Category: Action
WFTU Supports World Day in Solidarity with Venezuela
| April 2, 2015 | 8:16 pm | Action, Imperialism, International, political struggle, Venezuela, WFTU | Comments closed

The World Federation of Trade Unions -WFTU-, international organization representing 90 million unionized workers in 126 countries worldwide and represented to the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations (UN), UNESCO and FAO, closely committed to the advancement of the peoplses in search of the society they deserve, since the very beginning has been in solidarity with the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela against imperialist interference.

Throughout the 70 years of its existence, the WFTU has expressed solidarity with the struggles of the Venezuelan people and the peoples of Latin America against political and military interference of imperialism. We repeat our rejection to the Executive Order issued by the President of the United States against the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in which aggressive and absurd way, this country qualifies as a “threat to US national security.”

Today, we reaffirm our solidarity and support for the Venezuelan people and their democratically elected government. The WFTU supports the initiative of Venezuelan and international mass organizations for an International Day of World Solidarity with Venezuela on 19 April 2015. The international solidarity will launch a clear, forceful and immediate message that Venezuela is not alone in defending its sovereignty, peace and democratic gains, but is accompanied by all the class oriented , anti-imperialist, democratic, popular and revolutionary forces of the world.

In the context of practical solidarity with the people of Venezuela and the world’s peoples against imperialist maneuvers, the FSM has already called International Trade Union Conference in Brussels – Belgium this June 1-2, 2015, themed “The embargoes, blockades and sanctions of the US, NATO and the EU are a blow to the rights of workers” who will discuss the response of the workers of the world to the maneuvers of imperialism.

The FSM, consistent with one of its principles; full respect for the sovereignty and self-determination of all peoples to decide for themselves about their present and future demands to end now the imperialist interference against Venezuela.

5mn Venezuelans sign petition against US aggression & interference
| March 30, 2015 | 9:32 pm | Action, political struggle, Venezuela | Comments closed


Published time: March 30, 2015 23:32
Reuters/Miraflores Palace

Reuters/Miraflores Palace

Rejecting what they see as interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs, over five million people across the country have signed a petition demanding that the US president repeals his executive order that declared Caracas an extraordinary security threat.

“We have collected more than 5 million signatures and we want to call on the Venezuelan people to keep on going to reach 10 million,” Jorge Rodriguez, mayor of Caracas and coordinator of the initiative told Venezolana de Television.

For the past week plazas, government offices and buildings opened their doors seeking to collect some 10 million signatures against Washington’s policy towards the Latin American country.

“Our intention is to deliver the collected signatures to the President of the United States, Barack Obama, as clear evidence that the people of Venezuela reject the crude interference in our internal affairs,” Rodriguez added.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, who has set a goal of collecting at least 10 million signatures – about a third of the country’s total population – ahead of the Summit of the Americas taking place April 10-11 in Panama, also called on people to continue their support.

“Let us continue supporting the fatherland. Signatures are being collected at public squares and door-to-door. We have reached 5 million and we will collect 10 million,” Maduro said on Twitter.

Earlier this month, Obama issued an executive order to impose further sanctions against Venezuela and declared the country an “unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security.” The sanctions target seven individuals accused by Washington of alleged human rights violations and “public corruption.”

In response, the Venezuelan lawmakers granted Maduro a right to rule by decree till the end of the year to defend the country’s integrity and sovereignty against “imperialist threats” from the US government.

Maduro’s crusade against US interference in his country’s affairs has received wide support across the Latin American region. The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, joined the campaign launched by the Venezuelan government and signed a petition which said that “Venezuela is not a threat.”

“This is not about being for or against a government, it is to ensure respect for international law,” Correa said last week. “We are collecting million signatures to tell Obama that’s enough, Latin America has already changed.”

Obama, Repeal the Executive Order!
| March 26, 2015 | 9:41 pm | Action, Imperialism, International, political struggle, Venezuela | Comments closed

Please sign one of these petitions:

Obama, Repeal the Executive Order (English)


Obama, Deroga el Decreto Ya (Espanol)


Three million signatures demand repeal of Obama’s decree
| March 26, 2015 | 9:25 pm | Action, Imperialism, International, political struggle, Venezuela | Comments closed

Caracas, 25 Mar. AVN.- Three million signatures have already been collected since last Thursday, as part of the campaign Venezuela is not a threat, but a hope, to demand the repeal of the decree issued by the United States government, which termed the Venezuelan nation “an extraordinary and unusual threat.”

In his weekly program In Touch with Maduro, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro welcomed the strong mobilization of the Venezuelan people across the country to collect signatures, as it shows the consciousness of the people.

“Venezuela is not a threat to the people of the United States, we are a land of peace, this is the biggest threat that Venezuela has received in its history,” the president said from the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas.

In addition, the head of state thanked the members of the revolutionary bloc before the National Assembly (AN), who approved an agreement in support of the campaign to demand the repeal of US Decree.

The agreement, proposed by socialist lawmaker Blanca Eekhout, was approved in ordinary session by the revolutionary bench and with the dissenting vote of parliamentarians from the coalition of opposition parties MUD, who refused to sign the document in defense of national sovereignty.

In this regard, the Head of State said that opposition deputies of the National Assembly (AN) are in favor of imperial interests as never before, as evidenced by their refusal to endorse the agreement.

“I feel ashamed for opposition deputies because only three of them signed, the parliamentary fraction of Primero Justicia party left the National Assembly, but they did sign the decree of Carmona (which eliminated all public authorities in April 2002), their gaze expressed hatred because they are the fifth column of peace in Venezuela,” he said.

Furthermore, the first lady, Cilia Flores signed her name for peace in Venezuela, demanding the repeal of the executive order issued by President Barack Obama.

It is expected that 10 million signatures are collected before the 7th Summit of the Americas, scheduled for 10 and 11 April in Panama, to be handed over to President Obama.

AVN 25/03/2015 14:43
Venezuela Launches Int’l Campaign against US ‘Threat’ Claims
| March 26, 2015 | 7:57 pm | Action, International, political struggle, Venezuela | Comments closed–20150318-0028.html

  • Caracas Mayor Jorge Rodriguez announced that he will support the campaign.

    Caracas Mayor Jorge Rodriguez announced that he will support the campaign. | Photo: AVN

Published 18 March 2015

With the phrase “Obama, Venezuela is not a threat!,” civil society will help put pressure on the White House.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Wednesday the beginning of an international campaign to gather signatures to reject the U.S. executive order labelling Venezuela a national security threat.

Venezuela has already received widespread backing from governments in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With the phrase “Obama, Venezuela is not a threat!” the campaign aims to gather millions of signatures, both within Venezuela and worldwide, to pressure the U.S. president into repealing the executive order.

“Venezuela, a peace-loving nation, calls on the U.S. government to fulfill its international obligations regarding the respect for a country’s self-determination and the right of its people to freely choose their own path,” reads the statement people are being asked to sign.

The petition, which can be signed here, calls for “President Barack Obama to repeal the Executive Order against Venezuela and normalize diplomatic relations with the legitimately elected government of President Nicolás Maduro and reaffirm the principles of mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of countries.”

Maduro said people in every city will get involved in the campaign, with collection posts to gather signatures set up nationwide.

The online version seeks to collect as many signatures as possible internationally in support the Venezuelan people.

No to US interference in Venezuela
| March 26, 2015 | 7:45 pm | Action, Imperialism, political struggle, Venezuela | Comments closed

Please sign this petition:

The Good Soldier – Lunch and Talk
| March 24, 2015 | 10:04 pm | Action | Comments closed

Sun., March 29 in Winnipeg: The Good Soldier – Lunch and Talk

Dear Friends,

This may be your last chance to see Joshua Key in person, since the Canadian government is taking steps to deport U.S. military veterans who have spoken out against (and refused to commit) war crimes to lengthy terms in U.S. military prisons. In Joshua’s case, he may be sentenced to decades in a U.S. military prison.

Sunday, March 29, 2:00 pm
The Bulman Centre, University of Winnipeg

Tickets are $25; a late lunch will be served
Children under 12 are free
The funds are badly needed. Please buy a ‘solidarity ticket’ or more if you cannot attend!

Please purchase tickets at:
– Bison Books (cash or cheque), 424 Graham Ave. (at Vaughn)
– Organic Planet (cash or cheque; surcharge for debit), 877 Westminster (at Evanson)
– North End Socialist Centre (cash or cheque), 387 Selkirk Ave. (at Salter) [phone to confirm office hours: 586-7824]
OR through this email:
We’d appreciate an RSVP by or on Friday. Thanks!

Please help by inviting your friends: Forward this email and invite and share this event page:

Hear some well-informed speakers about the campaign to win U.S. military veterans refuge in Canada:

Joshua Key, American veteran and outspoken war resister. Joshua came to Canada in 2005 after serving in the initial invasion of Iraq. He wrote about the atrocities he witnessed in “The Deserter’s Tale” (2007).
Michelle Robidoux, a founding member of the War Resisters Support Campaign.
Alyssa Manning, passionate immigration lawyer who represents U.S. war resisters in Canadian courts.
Dr. Amar Khoday, Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba

It is clear that the Conservative government is defying public opinion and international law.

Darrell Rankin