Category: class struggle
Reply to IWPCHI
| May 6, 2017 | 3:43 pm | About the CPUSA, class struggle, France, political struggle | Comments closed

By James Thompson

We received this comment in response to the article we posted:

We found the link to this article from your Twitter feed and followed it in the hope that the CPUSA – and/or your French comrades – might have something interesting to say about the French elections. We were not surprised to be disappointed. This is a worthless “analysis” piece taken word-for-word from the bourgeois press; it hides the truth about these candidates, portraying them as if they did not represent any of the contending classes in a capitalist society but were existing in some magical metaphysical plane “above” or “beyond” “mere” class analysis. If we wanted to know what the bourgeoisie thought about the French elections we could just read Le Temps or Paris Match. Have the “Communist Party” Stalinists given up even pretending to be Marxist dialecticians these days?

There are revolutionary socialist workers parties in France, are there not? What are their critiques of Macron, Le Pen and all the other shameless servants of the hideous French bourgeoisie? That would be interesting to read; this is not even good bourgeois press analysis.

Workers of the World, Unite! Return to the Revolutionary Road of Lenin and Trotsky! Long Live the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917!

Independent Workers Party of Chicago.

We appreciate all comments in response to the articles we post, but reserve the duty to respond.

We were not surprised to be disappointed with the splitting tactics of self serving Trots. We understand that that is what Trots do to disrupt any progress of the working class.

First, we are not affiliated in any way with the CPUSA. They expelled us when we questioned their unquestioning allegiance to the Democratic Party.

Second, we will be happy to post any analysis from French Communists when we find it. This article was posted in Telesur, which is a beacon of truth in the struggle to continue to revolutionary government of Venezuela. We posted it because we found it interesting. It merely delineates the positions of the two candidates in the runoff election in France. Maybe we missed something, but we did not notice that there are any Trots in the runoff. We do not endorse any articles we post from other sources, but offer them for educational and informational purposes to the working class in its struggle to attain political power.

Of course, political struggle is anathema to counterrevolutionary Trots who seek to split and divide the working class into an infinitesimal number of splinter organizations. When the working class is divided, the bourgeoisie will continue to prevail.

If you do not have knowledge of your enemies, you cannot fight them effectively and instead must cling to hollow, meaningless slogan tributes to the villainous traitor to the revolutionary process, Trotsky.

History has proven that Trotsky worked as a German agent in the effort to sabotage the Soviet Union. His palatial home in Mexico City proves he was on the bourgeois payroll.

We recognize that the Soviet Union was an outstanding experiment in socialism, but it failed due to the sell out to the bourgeoisie led by Gorbachev. Trotsky’s machinations and those of his pathetic followers contributed to the surrender of the USSR.

We reject the characterization of our website as Stalinist, but realize that that it is merely Trots at play using any lie they can conjure up to split the working class.

It is not necessary to respond to the Trotskyite gibberish which reveals their lack of knowledge of the class struggle.

| April 30, 2017 | 3:50 pm | class struggle, Imperialism, PAME, Russia, Syria, Ukraine | Comments closed

Sunday, April 30, 2017

With the workers of all countries, for a world without exploitation, wars, and refugees.
This 1st of May we are in the eye of the imperialist storm. The outbreaks of armed conflicts are spreading through from Ukraine to the Black Sea, the Balkans, the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa.
Powerful forces are involved in the competitions, such as the United States, the EU, Russia with the active participations of the governments of our countries in for the control of oil, natural gas, the roads of energy transfer, markets, in the interest of the monopoly groups.
The war in Syria, which has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and turned millions of others into refugees, is the result of intra-imperialist competitions, a multiform imperialist intervention. It shows how capitalism, which increases the wealth for a “handful” of exploiters, at the same time, it creates crisis, social problems, war, refugees, with devastating consequences for millions of workers.
The imperialists divide the world with the blood of the people; they create nationalist rivalries among the peoples.
The Balkans have experienced the bloody and destructive dissolution of countries by imperialist war, the change of borders.
NATO army and fleet spread over from the Baltic to the Balkans, the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean, defending the interests of this “alliance of wolves”, the interests of its monopolies in the area against their competitors.
The all-out attack which condemns the working classes in every country in unemployment, poverty and misery, is the one side of the coin of class policy.
The other side is the unfair imperialist war, which they wage in the interests of large monopoly groups.
Faced with the possibility of a widespread military conflict in our region, we build a wall of protection for the working class of our countries, for our people, in joint action and solidarity between the peoples and with the Trade Unions in the first line of this fight.
We fight for all of our rights, demanding the satisfaction of the contemporary needs of working-class families. We are fighting against exploitation and against our exploiters.
This fight is inextricably connected with the fight against any participation of our countries in the war prepared by our exploiters with their power, their governments and their alliances with USA – NATO – EU, against the workers in other countries.
The bourgeoisie promotes their class interest for profits as “national interest” both in times of “peace” and war.
We will not bleed for their profits; we will not become meat in their cannons.
There is nothing to divide among the working classes of other countries, among other people. On the contrary, we are united by the common interest of fighting for a life without riches and poverty, without bosses, this is the life that belongs to us.
That is why we are fighting for:
  • No involvement in the imperialist interventions and wars outside the borders. No involvement in the slaughterhouses of NATO and the EU.
  • Closure of all foreign military bases. NATO Out from the Aegean Sea and the Balkans.
  • No involvement in any capitalist political-military alliance.
  • Against the change of borders and the change of treaties that guarantee them.
  • Against the abolition of trade unions rights and other freedoms.
  • We say no to war expenditure for military action outside the borders, we demand funding to satisfy the needs of the working class, of workers’ families.
  • Against nationalism, racism, chauvinism.
  • Solidarity with refugees, migrants, solidarity to all people.
We Do Not Stand Behind The Foreign And Hostile To Us Flag Of The Capitalists And Their Allies. We Raise The Flag Of The Interests Of The Working Class.
We Are Fighting Against The Unjust Wars, To Eliminate What Causes Them.
Solidarity Is The Weapon Of Peoples.
Currently signed by:
PAME- Greece
Nakliyat Is – Turkey
Sosyal Is – Turkey
Birlesik Metal Is – Turkey
Autonomous Trade Union of Employees in Agriculture, Food, Tobacco Industry – Serbia 
SLOGA – Serbia
GFTU –Syria
WUCP – Palestine
Left Bloc – Austria
Cyprus – KTOEOS
USB – Italy
SGB – Italy
Party of Communists, USA: Statement of the PCUSA Peace and Solidarity Commission on Global War

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Party of Communists, USA: Statement of the PCUSA Peace and Solidarity Commission on Global War
Statement of the PCUSA Peace and Solidarity Commission on Global War.
US imperialist aggression and military preparations throughout the world are solely menacing an imminent outbreak of WWIII. All its desperate confrontational maneuvers in every embroiled theatre, whether through a growing number of European states to threaten the Russian Federation, or in Syria, Iraq or Yemen, on the Korean Peninsula or in the South China Sea threatening China, are toward that unified (rationally unthinkable) strategic objective.
US provocative actions globally are one in purpose; they are not at all comprehensible as interventions in separate conflicts. US disturbance in other countries is posed conjunction with its major front, NATO, through US inspired neo-Nazi movements in several European countries (notably the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, and Romania); with its highly reactionary regional vassal states in Middle East (Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the Persian Gulf principalities), with its subordinates in Asia (Japan, South Korea, and Australia); by its promotion of civil unrest in Latin America (prominently in Venezuela at the moment); and by its rapidly increasing militarization of the Artic in conjunction with its servant Canada.
US military and political involvement raising protracted regional tensions has instigated violent crises in several countries in both hemispheres, whether by wars of indirect or direct aggression or subterfuge. Intervention is simply an empty pretext: it is not predicated on independent or pre-existing civil conflicts in other countries or propagandistically imagined threats to the peace of the world by other states. Neo-Nazi movements in Europe would not exist without US organization and funding for previously suppressed and dispersed criminal elements in those societies. There is no civil war in Syria, inherently a stable, secular society and republic, not divided ethnically or religiously. The war there is one of indirect aggression on the part of the US since 2011 through brutally barbaric foreign mercenary terrorists, not Syrian rebels, from over 80 countries, ostensibly seeking to impose a theocratic autocracy but serving as a purely invented rationale for intended US-Saudi-Turkish partition of Syria. Indirect aggression and the pursuit of pretext for intervention leads of false flag operations, such as the sarin gas attack in Syria in 2013 and the currently alleged sarin gas attack in that country, when the known supplies for sarin gas to US-backed terrorist elements in Syria is coming from NATO through Turkey. The struggle in Yemen is not one of an Iran allied Houthi minority posing a threat against a US ally, the Absolute Monarchy of Saudi Arabia, but the opposite: a national resistance struggle of all popular democratic forces in Yemen against US-Saudi imperialist aggression. Oppositional elements in Venezuela are being directly organized and funded by the US, which would otherwise have no power to disturb the political order of that popular Bolivarian state. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, seeking only to defend itself from constant US threats for its destruction throughout its existence after an artificially US imposed partition empowering Japanese collaborationists among Korean capitalists and landlords against the unified Korean anti-imperialist resistance, is being demonized absurdly as if a representing a threat of global aggression. All conflicts threatening the peace of the world today have been instigated or contrived by US imperialism, which are being resisted at national levels by popular and progressive forces in the different forms confronted.
The political style of US aggression, whether conducted at the sole initiative of the presidency or with the consent of the Congress (by either declarations of war or authorizations for the use of force), is not the issue: US imperialist designs now threatening WWIII are. The constitutional question is a serious misdirection of the US peace movement. From 1812, the Congress of the United States has overwhelming supported all US wars, whether apparently defensive or aggressive. The US Congress today is fully behind all current US wars of indirect aggression and of military strike build-up throughout the world. Formal declarations of war or stronger resolutions of authorization will only give the appearance of popular support for continued and intensified aggression that does not exist and provide a pretext for treating opposition as treasonous, as is already occurring within the government under the anti-Russia hysteria generated during and since the 2016 US presidential elections.
What needs urgently to be done as a first step to stop US imperialist aggression in the world is the illegalization by the General Assembly of the United Nations of all wars of indirect aggression, as the Soviet representative to the League of Nations, Maxim Litvinov, appealed for prior to WWII but failed to achieve, and of any moves outside the UN framework to disarm other states. The Peace and Solidarity Commission of the Party of Communists, USA, calls on all domestic peace and anti-imperialist organizations to support the illegalization in international law of wars of indirect aggression and to support universal disarmament by negotiations under multilateral treaties (the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in particular), and the illegalization of any show of force by one state to compel other states to disarm.
Tyrant Trump Romps: Rest of the World Aghast at Unprecedented US Brutality
| April 14, 2017 | 7:26 pm | Afghanistan, class struggle, Donald Trump, DPRK, political struggle, Syria | Comments closed

Tyrant Trump Romps: Rest of the World Aghast at Unprecedented US Brutality

by James Thompson

The bourgeois tyrant Trump has already distinguished himself in his brief period in the Oval Office as one of the most notorious tyrants in US history. Barely 3 months in office and he is already responding to imagined threats to the USA with deadly bombs. A few days after a deadly chemical attack, tyrant Trump unleashed 59 Tomahawk missiles on a Syrian Air Force Base without any substantial evidence that this Air Force Base perpetrated the chemical attack.

The Syrian government and the Russian government have denied that the Syrian government was responsible for the chemical attack. One must ask what could be the benefit of launching a chemical attack on its own citizens if the government of Syria denies that they were responsible for the attack.

We must remember that the Syrian army was making advances on the terrorists in Syria prior to the attack. President Assad, hated by the US bourgeois media, categorically denied his government’s involvement in the criminal chemical attack.

Who benefited from the chemical attack? Undoubtedly, tyrant Trump, his cronies and the massive munitions industry in the USA, benefited from the deadly, brutal, unprovoked chemical attack on innocent people in Syria.

Without a thorough, unbiased, scientific investigation of the chemical attack, tyrant Trump launched a brutal attack on a Syrian Air Force Base known to heroically fight the criminal puppets of the USA known commonly as ISIS. 59 tomahawk missiles at a cost of $1 million per missile were launched and a great deal of concrete was demolished. Syrians were terrorized as well as many other people in the Middle East.

Not even a week later tyrant Trump authorized a MOAB drop on Afghanistan. The US MOAB is the closest conventional weapon to a nuclear weapon to date. When dropped, it sucks up all the oxygen and sets the air on fire, resulting in the death of all humans in the area. This drop resulted in the deaths of an insignificant number of ISIS members according to the US bourgeois media. The MOAB cost $16 million.

Meanwhile, tyrant Trump has dispatched an unknown number of U.S. Navy attack vessels to the Korean Peninsula to show the socialist country who is boss. North Korea has an unknown number of nuclear weapons. They have not threatened the mainland of the USA. They have loudly stated that they are a sovereign nation and are entitled to defend themselves against US aggression.

Tyrant Trump is effectively seeking to ignite the world on fire through his brutal and provocative action. No one knows where Trump’s reckless behavior will lead.

We do know that there is no overwhelming opposition from the working class in the USA against USA military intervention in either Syria or North Korea. Will Trump continue to romp or will the world working class rise up to oppose the brutality of the bourgeoisie against the working class as led by tyrant Trump?


The split in the US oligarchy about Russia and its significance
| April 10, 2017 | 8:39 pm | Analysis, class struggle, Donald Trump, Imperialism, political struggle, Russia, Syria | Comments closed

by Darrell Rankin

The split in the US oligarchy about Russia and its
Lenin commented that nothing is firm or fixed about
imperialists’ views on war or the right level of
He also wrote that imperialism would continue to slide
increasingly towards reaction and militarism, an inevitable outcome of
capitalism’s ever-deepening general crisis.
If we consider that war is merely a continuation of foreign
policy by other (violent) means, this helps to explain the hesitation and lack
of conviction often felt by bourgeois politicians when they believe war could
For example, Hitler and his entourage were not of one mind when
to invade Russia. They all thought it was a great idea, but they differed on the
timing to a degree, their disputes kept out of the public eye by means of
threats and backstabbing.
Today, the ferocity of anti-Russian views in the US oligarchy
is such that Trump’s hand is being forced, but not to the degree Clinton wants.
Trump may have thought that an extra $50 billion for the military
industry was enough for his back to be safe from pointy objects for a while.
But it appears not.
The casualties on the Trump side continue to mount from ongoing
investigations into Russia’s role in defeating Clinton and general control of
the Trump administration.
Clinton, who timed her emergence from seclusion perfectly,
demanded completely to obliterate the Syrian air
Trump carried out a so-called “proportionate” strike that
damaged (not destroyed) six Syrian aircraft.
The Trump entourage’s conflict with the faction that wants war
now with Russia (the Clinton Dems and McCain Reps) is sure to Continue.
This a significant split. There are two important reasons why
it is important.
First, we have to recognize that Clinton’s intention to impose
a no-fly zone over Syria would have brought Russian forces into direct,
unannounced conflict with US forces.
There are reports that Trump gave Russia (and thereby Syria) a
heads-up phone call before launching yesterday’s cruise missile strikes.
One understandable casualty of Trump’s missile attack is the
US-Russian exchange of information about US flights over Syrian airspace.
Now, all US flights will be deemed hostile, intrusive and
Unapproved, just like Israeli overflights.
Will US overflights be subject to the same ‘shoot on sight’
rule as Israeli jets? I would say that depends on the target and level of
aggression by US imperialism, which will probably get worse, especially if Trump
continues to prove he dislikes being called a coward, baby-killer and traitor by
the pro-war faction.
Both Syria and Russia could and should realize that restraint
can still help avoid war in the absence of an overflight
Still, the danger of war between Russia and the U.S. is higher
because of the ferocity of the pro-war faction.
That intensifying conflict brings me to my second point, the
Importance of what happens ‘on the streets,’ among the popular forces in the
United States who are regularly ignored over Trifling matters such as a world
Trump’s definite restraint compared to the pro-war faction
gives the popular forces in the US time – a breathing space – to mobilize
against war with Russia, a war that would be directed as much against them as
against Russia and the international working class.
They could offer the idea that it is not cowardly to ask for
evidence and follow diplomacy to resolve disputes.
It is necessary and extremely important that the anti-war
sentiments be galvanized and moved into action on the streets.
A powerful and definitely strong clique of the oligarchy
believes war with Russia is necessary and an exceedingly good idea.
We cannot dismiss the importance of popular movements –
especially unions – working to deepen the split in the oligarchy on that
The strongest united front effort would be one that does not
hide the role of unions and popular forces, emphasizing their leading role in
staying the hand of the most bellicose elements of US
Immoral Outrage Against The Syrians
By A. Shaw
Aircraft of US imperialists recently attacked the Iraq city of Mosul, slaughtering over 200 people.
So far, the imperialists have not identified the type of bombs and missiles they drop on Mosul.
There is no doubt that US imperialists are responsible for the mass murder in Mosul.
The shameless US imperialists themselves admit they are guilty.
Why is it that there is so little moral outrage against the US atrocity in Mosul.
There is something like a limited coalescence of immoral outrage of the reactionary, centrist, and liberal sectors of the working and middle classes in the USA over the recent chemical attack in Syria in which 100 people were killed, many of the victims were children.
There’s no evidence that either the Russian or Syrian governments are guilty of the chemical attack.
The cappie [capitalist] press in the USA publishes the lies of self-professed terrorists, who enjoy cutting peoples heads off, as if these lies are irreproachable and incontrovertible.
The cappie media and the reactionary bourgeois regime in Washington  have unjustly accused the Russians and Syrians.
The USAs — or the US people — should not become as two-face as the cappie media and bourgeois regime over the USAs.
Periodically, some of the insane, terrorist groups fighting the Syrian Government stage chemical attacks killing children in order to drag US imperialists deeper into the war against the Syrian people.
Everyone Seems Astounded That the Trump Administration Has Derailed

What could go wrong if you put the fox inside the chicken house?

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24

By James Thompson

The MSM seems to be beside itself and is twittering and blasting out its astonishment that something has gone wrong in the White House since Donald Trump has assumed the throne. People are talking treason and/or impeachment of this president who was elected by a minority of the voters in the US democracy.

How could this be? What could the voters be thinking of?

People in the US have been dumbed down for many years now. They have been trained by a massive brainwashing campaign carried out by the government on behalf of the bourgeoisie which it serves.

Most people in the US believe that Karl Marx, V. I. Lenin, Frederick Engels, Joseph Stalin and communists in general are villains. However, Marxists have some important lessons to teach. Communists have a long history of fighting for the interests of working people.

For those that listen, Marx taught us that capitalism can only be sustained by theft of the value produced by the workers’ labor. Marx taught us that capitalism is theft and capitalists are thieves.

Nevertheless, the US people persist in their uncritical worship of wealthy people. It is generally believed that wealthy people are superior to working people. They believe that the wealthy have mysteriously earned their income. Few people seem to understand that wealthy people gain their wealth the old-fashioned way, they steal it.

Now, if people will just open their eyes, they will see Donald Trump on the throne, and he has no clothes on. In other words, his ignorance has been projected out for all the world to see. His history of exploiting people to increase his own wealth is visible to all. His disregard for other humans is obvious. He is the same man that bragged that if he shot someone on Fifth Avenue, people would still support him. He is the same man that talked of grabbing women in inappropriate ways just because he could.

People are astounded that Trump may have been mixed up with Russian mobsters and bankers. They are astounded that the healthcare act he proposed was obvious thievery from working people to further enrich the wealthiest people in the country. Perhaps working people will finally get it that wealthy people will always steal working people blind if given the opportunity. Maybe working people will decide that it is time to fight for their own interests instead of licking the boots of the capitalists.