happen here.” However, as Don Sloan argued some years ago “It can happen here, it is happening here, it has happened here.”

One must consider what is a “credible threat from the left.”

People in the US tend to believe that the world revolves around the USA. They bray about “American exceptionalism.” They fail to recognize that there is a credible threat from the left around the world, in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia and elsewhere. As the left grows in these regions of the world, imperialism morphs more and more into fascism.

In the US today, there is a political struggle developing between two Democratic Party candidates for president. It is important to have a clear understanding of the political spectrum in the USA today. If all politicians in the US were subjected to an ideological examination, none could be characterized as legitimate left. The CPUSA is morally and ideologically bankrupt, irrelevant, defunct and dead. Traditionally, CPs around the world have been characterized as the “legitimate left.” No such entity exists in the USA today. Although no one in the CPUSA has been recently persecuted, the CPUSA is not a viable political party and has virtually no influence on the political direction of the country.

The political struggle between the two Democratic Party candidates is a struggle between a far right candidate, Hillary Clinton, and a center left candidate, Bernie Sanders. The GOP candidates all occupy an extreme right or ultra right political space. They would make Barry Goldwater blush. In fact, Clinton might make Mr. Goldwater blush.

In the struggle for the primary elections, it is clear that if Bernie Sanders loses, the country will take a sharp right turn politically.

It is unlikely that in a rational world, anyone would argue that Bernie Sanders represents a credible threat from the left. However, the political ideology of the USA has shifted so far to the right (with the able assistance of President Obama) that Sanders might be considered “left.” There have been some reports that panic is developing in the Clinton campaign, and that panic could prove to be contagious. Clinton’s Wall Street backers may soon be quivering and quaking in response to a candidate who calls himself a “socialist” (even though he is not a socialist), calls for a tax on billionaires and speaks openly about “income inequality.”

We all should know by now that campaign promises are not the same as public policy. However, is it better to support a candidate with reactionary campaign promises or a candidate with somewhat progressive campaign promises? People of conscience and people on the left in the United States have a choice in front of them. Should they support a candidate who is somewhat progressive or should they sit on their hands and let the reactionaries win the day? Will people on the left continue to abstain from politics or will they wake up to the real threat coming from the openly fascist elements of the political spectrum? Will they continue to monkey with their phones and send out tweets about their individual escapades or will they struggle for progress? Will they recognize that the terroristic policies of the US government threaten the survival of all living things on the earth or will they continue to chant “It can’t happen here?”

| June 18, 2015 | 9:12 pm | Bernie Sanders, political struggle | Comments closed
By A. Shaw
Around 1848, two of the world’s greatest revolutionaries — Marx and Engels — wrote in the Communist Manifesto
“In all these battles, it [the bourgeoisie] sees itself compelled to appeal to the proletariat, to ask for help, and thus, to drag it into the political arena. The bourgeoisie itself, therefore, supplies the proletariat with its own elements of political and general education, in other words, it furnishes the proletariat with weapons for fighting the bourgeoisie,”  the Manifesto says.
Let’s be specific about these “elements of political and general education.”
Let’s be specific about these “weapons.”?
(1) What are these elements and weapons?
(2) Where are they?
(3) Do they work?
As for the question (3): Do they work?
Well, the Tea Party and its predecessors over the last two decades armed several hundred thousand reactionaries, lunatics, and crackpots with these weapons. Today, this political force or mass movement or electoral apparatus is a powerful force in the class struggle of the bourgeoisie against the working class and against the rest of the masses.
So, it seems these elements and weapons work.
As for the question (2), Where are they?
Everywhere in the USA — bookstores, Ebay, libraries, etc. An excellent source are bookstores operated by GOP county organizations. The county organizations of the DP are usually worthless. These elements and weapons are often found in campaign manuals or books on how to win elections.. Obviously, the readers or students of campaign manuals should as soon as possible supplement their reading and studies with experience in actual campaigns.
The Bernie Sanders’ campaign, still in its early stages, is a splendid resource to supplement one’s self-training.
Lenin, the great Russian revolutionary, says “It takes years to train oneself to be a professional revolutionary.”
To be sure, the Koch brothers, the degenerate U.S. billionaires, say “It takes years to train oneself to be a professional reactionary.”
One highly recommended text is Ronald Faucheux’s Winning Elections: Political Campaign Management.
So, it seems the elements and weapons are everywhere, largely abandoned and ignored, especially by liberals and leftists who prefer to dine on and to digest the foul-looking and foul-smelling bullshit of their failed leaders and idols.
As for the question (1): What are these elements and weapons?
The elements and weapons that farsighted Marx and Engeld saw in the middle of the 19th century are merely fields of electoral specialization in which a liberal or leftist can train oneself to be professional or a professional amateur or professional nincompoop.
Among others, these fields of electoral specialization include planning and budgeting, fundraising, targeting, voter contact, free media, paid media, candidate activity and development, opposition research, volunteers, GOTV, anti-voter fraud, etc.
The Tea Party has trained hundreds of thousands of its supporters to be real good or even professional in these fields or in the use of these weapons. These highly trained and experienced reactionaries easily prevail over liberal and especially leftist nincompoops.
Generally, well trained reactionaries are “professionals” based on their level of political skill, not their dependence on their political skills as the only or a major source of income. But increasingly,  these “professionals” trained by Tea Bags are getting multi-million dollar fees for a few months work.
Cuban revolutionaries are training and providing opportunities for self-training for Latin American and Caribbean revolutionaries. The implied precondition of being a revolutionary is a serious obstacle to the participation of US liberals and leftists in these Cuban political programs.
So, it seems that weapons are merely  electoral skills.
Obviously, if a state is not a democracy, the immediate task of the working class is not winning non-existent elections. The immediate task is then the introduction of democracy or, better still, to win the battle for democracy as Marx and Engels said in the Communist Manifesto. By winning the battle for democracy, Marx and Engels did not mean, like many US liberals and leftists, winning the battle for the bourgeois democracy, Marx and Engels meant the battle for a proletarian democracy, a state in which workers chiefly and democratically exercise state power and in which the workers  chiefly and democratically exercise power for the working class.
The weapons that seem most available to the liberal and revolutionary sectors of the working class are volunteers and free media.
The two can creatively be forged into one. Creativity and audacity are exactly what the forging demands.
Traditionally, this is how volunteers were addressed by the campaign.
Hey volunteer,
Do you know how to knock on doors?
Do you know how to use a telephone?
Do  you know how to lick a stamp?
Do you know where to buy a bucket of KFC chicken?
Volunteers today should learn to respond something like this.
Hey asshole,
I’m here to learn what you do if you do anything in this campaign.
I’ll do my share of the doors, telephones, stamps and chicken,
but I’m here to get some fucking weapons, not to fuck around with assholes.
Bernie himself says this campaign is not about Bernie Sanders.
If it’s not about Bernie, then for sure, it’s not about your ass.
Remember this, I’m not going to take any shit from you.
In other words, the weapons are not JUST for the leaders and big wheels of the campaign.
Mass movement becomes politically independent only when the mass, among others, possesses  weapons because the armed mass, which knows what the leaders know, does not depend on leaders who may be controlled by the political police, chiefly the FBI and G-2 units of the military.
A mass with weapons identifies, exposes, and isolates corrupt leaders whose treachery can cause a mass movement without weapons to collapse.
A mass with weapons is too solid to collapse.
With over 200,000 volunteers signed-in, the campaign may want to establish or at least assist in the establishment of a network of two hundred or three hundred volunteer-operated websites called something like LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS FOR BERNIE (ST. LOUIS) and LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS FOR BERNIE (NYC) and LIBERALS AND SOCIALISTS FOR BERNIE (Chicago), so on and so forth.
The national network of “volunteer-operated” and volunteer-financed websites lifts the participating volunteers above doors, telephones, stamps, and chicken.
But the proposed operation modifies the concept of free media.
Before Obama 2008, free media meant coverage in the mainstream of the bourgeois media for which the campaign wasn’t charged.
Obama 2008 added something new to the concept of free media. 2008 introduced a campaign owned and operated media providing self coverage of the campaign to the masses.
When Obama won in 2008, the sellout president-elect promptly dismantled his electoral apparatus. Obama, of course, knew he would sell out during his first term. So, the electoral apparatus may have been used against him in his 2012 re-election. So, he dismantled the thing as quickly and as completely as possible.
Obama is a sellout and an Uncle Tom, but he’s not a fool.
2008 required a lot of creativity and audacity in regard to free media, but now 2008 is just history.
2016 demands fresh creativity and audacity.
Now, in 2015, what we find is evolving concepts of volunteer and free media forging into one.
Obviously, there are potential complications.
With weapons.
Traitor vs. Patriot

Traitor vs. patriot


By James Thompson


Much has been made in the right wing, bourgeois media, about who is a traitor and who is a patriot in the United States today. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and other bourgeois cheerleaders connect the dots by declaring that communists/socialists are traitors and the right wing fringe of the GOP are patriots.


Before we examine this proposition, it is important to clarify the definition of the terms.


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a traitor as:


“a person who is not loyal to his or her own country, friends, etc. : a person who betrays a country or group of people by helping or supporting an enemy”


The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a patriot as:


“a person who loves and strongly supports or fights for his or her country”


The bourgeois media sidesteps these definitions when identifying traitors or patriots. They also failed to clarify who constitutes a “country.”


When examining these concepts, it is important to keep in mind that a “country” is composed of its residents. In the United States, the populace is composed of very diverse groups who have different interests. There are many ethnic groups in the United States to include Anglos, African-Americans, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans and many others. People also belong to various socio-economic strata to include bourgeois and proletarians, in other words owners of the means of production and workers. Another way to put it is wealthy and poor.


Some people have drawn attention to the fact that the 1% owns the vast majority of the wealth in the United States and the rest is divided among the 99%. Many people have pointed to the vast inequality in personal wealth in the United States.


When examining the concepts of traitor and patriot, it is important to keep in mind which socio-economic sector of the population to which the individual is loyal. It is also important to consider the policies advocated by the individual in question and how these policies apply to the interests of the various sectors of the population.


For example, Sen. Ted Cruz, who just announced his candidacy for the position of President of the United States, has taken very strong positions from the starting line. He has made clear that he favors shutting down the US government, especially the IRS. He has also taken an uncompromising anti-immigrant stance, even though he, himself, is an immigrant. Ted Cruz was born in Canada.


Let us examine Sen. Cruz in terms of the traitor/patriot dialectic.


What would it mean to the people of the United States if the federal government was shut down? It would mean that all social programs to include Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans Affairs, Federal Bureau of prisons, Federal Aviation Administration to include air traffic controllers, federal highway programs, public health service, the military, Bureau of Indian affairs, to nothing for the executive branch of the government, legislative branch and judiciary. Also, the border patrol would be shut down. This element of his policies is particularly contradictory. In other words, Sen. Cruz advocates chaos. It should be remembered that the IRS is the agency that provides the funding which makes it possible for this country to function as a sovereign nation.


Most working people with any understanding of the functioning of the United States easily understand that the eradication of the federal government would result in extraordinary hardship for workers and their families. Meanwhile, the people in the 1% would benefit tremendously from the eradication of the federal government. It would mean lower taxes and lower labor costs. For the working class, the eradication of the federal government would mean lower wages and lower social benefit programs. In other words, only the wealthy would be able to afford education for their children, only the wealthy would be able to afford healthcare, the criminal justice system would be reduced and travel would become very difficult or impossible if one was not extremely wealthy. Discrimination against immigrants also benefits the 1% because both immigrant and citizen workers can be manipulated to accept lower wages


So, Sen. Cruz’ positions would clearly define him as a patriot to the 1% and a traitor to the 99%.


Conversely, for example, Sen. Bernie Sanders who advocates an expansion of social programs and a reduction in the inequality of income could be considered a traitor to the 1% and a patriot to the 99%.


In the coming elections, it will be important for people to ask themselves the question “Which side are you on?” and vote accordingly.

Save Social Security
| March 15, 2015 | 7:19 pm | Bernie Sanders, political struggle, Social Security | Comments closed

Response to “Sanders Moves Into Top Tier Of The Chase”
| February 26, 2015 | 8:12 pm | Analysis, Bernie Sanders, National, political struggle | Comments closed
By A. Shaw
So, Sanders replaces O’Malley in the fourth slot, according to US News & World Reports.
Last May, O’Malley was fourth and Sanders tenth. Today it’s almost the exact reverse. But silly people still say O’Malley is more “viable” than Sanders.
Although Sanders has only 5%, he is “Clinton’s leading rival,”  according to US News & World Reports
Warren with 7% isn’t running. Biden with 15% is a clown or a buffoon who will hold on to his 15 points only as long as he makes people laugh. So, that leaves only Clinton with 48 points and Sanders with 5% in the top tier.
Momentum is building and it is with Sanders.
Sanders tactics are ” paying off with a portion of the hard left,”   according to US News & World Reports.
It’s interesting that Sanders doesn’t have all of the hard left, just a “portion” of it. What is the other portion doing? Evidently, the soft left is still begging Warren to run. But Warren doesn’t want to run.