By A. Shaw
The basic principle of classical anarchism is do not engage in political struggle or, in other words, abstain from politics.
Neo-anarchism says if you must engage in political struggle, then, for God’s sake, you must campaign and vote for a  candidate or party that aims to lose.
Abstention from political struggle results in zero and support of a candidate who aims to lose results in zero.
The ancient law of identity says two different things that are identical to a third thing are identical to each other.
So, classical anarchism and neo-anarchism are identical to a third thing — namely, zero — so, classical anarchism and neo-anarchism are identical to each other.
The gist of classical anarchism is: If you can’t for some reason campaign and vote for a reactionary candidate, then, for God’s sake, don’t campaign and vote at all.
The gist of neo-anarchism is: If you can’t for some reason campaign and vote for a reactionary candidate, then, for God’s sake,  campaign and vote for somebody who aims to lose.
(1) Vote for the reactionary candidate and the result is reactionary 1 and revolutionary 0.
(2) Vote for the revolutionary candidate and the result is  reactionary 0 and revolutionary 1
(3) Vote for neither the reactionary nor revolutionary candidate and the result is reactionary 0 and revolutionary 0. This is a kind of nothingness or a zero.
(4) Vote for the candidate who aims to lose and the result is reactionary 0 and revolutionary 0, because losing is the ultimate nothingness or the ultimate zero.
So, the identity is between (3) and (4), above, or, in other words,  reactionary 0 and revolutionary 0 is the same thing as reactionary 0 and revolutionary 0.
Both classical anarchism and neo-anarchism see campaigning as a greater enemy or foe than voting.
The individual who votes results in only one vote under the rule of one person, one vote.
But the individual who knows how to campaign and who campaigns may result in only one or only one hundred votes or only one thousand votes, depending on his or her degree of skill and kind of skill in campaigning.
So, the campaigner is evil in the eyes of anarchists just as the anarchist is evil is the eyes of those who campaign.
The most extreme expression of anarchism is a dead dog anarchist. He or she is not only an anarchist, but he or she is also dead and a dog.
So, finally, the Left is not anarchism and should not be so identified.
The Left therefore is either A or B or C or anarchism. A or B or C or anarchism differs from anarchism.
Anarchism is by far the largest sector of bourgeois politics. There are more anarchists than all other political creatures combined.