U.S. Friends of the Soviet People
P. O. Box 140434
Staten Island, NY 10314-0434 us.soviet.people@gmail.com , http://usfriendsofthesovietpeople.org

Contact: Dr. Angelo D’Angelo
(718) 979-6563


Events in Ukraine recall the spread of fascism in Europe before and during World War II. The same Nazi collaborators known as the Svoboda Party and the Right Sector in the Ukraine, the followers of Stephen Bandera, leader of the Ukrainian fascists in WW II, have now removed a democratically elected government through the use of “the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of finance capital” which is the classic definition of fascism. The players in this crime are the usual suspects, the United States and the European Union.

Since the fascist coup d’état in Kiev, wholesale violence against working people has increased. The U.S. appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatseniuk, has said that mass protests against his regime are crimes against the state, and many anti-fascist activists are in Kiev jails. Despite his continued bellicose rhetoric, the masses of the Ukraine’s largest cities continue to protest against the fascist Kiev government. The people remember all too well attempts by Bandera and his followers to “ethnically cleanse” the Ukraine for the Nazis in WW II of Russians, Jews, Poles, and other groups. All of the Ukraine was liberated from Nazism by the Soviet Red Army at a cost of millions of lives. Now the USA and EU find themselves on the same side, helping to accomplish what the Nazis and Ukrainian fascists failed to do the first time.

We in the USFSP unwaveringly stand in solidarity with the struggling anti-fascist working class of Ukraine, who are calling for referenda on determining their regions’ future status, establishing People’s Republics, organizing armed self-defense people’s militia, and passionately requesting material assistance, by any means necessary, from all progressive forces. Many people are raising red flags reminiscent of their Socialist Soviet republics. We call on the United States and its economic partners to withdraw their support from the followers of Svoboda, Right Sector, and other fascist organizations. We support the right of the Ukrainian people to self-determination, for democratic rights including respect for cultural and national differences, and to live free from the terror of fascist tyranny.